Chapter 4

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Connie had spent the rest of the day celebrating with Grace. Sam had left them to it, knowing that he would be able to spend the next day with Grace while Connie was at work.

Of course, Connie had taken her to their favourite pizza place, because where else would they go to celebrate? They both loved Alejandro's equaly as much and they had spent the day planning their next holiday together.

"Connie," Jacob said the next morning as he made his way over to her as she arrived on the ward. "Congratulations for yesterday," he smiled. He had wanted to congratulate her the day before but he hadn't had the opportunity.

She looked up at him and smiled. "Mmh, thank you," she said bluntly. She looked around for a second looking for an escape but she couldn't find anything. She really didn't feel like talking to him at that very moment but she decided she could manage a few words that had been on her mind for a while.

"I thought you'd have been there," she said, awkwardly swaying as she awaited his answer. She hadn't thought about it much the day before but now that she had had some time, she was quite mad at him for not having turned up. She didn't mind as much about herself but Grace had asked for him more than once and she'd have thought he would have made an appearence at least.

Jacob closed his eyes for a second and nodded. He should have known this was coming. Even if she had seen him the day before, she would have still found an excuse to be mad at him. No matter what he did and no matter how hard he tried to make the right decision, it seemed he could never please her.

"As a matter of fact-" he began before getting cut off by Connie.

"Is that Carmel Sims?" She asked, a hint of shock to her voice as she looked over her shoulder.

Jacob gritted his teeth, he had hoped to treat her and send her home before Connie noticed she was there.

He nodded. "She was brought in this morning by her neighbour," he paused, looking over at the little girl. "Looks like she's been self-harming again."

Connie closed her eyes and sighed. She couldn't deny that she felt sorry for her, after the way she had been abused by her mum, but she couldn't treat her. Not after what Steph had done. She didn't want anything more to do with their family. She had hoped that she had heard the last of them at the trial but it appeared not.

"Where's her father?" Connie asked. "Why couldn't he bring her in?"

"Well that's the thing, you see," he began, "the neighbour said he was away on business for a few days," he paused. "But he can't be, he was at court yesterday."

Connie looked at him, confused. "How would you know?"

"Because I-"

"Mrs. Beauchamp," Cal called, "you're needed in resus."

"Right, I'm on my way," she replied. "Just- just make sure she's alright," she told Jacob before rushing away.

Jacob pursed his lips together as he watched her walk away before heading over to Carmel's bed side.

After examining her, he treated her deep scratches on the side of her stomach before double checking that she didn't have any other medical problems. This time, apart from the self inflicted wounds, she seemed in good health.

"I'm sorry, I didn't get your name," Jacob said, turning to the man that had brought her in.

"Paul," he replied, "Paul Matthews."

"Well Paul, could you give me and Carmel a minute, please?" Jacob asked.

After a couple of seconds, Paul gave Carmel a warning glance before reluctantly leaving the room.

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