Chapter 4

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Asia's POV

It was a little after six in the morning and I sat up in bed studying, or at least trying to. Steven still hadn't made it back, though he said he would be here at five, and to say I was worried would have been an understatement.

Closing my book, I began pacing, wishing Steven would at least call or something to let me know he was okay. Pacing is something I do when I get nervous and I was definitely that.

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts, I didn't even hear the phone ringing at first, but it quickly snatched me from my crazy ideas, and I sprinted to the phone, and answered, "Hello?" I asked, my heart hammering.

"Hey baby, it's me," I felt relieved at Stevens voice.

"Where are you? You said you'd be back by five and I'm worried sick about you! You didn't even have the decency to call me!" I half yelled, letting out my frustrations. He should know to tell me something if he's not coming home in time.

"I'm in umm a situation," he admitted. "Baby, I need you to call my lawyer. I'm in jail. Ask Eric for the number," he explained and I was at a loss for words. Why would he be in jail? What did he do?

"What the fuck you mean, you in jail? Do you know I'm pregnant? Do you not know that all I have is a high school diploma? What job am I going to get? How are me and your baby going to survive? I never thought I'd say this, but my dad was right! You were no fucking good for me!" My heart broke as the words left my mouth, and tears streamed down my face. I should have just listened then I wouldn't have been in this situation.

"Look Asia, I'm sorry! Okay, I was trying to make some money so we, my family, could survive. Your dad was not right about me, so don't ever say that shit! Look, I don't have much time, just call Eric!" With that being said, he hung up, and I stood there dumbfounded, and in tears while the dial tone sounded in my ears.

I was stuck like that for a good ten minutes, before I finally broke from the trance to call Eric....

It was finally Steven's trial, and I had already found out about the money he saved for us. I was a box of nerves, as I took my shower and went to pick out my outfit, and it wasn't even my trial. I chose a simple black dress and straightened my hair.

I met up with Eric in the car and the entire ride, we sat in silence, my eyes glued outside as we passed all places that seemed to just be a big blur. What could we really say? All we could do was pray and hope he didn't get too many years.

We sat in the front and eagerly waited until they brought both the judge and Steven out. I thought my tears were all dried out, but as soon as I peered into Steven's eyes, tears streamed from mine.

I swear the past few months that Steven and I had been together flashed before my eyes, making even more tears stream. I couldn't look anymore, so my eyes found my hand that played with the zipper of my clutch. I waited until I knew he was seated with his back to me before I looked back up.

"I here now, sentence Steven Lewis, six years in a state prison, and one year off, since he was not read him memorandum rights with parole," his gravel hit the wooden block and sounded throughout the courtroom, finalizing his sentence, before he got up and walked out, like this was just a normal thing.

My mouth hung open. Five years? I watched as the officers went and flanked Steven's sides and walked him to the door and the whole time my eyes were locked onto his, his were locked onto mine.

Tears streamed down both of our faces, and they finally pushed him through the door and out of my sight, and I thought I would break down but I didn't. I just stared at the door, hoping by some miracle, he would come walking back through, and tell me everything would be okay and we could just live happily ever after. He never came back.

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