Chapter 5

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As much as Connie pretended that she was alright, Grace knew that she wasn't. And she knew why. She was acting the same way she always did after she'd broken up with Jacob. She was miserable, lonely.

Connie would say things like 'it's nice isn't, having the house to ourselves again?' or 'it will be nice to spend some quality time together again, just me and you.'

Grace didn't doubt that she meant it, but she knew that deep down she was only saying those things to try and convince herself that she didn't still love Jacob. She knew that she was only young and that Connie didn't expect her to understand, but she knew that being a few years older wouldn't make her understand any better than she already did.

It wasn't complicated. Connie missed Jacob. And as a matter of fact, so did she.

Connie had woken up that morning feeling the same way she had felt for a week; cold and empty. It annoyed her that she couldn't seem to get Jacob out of her head. After all, it was sort of her decision to end their relationship.

She couldn't stand to be around him so she didn't know why she was feeling the way she was. She just couldn't understand it. Seeing him at work made her angry, seeing his things still lying around the house got on her nerves, she couldn't even stand the way he greeted her on a morning. Just everything about him at the moment annoyed her which is why she couldn't understand why on earth she missed him so much.

Looking over at her alarm, her eyes still half closed, she realised it was time to get up for work. She reluctantly got out of bed, put her slippers on and headed downstairs to make herself a strong coffee.

She poured her steaming coffee and had a sip of it before making Grace a bowl of cereal. After helping Grace downstairs for her breakfast and finishing her drink, she headed back up to her room to get ready for the day.

Before long she was ready to leave.

"Right, I'm going now," she said, picking up her keys before kissing Grace on top of her head. "The nurse will be round to check on you later and if you need anything, Jacob-" she cut herself off. "No forget that," she said, wishing she hadn't said anything. "If you need anything, just call me."

Grace nodded and smiled.

"Alright sweetheart?" Connie said, giving her a warm smile as she left the house.

Later that day, after her nurse had been to visit her, she was just about to turn on the tv when her phone wrang. She recognised the number straight away and almost didn't answer but she was slightly intrigued.

Grace picked the phone up and put it to her ear without saying a word.

"Grace," the voice said at the end of the line, "are you there? It's Carmel."

Grace decided answering her phone was a mistake. It's not that she didn't like Carmel but she hadn't seen or heard from her since the crash and hearing her voice just brought it all back. Eventually, with time, she would most likely talk to her again but right then she just couldn't, it was still too soon.

"I'm sorry," Grace said innocently. "I- I can't talk to you."

"No, Grace please," the young girl begged. "There's something I need to tell you - it's important."

"I'm sorry," Grace said as she decided to end the call.

"You need to be care-"

Grace hung up on her. Nothing could have made her feel worse at that very moment. She looked down at her wrist where her 'best friend' bracelet used to sit and she couldn't help but feel guilty.

She sighed and slumped back against the sofa and stayed in that same position for a while, staring at the wall in front of her and biting her nails nervously.

As she sat there, she thought back to what Carmel had said. 'It's important.' What could she have meant by that? And had she dreamt it or was she trying to warn her about something? No, she highly doubted that. What could she possibly want to warn her about? She was probably just reading too much into things - she had a tendancy to do that. But still, there was something unsettling about the tone of her voice. It seemed a little shaky, did she sound worried?

After toying with her phone for a few more minutes, she decided to call her back. Just to put her mind at rest if nothing else.

She dialed the number but it immediately went to voice mail. She tried a second time but again, it didn't even ring.

An hour passed and no matter what she did, she couldn't get Carmel's voice out of her head. It had made her nervous.

Although she knew she was probably being silly, she decided that she had to tell someone about it. Even if they just laughed at her at least she would know that she was overreacting and that there was nothing to worry about.

She scrolled down her contacts list and hovered over her mum's number before choosing to call Jacob instead.

She knew that her mum was at work and she didn't want to bother her, especially with all the stress she was already under. No, she'd call Jacob. She knew he had the day off and it would be a good opportunity to catch up with him.

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Thank you!

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