Chapter 5- Struggles

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Three months later

I gathered up Aleeyah's medicine and prescriptions and put in my purse. Today she was leaving the hospital for good, and finally, she will get to see her daddy two weeks from now. Being that she was sick and just now recovered they didn't want her in a prison with a lot of germs.

Unlike her I was visiting Steven all this time. It's hard leaving the prison. To me, visiting hours were just a tease. It's like taking a kid to a candy store letting them pick there favorite candy and then telling them to put it back; It sucks.

I sighed as I grabbed her car seat and started my journey to the bus stop in the cold January weather. Welfare only cover food and medical insurance, and since all of Steven's money is all gone, I can't afford a car.

I took a seat at the bench in front of the bus stop and waited for what felt like forever. It always takes forever.

I climbed up 22 flights of stairs since the elevator was out. I always imagined that my life would've been a lot better than what it was. I thought I was going to become a doctor. Hell even a drug dealers wife, draped in Gucci and gold; Not a run down welfare recipient and single baby mama at the age of 17.

I put Aleeyah's carrier down to get my keys and as soon as I was about to put my key in the the key hole she started crying. I sighed and hurriedly unlocked the door and got her inside the apartment before the neighbors heard.

My landlord told me I could live here with Aleeyah if she didn't make too much noise since the tenants were old and if he got to many complaints they would evict me and I didn't need that right now. That was the dumbest shit to me. If a baby cries, she cries, and sometimes, I won't be able to stop it. She's just a child.

I picked her up and took her bottle out of the baby bag and fed it to her. Once she fell asleep I laid her down and sat at the table which had bills scattered all over it. I hadn't paid any bill since two months ago. I couldn't keep up with the bills with only my skimpy ass McDonald's salary. It was either pay the rent or the electricity bill. I just picked them all up and threw em in a box. I do not have time for this.

I got in the shower and just cried. I cried because of the way my life turned out. I cried because I felt like I failed my mother, she would be ashamed of me right now. I cried because I felt like I've failed both myself and Steven. I cried because I felt like I was beginning to fail my baby girl.

I cut off the water so I could save some for tomorrow. Yes, it was that bad. I had to take ten minute showers just so that I could save some hot water. I laid on the mattress that rested on the floor with Aleeyah and fell asleep.

I was waken up by Aleeyah's cries again. I went to the kitchen to get yet another bottle for her and her medicine. After she took that I washed her and myself up and got the both of us ready to got to the train stations so I could go to work and drop Aleeyah at her uncles house. Eric and I had already made babysitting agreements prior to Aleeyah being released.

I knocked on Eric's door impatiently, if I didn't hurry up I'd be late again. My boss already told me that if I was late I would be fired, and lord knows I don't need that right now.

After about 3 minutes he finally opened the door, I handed him the carrier and her baby bag. "I'm sorry I really have to go before I'm late," I said as I gave her kiss on her chubby cheek.

"You want me to drop you off? I mean, by the time you catch the bus and stuff you'll be late," he suggested. I nodded my head and smiled.

"Thanks Eric, it means a lot."

The car ride was pretty silent besides the occasional small talk. I hopped out the car with only 4 minutes to spare. "Thanks again, Eric."

"No problem Asia. Anytime," and with that being said, he pulled off. Walking in and going straight to the back like usual, I clocked in and changed into my work outfit.

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