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"THE TEST HAS now ended," spoke the voice. "Congratulations Hades, you have now passed this test for the second time. There are two bouquets of roses on the table, one of white roses the other of red. Take the white ones to destroy them and the red to rebirth them. You may now leave the room and continue your mission."

I stood up and walked straight to the table–the room now back to its original form. Blood was no where to be seen and Persephone was no longer here. The room was back to its medical looking–and smelling–self. Both bouquets of roses were fresh and nicely arranged, they were  perfect.

Grabbing both of the bouquets I walked towards the door. Before I could twist the knob the voice spoke again. "The third time it's the devil or god."

I turned the knob and stepped outside, it was morning. When I turned around the white box was no longer there. Instead I was face to face with my pets–now including the fox. Their fur was washed and their scars were gone. I set the flowers that were in my hands aside–not wanting them to get damaged if they enveloped me.

Upon taking a step towards their direction, they all darted at me, jumping on top of me and eventually knocking me down. I was met with saliva on my face and a wave of home. Once I was able to sit up they huddled around me and I pet all of them one by one. It was at this point that I realized what was ahead of me. The castle was soon to be mine. And with the castle I will take Persephone as well as the kings head.

The box had rewarded me quite nicely, dressing me up in a lavish manner and gifting me with custom made weapons. It was almost as if they knew the next step I would take. Before taking any steps towards the castle I made a fire and grabbed the roses.

The red ones stayed in my hand while the white ones were thrown into the fire. It's pure scent now fading into a smoky one–ashes would soon be all that is left. The time was now here. I glanced at my pets and gave them knowing look–they were just as ready as I was.

"The royal will wail today."

A few chapters left and Hades will soon be over. Kinda sad and kinda happy about it. Well I hope you liked this chapter–next one will be more intense.

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