Chapter 6

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Today is the day that Aleeyah was going to meet her daddy for the first time, and for some reason, I'm extremely nervous. For one, I have no idea what kind of reaction to expect from him after he sees my new body. 

For the last few weeks, I've been training and working out vigorously at the gym and taking pole dancing lessons. Also, I'm on a strict diet, which consists of only two salads a day, and drinking my whole body weight in water. 

The only people that know that I've been fired are obviously Lorraine and Brie. For one because they're my best friends, and two, it's pretty obvious that I wasn't there for three weeks. The thing is, they don't know that I've started stripping. They think I'm working at Barnes & Nobles. 

I'm also nervous, because today is John and I's date. I know, he said it was normal and he went on dates with all the strippers he hired, but I'm not an idiot, that lie made no sense at all, but I had to play along with it if I wanted the job. 

I combed Aleeyah's hair into a bunch of little ponytails, and put on her pink sweatsuit, since it was going to be cold outside. After feeding her and putting her to sleep, I get myself ready. I threw on some skin tight jeans and my cropped sweater. I bundled us up and headed to the bus station. 

Aleeyah and I waited five minutes tops at the table, until we saw Steven stroll out. The cut on his neck was healing pretty well, Steven was lucky that sick bastard only grazed his neck and didn't cut anything serious. 

"Hey baby," I greet, standing to give him a hug, and even in my timberland heels, he still towered over me. He bent down towards me and passionately kissed me. I missed him so much. 

Finally pulling away, I caught him staring at me, making me blush immediately. "What are you staring at?" I ask, looking away from him and tugging my shirt down some before looking back at him. 

"You, ma, you looking hella thick, and sexy," he said, his tongue swiping over his lips before biting into that thick juicy bottom lip. My panties grew wet just watching him do that, but I smiled through my lust induced state. 

"Thank you baby! Speaking of babies, guess who came today?" I said, smiling from ear to ear. Turning around, I woke up Aleeyah, and picked her up in my arms, before turning back to face a smiling Steven. "This is Aleeyah," I told him, and he had this big goofy ass grin on his face, which in turn only made me smile harder, especialy when he scooped her up into his own arms. 

Of course, my over emotional ass, started crying before pulling out my phone and taking pictures of the two, they were beyond adorable, and the tears just wouldn't stop. 

"What in the hell is you doin, ma?" Steven asked, causing Aleeyah to laugh, and making me cry more. "Aww, baby don't cry," he said, and I just shook my head and pressed my lips together, while the tears still flowed. 

"I know, it's just so hard not to," I began fanning my face, and looking up to try to reduce the tears even a little and a small laugh escaped my lips. I'm just too pitiful. I took a seat in the chair opposite Steven's. 

"Look mama, I know it's hard, on God, it's even harder for me, but I promise, everything will be okay. Okay baby? Just stay strong for me, ma," he said, looking at me sincerely, and I nodded my head, wiping away more tears. 

"So how you holding up in here?" I ask, my eyes glancing around the room, that sort of resembled a fraction of a middle school cafeteria. 

"Better now that y'all here," he said, ,playing with Aleeyah's hands and glancing at me every now and again. 

We speant the rest of visiting hours, laughing and talking. "Visiting hours are now over," the officer announced oer the P.A., making me sigh, befoe we both stood to out feet. 

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