Chapter 18

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After having taken them home, Jacob had been to collect some things from his house and had headed back to theirs. Connie had agreed to let him stay in the guest room for a couple of nights because Grace apparently didn't feel safe in the house anymore without him after what had happened.

Connie might have believed her if it wasn't for the fact she knew how much Grace wanted her and Jacob to get back together. Grace was too much like Connie, when she set her mind to something, she wasn't going to give up easily. It was the fact that they were so similar that gave her away. Connie knew Grace was up to something.

Still, she didn't say anything. She pretended to be oblivious to her daughter's plans. If she was honest, she wasn't too bothered about letting Jacob stay for a while. He was a good cook.

Jacob had taken Grace to school the next morning and Connie had taken the day off work to clean the house. It looked as though a bomb had hit it. Jacob had already planned to take the day off to give her a hand and to fix the bathroom door. The front door had come unhinged but it only took him a minute to put it back on properly.

After taking a look at the bathroom door, he decided that it would be easier and probably cheaper to just buy a new one. The old one had a hole through it and the wood was all broken. Although Connie didn't enjoy riding in his car, she decided to go to the shop with him and pick up her own car from the garage on the way back. Two birds, one stone.

While they were at the DIY shop, Connie spotted some paint that she liked. Grace had been wanting her bedroom redecorating for quite some time now. Her current wallpaper still had fairies on it and she felt she had outgrown it. Connie didn't know when her next day off would be so she decided to make the most of it.

It would be a nice surprise for Grace to come home to and God knows she deserved it after everything she had been through in the past year. Connie picked up the paint and some other things she decided she'd need.

After picking up her car and heading home, Connie made a start on Grace's room while Jacob put his DIY skills to the test and fitted the new door.

A good ten minutes later, after having sorted the door out, Jacob made his way over to Grace's room. "I know you can probably do it on your own," he said, causing Connie to jump a little. She turned round to see him standing in the doorway. "But Grace will be home in a few hours and I don't have anything better to do."

Connie considered it for a second and stepped down from the ladder, throwing a paintbrush at him. "You can do that wall." Jacob smirked and got to work. After having painted half the wall, Jacob turned around to look at what Connie was doing. He stood watching her for a second, he watched every movement she made as she brushed up and down the wall.

How was it that Connie Beauchamp was good at everything? She looked so natural painting the walls, it was as though she'd been doing it her whole life. She wasn't wearing her usual 'boss lady' clothes either. She was dressed in casual jeans and a jumper. Her hair was tied back into a messy bun. Although he wouldn't tell her, that was his favourite look on her. The woman in front of him was the Connie only he knew. She wasn't the big medical director when she was at home with him, she was just Connie. He liked that. He liked the fact that she could let her guard down around him and be herself.

He stood there for a moment longer, biting his lip as he watched her before she turned round and caught him looking. She gave him her best unimpressed look and raised an eyebrow. "You're meant to be painting that wall."

"I am," he said, turning his back to her. "I just got a bit hot, that's all." It was true, he was a bit warm but it was also a good excuse to get him out of having to explain why he was stood watching her. He took his black t-shirt off and dropped it to the floor next to him before dipping his paintbrush in the paint can and getting on with his job.

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