Chapter 7

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I looked away nervously from Eric and Lorriane who went to get plates for the pizza. I gathered Aleeyah's things and picked her up and put her in the carrier. "Your not gonna stay and have pizza Asia?' asked Lorriane.

I smiled, "Nah, I ate already plus I'm really tired" I said as I faked yawned. I really wanted to leave, the guilt seemed to amplify each time I looked at Eric, he resembled Steven so much to me it felt like I was lying to him. Plus looking at Eric made me miss Steven.

"Alright" Lorriane sighed slightly disappointed "I'll call you cab" she said putting the plates down to get the phone. "No need to call a cab and waste money, I'll drop her off, she dont leave that far anyway" suggested Eric. I mentally rolled my eyes, This nigga here. I nodded my head, I dont want them getting suspious. "yea thanks Eric" I said as a plastered a smile. I shifted Aleeyah's carrier in my hand, I headed towards the door as Eric and Lorriane said they're good-byes. They acting like he aint coming back. I shook my head trying to shake the jealous thought outta my head. I was only thinking that cause my ass was lonely.

"Be safe guys, call me tomorrow iight Asia" said Lorriane as she lead us out to Eric's car. "Iight, I gotchu girl" I leaned in to hug her, I put Aleeyah in the car and made sure she was buckled in. I hopped in the passenger side as Eric and Lorraine kissed each other good bye. I rolled my eyes and buckled up wishing it was Steven and I kissing each other. I felt my lips trying picture Steven's lips on mine but John kept popping up into my head. The guilt was starting to slowly pick away at me. I closed my eyes as Eric got into the car. "Wassup Asia,how you been" Eric said tryna start convo as he pulled away from Lorriane's house. "I've been alright, tryna maintain. How bout you?" I didnt really care to have convo with him but I sucked it up. "I've been hella happy, all cause of Lorriane" he said. I smiled "yea she's an amazing person"

"Yup. You visted Steven recently?" I sighed "Yea I seen him today acutally, the cut is healing pretty good" "Yea he told me about the situation, shit got me tight. Fuckin bastard nearly kilt my brother" he gripped the steering wheel tightly as he said each word. I nodded my head in the dark car, I turned my head looking out the window watching the lights pass us by. " You miss him huh" asked Eric. I wiped the tears that rolled down my cheek involuntarily. "So much, I try so hard to be strong and keep it in ya know, but I just feel so lost without him." I shook my head to stop the tears "but he only has 5 years" I said trying to convince myself that it wasnt a long time but it was. "I know its tough, espically on you, and I know its not the same but for the time Steven is away I will try my hardest to play some form of a father figure to my niece" I closed my eyes Your right it's not the same I thought but I just said "Thank You"

He pulled up to curb of my apartment building. "Thanks Eric" I said as I hopped out the front to get Leeyah. He waited till me and Leeyah made it inside before he left. I sighed as I saw the elevator was out again, I turned and headed towards the steps. I dug in my purse to reach for my keys when I saw a pink paper on my door. It read Eviction Notice. "FUCK!!" I yelled, Can I ever catch a break. I opened my door as I ripped the notice down. How they only give me 48 hours unless I pay ALL the backed bills to leave. I sighed in fustration as I put Leeyah on the matress Thank God you start work tomorrow. I took off our clothes and laid next to my baby.

I woke up at 5 to get ready for work. Even though I dont perform until 11 pm I had alot to get done. I got dressed and showered me and Leeyah. I walked to the bus so I can drop Leeyah off at Lorriane's, I didnt have enough cab fare today.

It was 8 by the time I was infornt of Lorriane's house. I'm not going to lie I was slighty jealous of how Lorriane mangned to get her own condo, but that was only motivation for me. I knocked on the door as I checked the time. I had only 4 hours for me to get my costume for tonights performance and be to work ready to serve drinks. Finally Lorriane opened the door, and you can tell that she got the D. Her hair was all wild, she had hickeys on her neck and she only sported a robe. "Someone got the D huh?" I laughed.

"Hell Yea bitch, that nigga wore my ass out he was like the damn energizer bunny, I had to damn near take the dick out myself for his ass to stop" she laughed. The smell of pancakes being made caused my stomach to growl. "Damn, your pussy that good" I laughed "you got that nigga cookin YOU breakfast, you must've poppin that shit" She laughed along with me as she took Leeyah from me "Get yo nasty, sex deprived ass to work before you late" I laughed "iight bye girl take care of my baby" She nodded and closed the door as I started my journey back to the bus. Just as I was about to sit down at the bus stop the bus came.

I walked in to the club on time, I hurriedly clocked in and put on my waitress outfit, which was a black bikini that barely covered my breast. I sighed and served the slighlty empty club since it was early. I sighed this serving shit was actually pretty boring. I thought I was gonna be nervous about performing but I was pretty calm. At around 9 the club finally began to fill. I was starting to get nervous, I went to the bar to order a drink to calm my nerves. "Can I get a shot of henny please Jazzy" Jazzy was the bartender I met when I first came here. "no problem baby girl, and you'll do just fine" I smiled and nodded my head as I gulped my Henny down and went to the dressing room. I sat down in my chair and began straightning my hair. "Hey do any of you guys have anymore liquid eyeliner mine ran out?" asked this pretty asian, I nodded my head and handed her mine "thanks,my name is Kyle but they call me Asian Persuasion" "My name is Asia and I dont have a stage name yet" I laughed.

"Oh your the new girl. You mad pretty but I'm sure John will give you one" I nodded my head and continued to do my hair. It was 10:30 by the time I was finshed. I had on at white high waisted thong and a white sheer bikini top. As I was putting on my 10 in heels Kyle tapped me on my shoulder. "John wants to see you" I nodded and strutted to his office. As walked to his office I walked past one of the strippers dancing on stage to Partiton. She was amazing, I twisted my hands as I came face to face with John's door. I knocked softly and waited. The door opened and I was escorted in by a sercuity guard.

He smiled "please sit Asia, You look nice by the way" I smiled and sat. "okay" he said "Imma get straight to the point I'm here to give you, your stage name. I've decided on Diamond Miami" I nodded my head. "okay that'll be all" I stood and left. That was pretty awkward. I went back stage only 10 more minutes I thought.

"We have a special surprise for yall tonight, We have a new stripper!" The crowd clapped and yelled as the dj talked. "The beautiful Diamond Miami!!!" the crowd cheered as Dance by Speaker Knockerz began to play. I strutted out to the stage. Once I hit the stage I began doing my routine, I was nervous ass hell but once the crowd started cheering I relaxed, I followed the lyrics and started twerking. I climbed up the pole and dropped down. I started clapping my ass cheeks. I dropped to knees as I took my bra off. I felt the money that was being thrown. I turned and started shaking my ass faster, I got up and started swinging and doing tricks on the pole before I knew it the song was over and there was money all over the stage. The crowd was going crazy. "YOO SHE KILLED! YALL GIVE UP TO DIAMOND MIAMI" I smiled and began picking up my money. I went to the lockers and began counting my money, I made over $1000. I smiled as I put my money away. I went to the bathroom where I ran into John.

He smiled down at me. "You were amazing baby girl" I blushed, "thank you, You saw my performance?." He nodded. "Hell Yea, wouldnt miss it for the world,hey come with me to my office real quick" I nodded my head and followed him. Once he closed the door he began kissing me really hard. I was in slight shock but I came to my senses to and began kissing him back. He lifted my up and sat me down on his desk, never breaking the kiss. He moved from my lips to my neck making me moan in pleasure. He untied my bra and started sucking on one of my breast. I threw my head back in ecstasy, I grew wetter each second. "John" I moaned, he moved down to my stomach placing kisses everywhere he started to take off my thong, I was about to tell him to stop when he kissed me again. I tapped his shoulder signaling him to stop, but he didnt he kept kissing me, I started to get scared, he kissed my neck again making me moan,"John, stop" I pushed him off of me and began putting my bra back on. "whats wrong,ma" I shook my head as the guilt came back. " I cant do this" He shook his head and sighed "Why didnt you tell me this before I began" I looked at my hands, "look John, Im sorry for leading you on but I kinda have a boyfriend." He nodded "and he let you become a stripper?' I sighed "not exaclty, He's in jail"

"Mhmm, look I'm sorry Asia" I nodded "Its not your fault you didnt know,Is it okay if I leave early I gotta pick up my daughter" He nodded. As I got down off the desk I couldnt help but look down at he raging hard on. Damn he packin. I shook my head at my thought and left.

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