Chapter 2

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Connie had got through lunch with Sam. In fact, she had actually quite enjoyed it. It was nice to see a smile on Grace's face again and she had had time to relax a little before the trial.

She had offered to give Sam a lift to the courthouse, knowing that he didn't have a car of his own there. He had happily accepted and had taken it upon himself to put Grace's wheelchair in the boot after having helped her into the back seat.

On the way there, Connie's mind was going into overdrive. She had had her whole speech prepared weeks in advance and all of a sudden her mind had gone blank. It was unlike her to get nervous in situations like these but the fact was this wasn't like anything she had ever experienced before. She hadn't had any training in this field and the fact that what she said could potentially be the difference between Steph getting sent down or getting released was overwhelming.

Just for a second, she let herself think of Jacob. Would he be there? They hadn't really spoken to each other since the break up and she hadn't thought to ask him if he would be there. If she were him, she probably wouldn't have bothered but she knew him and she knew that he would most likely want to be there - for Grace if nothing else.

There had never been any doubt in Jacob's mind, he was always going to go to the trial to support his girls - even if they weren't his anymore. Just because he wasn't with Connie anymore didn't mean that he couldn't go and show his support. And besides, he wanted to see Steph sent down just as much as they did. Just because he didn't physically suffer doesn't mean he didn't suffer.

She deserved to be put behind bars for what she had done and Connie and Grace deserved justice.

He knew that going there was the right thing for him but he just hoped that Connie wouldn't mind him being there after everything that had happened.

He paced up and down the corridors, not knowing what to do for the best. He didn't want to cause an argument, especially not before the trial but then again, he wanted to show Connie that he was there for her, no matter what.

He decided he was just going to go outside and greet her as usual, just like he did at work. That would be alright, he thought. And besides, maybe she'd need help with Grace.

He headed outside and watched as she pulled up in front of the building in her new Range Rover. He was about to head over to her but he stopped in his tracks when he saw Sam get out, laughing and joking with Grace.

As he watched the three of them cross the car park together, he realised how good they looked, how well they all fit together.

He decided to stay in the background for the rest of the day, hoping Connie wouldn't notice him.

Connie looked around for Jacob when they arrived and to her surprise, she couldn't find him. A part of her was slightly disappointed that he wasn't there but she decided to ignore it. She must have misjudged him. She had thought he would want to be there on a day as important as that one but she knew deep down that she couldn't blame him. After all, he had no reason to be there.

So this chapter was shorter than the others but if I carried on, it would end up being too long so I had to cut it in half somewhere.
Once again, I hope you enjoyed it and that want to carry on reading.
Hopefully the next couple of chapters should be up tomorrow.

Thanks again x

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