Chapter 5

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"Hey newbie"Yasuna said "You better watch where you going.I'M THE DAUGHTER OF JUNKO ENOSHIMA THE FASHION QUEEN, BITCH I WILL MAKE YOU LIFE A LIVING HELL". I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into you. I- Wait a minute you said your last name was Enoshima right"? "Yea fucking bitch and if you are asking about the icident that happened that my poor mother went through you won't get anything out of me. Yasuna kicked Yukohina hard that she was coughing up blood and blacking out Nagito and Izuru wanted to save Yukohina by killing Enoshima's demon spawn, but tried every thing in their power not to intervine due to the fact that they were afraid of traumatizing her.  After Yasuna left the boys went to an unconscious Hironata and put an amulet on her so she was the only one who can see and touch them. Izuru picked her up and took her into the locker room which was empty at the time and lay her down on the bench. Watching the sleeping girl, Komeada blushed as he saw her bruised or not she was still beautiful. "Don't worry my hope I'll protect you,Izuru will protect you. ... Those generic people will know about real hope and real despair I'll kill for you, I'll destroy for you.You are our ultimate hope."Komaeda thought as he promised in the name of hope that she'll be theirs forever. The girl woke up still seeing spots from the kick from the gayru "Jeez what a bitch,if i wasn't afraid of getting expelled on my first year of school,I would totally torture her ( yes she is a sadist and a bit of a. Masochist) " Yukohina said.  "I agree if you had your way the same way that Enoshima has with the school, she would be broken"a voice said. Yukohina turned around to see two males one was tall, pale tanned skin, long jet black hair,red eyes,and was wearing a business man suit and the other one had pale sickly skin (in a good way) ,tall, white hair, green-gray eyes,wearing a white shirt with an unknown symbol and a green jacket with a "55" on it.  "Umm hi .. uh this is akward"  Yukohina said nervously while blushing  at the two boys.  Yukohina knew that something was familiar. Their auras seemed like a mixture of light and darkness but she couldn't tell what was going on but then again she was just recovering from one hell of a kick from Yasuna. "I see what you are thinking "Izuru  said "don't be afraid, miss Yukohina Hironata you're ok now.  "ummm who are you and how  do you know my name?"a confused Yukohina asked as she was trying to find out why two boys was in an all-girls school, the tall white haired one walked over to her. "Let me introduce ourselves" the albino-haired one said. My name is is Nagito Komaeda and this is Izuru Kamukura". "Wait Komaeda, Kamukura oh no please don't tell me that those two are the so-called ghost of blsyw, and another thing WHY CAN I SEE THEM , I MEAN  THEY'RE GHOST RIGHT"? Yukohina thought bit before she can get deep in thought the bell for last period rang. She got up and thanked the ghost for helping her  and left running to the fifth floor  looking for an explanation to her teacher. After she left ,both Izuru and nagito both known something about Yukohina she had somthing that made her the perfect candidate for their  "project" . "nee Kamukura-kun,now that the first is through what's next"? "Now,Now Komaeda the first part was somewhat a success even though I didn't predict that she would wake up so soon but, as long she has that amulet she's the only one that is allowed to see us .

a/n I'm sorry for taking so long between school,family,and work I couldn't find the time

and im sorry for leaving a cliffhanger

THE REVENGE OF THE TWO GHOSTSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora