chapter 3

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(Izuru's pov)

as he was walking up the stairs, Izuru looked again inside youkohina's  personal files. for the most paret he had mixed feeling about her. at one point he felt happy about her accomplishments, another part of him wanted to feel sad for Yukohina's  issues in her past ,and another part of Izuru wanted to make the other people suffer for making Yukohina a outcast in the same world "This is exactly why she need to become our Ultimate hope because all of these boring people, these generic, worthless, unworthy people is trying to make her into someone like them. I can see inside her heart and see that she is suffering, the same way me and Komaeda suffered I can still remember all those times that Enoshima bitch thought she can control us but she couldn't and she tried to for some time back then, but failed until that despairing day

The day of our death


"Wow kamukura-kun this school looks fun," Nagito said as he and Izuru were touring SSEYW for a school trip to Baltimore for a couple of days and so far they had a good time. "This school is somewhat interesting but I wish that girls stop flirting withus we're just visiting , not transferring. "Well that's what we get for being irresistible, but why would those girls flirt with trash like me?" Izuru faceplamed himself with one hand and chopped nagito's hand with the other. "If I have told you once I've told you a million times you are not trash. "Ow ok I'll try to stop Kamukura-kun. You are a different kind of hope. " I'm glad that we met when we were kids . "me too Komaeda, me too" Izuru said. "well, well, well lookie what we have here." that familiar voice Nagito and Izuru knew too well was none other than Junko Enoshima herself.  Not only it was her, she had ended up controling the minds of her classmates with her analytical talent and charms. "FINALLY  AFTER TIME AND TIME AGIAN OF ATTEMPTED FAILS OF GETTING RID OF YOU TWO ULTIMATE IDIOTS I'VE FINALLY FOUND AWAY TO GET RID OF YOU.  "And what do you need our  classmates for Nagito asked. "Oh'you know  bringing despair on you. The only reason I couldn't take over hope's peak academy because of you two Izuru Kamukura and Nagito Komaeda. "Junko Bitchishima" Izuru started to say. There is a big difference between me and Komaeda and you. Every one looks up to us because we spread hope and you want to use every one in the academy as your slaves. "Upupupuh you're so right boys  I want to spread despair , but before I can do that  I need to kill you both. so with my army that's no problem. "Uhh.. Junko, what army?" Komeada asked trying not to smile pretending to be confused. Junko turned around and see many  unconscious  "ultimate despair " servants lying on the floor. "Enoshima ,Enoshima, Enoshima. Like I told you many times hope always defeat despair. "Kamukura I know you're responsible for this" Junko said. Izuru was behind  them looking  emotionless as usual,glaring  at her  ready to attack. "Oh Kamukura getting ready  to destroy little ole' me ? How despairing. "Junko Enoshima I've told you over and over again to leave me and Nagito alone. But you leave us no choice the only way to save every one is to kill you.
Komaeda had a gun pointed at Junko ready to  shoot the despair spawn. "Hahaha you really  think that  I would let you two assholes  kill me so easily?"  Junko was laughing hysterically  at Komaeda holding  the gun and Izuru  using Peko Pekoyama's katana. The boys readied themselves  for this was the day that Junko Enoshima the despair spawn of hell will be dead  forever.... or so they thought. Nagito shot the bullet at her but the gun ended up being jammed and Izuru ran towards Junko but ended up with Junko moving to the  side , making Izuru accidentally stab Komaeda and with that impact of a stab caused Komaeda to shoot Izuru  (I'm sorry i did this ) accidentally. Junko was laughing hysterically at the soon to be corpses . "Omg the despair it's too much." " And the last thing I remember was that me and Komaeda placing  that cursed vow on everyone"Izuru thought as he put the file back in to the drawer. "I'll make sure that yukohina Hironata is superior to all those pathetic fools who dare oppose her"kamukura smirked I must tell Nagito that our time may come sooner than we thought"and as that final thought Izuru disappeared into the darkness to make plans for their revenge.

A/N  I'm so sorry for taking so long I was dealing with school, family and health issues for about a month now and that will cause inspiration issues for me. So I'll try to update more often

Sayonara bye bye!

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