Chapter 13

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Connie woke up the next day having decided to go to work with a clear head and forget about everything that was happening. As usual, she was boxing up her feelings and packing them away so that she didn't have to deal with them.

This was what she had always done, it was the only way she knew of that would allow her to function properly without completely breaking down. Her job required a high level of professionalism and she wasn't about to compromise that because of something Jacob could have completely misread.

She put her on heels, picked up her things and headed to work in the same way she always had, with her head held high.

It was as though all the feelings she had boxed up had been transfered to Jacob somehow and had turned him into a nervous wreck. He didn't know how Connie did it. How could she act so cool when there was a possibility of something serious happening to her or Grace? He couldn't understand her ability to act as though nothing was happening.

He had felt nervous leaving her the night before. His gut instinct was telling him that he was right and that Connie and Grace needed someone looking out for them. He just wished Connie would stop putting on a brave face for once and confide in him, tell him exactly how she felt because he knew, as soon as he'd seen her walk through the hospital doors that morning that she was keeping her real feelings hidden.

She had been strutting around the ED all morning as though everything was normal but he knew differently. He couldn't keep it to himself anymore and decided that it might be better to invlove the police despite Connie not thinking it necessary.

He had done all he could on his own but he couldn't help but feel that the case - if you could call it that - needed further investigation. All the evidence he had found pointed towards Steph and Peter Simms planning revenge on Connie and although he might have been completely wrong, he prefered to be safe rather than sorry.

"Penny for your thoughts." Jacob was quickly brought out of his trance by Charlie who had just made his way over to the nurses' station. He hadn't realised how long he'd been there contemplating. He turned to Charlie and offered him a smile but the older man was having none of it.

"That is the face of someone with a lot on their mind," Charlie said as he continued to work around Jacob. He looked in the direction Jacob had been looking for the past ten minutes and smiled to himself. "You should go talk to her-"

Jacob looked up at Charlie and frowned, slightly confused as to what Charlie was talking about. "Sorry?"

"Connie." He pointed in her direction in case he hadn't already made it clear enough for him. He did seem quite distracted after all. "That is what you were thinking about, isn't it?"

Jacob turned back to Connie for a second, considering telling Charlie about everything that had been happening. Everyone knew that if they had a problem, Charlie was the one to go to. He seemed to have the answer for everything.

"Actually Charlie, do you have a minute?" Charlie frowned and nodded, leading Jacob to the staff room. He didn't know what he was about to be told but the serious tone of Jacob's voice made him feel slightly uneasy.

A quarter of an hour had passed and Jacob couldn't help but feel relieved that he was finally able to talk about it to someone other than Connie.

"You should go to the police," Charlie decided after much consideration. He felt that if Connie or Grace were in any kind of danger, that was the best thing to do. Especially if she had recieved a threatening letter.

Jacob was glad he'd confided in Charlie. It had given him that little kick he needed to do the right thing. He was going to take the letter to the police and explain everything. He knew that Connie would probably kill him but he could handle it. If it meant he kept the two most important people in his life safe then it was worth it.

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