Black- Chapter 3

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Asia's POV

~Three Months Later~

It'd been three whole months since I found out I was going to be having a baby, and I still hadn't told my dad. We told Eric a week later, more like he found out. I have to tell my dad soon because it's starting to become noticeable. My usual size 3/4 is now a 5/6. I'm also going to have to tell him I can no longer go to college.

I sighed as I got out of the shower. Today was the day that I was finally going to tell him. I quickly got dressed and opened my door to see Steven on the other side. He looked just as nervous as me.

Walking over to the couch, we waited for my dad and stepmom, who would be walking in at any minute. We didn't speak to each other, we just bathed in our silence. How could we? We were both scared. We'd only dated for a month before I got knocked up.

I can imagine it now. My dad's harsh words, "I told you so," like a slap to my face. Still, a small piece of me thought, maybe he'll be understanding. Maybe he'll be happy for me. Maybe, just maybe, for once, I wouldn't see anger, or disappointment, or disgust in his face when he looked at me.

My dad walked into the house, laughing until his eyes fixed on Steven and they turned murderous. Steven and I both stood, "Dad, we um, have some new to tell you," I stammered out, shifting from one leg to the other.

He just looked at me, waiting for me to finish, and I had to look away so I didn't have to see his face when the words left my mouth, "I'm pregnant."

I looked up and instead of seeing my dad's angry face, I saw an angry palm, coming straight for me. I felt the sting of his hand on my cheek before I heard it. He slapped the shit out of me and I fell onto the floor and balled up in the fetal position. I couldn't believe he would hit me, and I'm pregnant.

"Aye look man, I understand you mad, but you ain't have to hit her," Steven tried to defend me and then himself, "I'm gone be a man about mines, and take care of her and my baby, like a real man," he said and as soon as those last few words left his mouth, my dad's fist connected with his jaw, trying to punch the words back in.

Steven and my dad were going at it, well my dad was going at it, while Steven just tried to cover his face from the blows, and I couldn't take it. Jumping up from my position on the floor, I yelled, "Stop it! Get off of him! What the fuck is wrong with you?" I began pounding my fists in my dad's back, attempting to get him off of Steven.

Finally he stopped, only to turn around and push me into the wall instead. "Get the fuck out of my house!" He hollered. "You fucking whore! Don't ever come back here! Ya understand?"

He looked at me with disgust before walking off and heading to my room. I tried to stop him, but I couldn't do anything. He grabbed up all my things and tossed them outside in a garbage bag. I didn't have a choice.

I opened my mouth to say something, but no words would come out, so I grabbed Steven's hand and we left together. Once in the car, I started to cry uncontrollably, the tears wracking through my body. Steven just comforted me, holding me and rubbing my back affectionately until I finally calmed down.

"I wish my mom was here," I admitted, "She wouldn't have let that happen." I could only imagine my mom sticking up for me saying I wouldn't have anywhere else to go so I would have to stay.

I told Steven about what happened between my mom and my dad and how she really died. He's the only person who knows the real story, and not the lie my dad had me make up.

"It's okay baby, she looking down on you now, protecting you," he gave my body a gentle squeeze and I nodded in agreement. Of course she was watching over me.

I composed myself and sat back in my seat, attaching my seat belt as we drove to his house. Well our house now. I walked into the house and went straight to our room and fell into the bed. Why does life have to be so complicated?

Steven's POV

I rolled a blunt after Asia fell out on the bed. To say I was stressed would be an understatement. I was really going through it. I didn't know what I was going to do.

I loved Asia, I really did, it's not that I didn't want the baby, it was just that financially, I knew I wasn't ready. I didn't think I would be able to provide for all three of us.

I would just have to put in a little over time, working a few more hours. I sighed looking down at my Asia. I smiled hearing her soft snored fill the room. I laid my hands on her stomach talking to my unborn child.

"Don't worry baby. Daddy gonna make sure you and mommy alright. I'm gone support y'all alright?" I kissed her stomach before kissing her lips. I truly loved her.

Sighing again, I got up to go to work and ask for some over time.

It was six thirty in the morning when I made it back home from work. I had made three grand and spent six bills on a bunch of baby stuff for Asia, and put the rest in the back.

Silently, I crept into the room, hoping I didn't wake Asia, and climbed into the bed pulling her body into mine and drifting off to sleep.

That's pretty much how the rest of September went, only difference is now Asia takes an online class. It sucked, but we were still handling things the best we could.

We never had time for each other though. By the time I would make it home, she would already be worn out and asleep.

I was pulling a lot more bank now, because instead of just selling drugs, I had started robbing some traps, and everything was looking great financially. I had already saved up nine hundred grand and was about to hit a million.

I was with my niggas, and we were about to bust up in some huge trap. I lit up a blunt real quick before cocking my gun back and pulling down my mask. When it was almost time, I threw my blunt down and me and some other guys began to get out of our cars and head into the trap house.

Something didn't feel right. I didn't know what it was but something in my gut was telling me that something was about to go wrong. I ignored my gut and kicked the door in, my guys swarming into the place, guns ready.

We shot niggas, and grabbed any and everything stuffing it in the duffel bags; money drugs, everything. "Yo, we out!" I yelled after making sure we got as much as possible in the five minutes, and no witnesses left.

We all headed for the door, and ran out only to come face to face with bright ass lights. Red and blue. The whole place was surrounded by cops, guns pointed at us. We were busted.

"Drop the weapons and put your hands behind your heads!" he instructed everyone. I had half a mind to run, but when I looked to my left and right, I realized there was no getting out of it. If I ran, I knew for sure I'd be shot.

"Shit!" I yelled, bending down slowly and placing my gun on the ground, before standing back up slowly and turning my back toward them and placing my hands on the back of my head. This shit was really happening.

They snatched me up roughly, yanking the mask off of my face, after forcing my hands behind my back and cuffing me. I looked around at all the cops and squad cars, as one officer, Pitts, his name tag read, drug me to one of the cars and shoved me in.

"Aye, ma, chill the fuck out! You acting like a nigga resisting!" I shouted, yanking my arm out of his grip when he roughly pushed me into the car.

"Listen here, ya lil' shit! I live for putting dumb niggers like you in jail!" he spat and tried to spit on me but I quickly dodged it. Disrespectful nasty ass motha' fucka'. He climbed into the front seat and pulled off.

We finally made it to the station and they sat me down, in the interrogation room trying to get me to snitch, but I wasn't no bitch made nigga, I kept my mouth shut. If it was one thing I learned in the game, it was to never snitch.

After about twenty minutes of getting nowhere, just wasting my life, I finally asked if I could get my one phone call. I called the only person I knew would help me. I called my baby Asia.

-Excuse any and all mistakes nobodies perfect
-again I'll like to thank my lovely editor TaylorMiszUndastoodR if you haven't already she's an amazing author

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