Chapter- 4

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Knock knock, I heared.

While I was packing my bag and suitcase. From the corner of my eye I saw Someone standing in front of my room's door. Wearing a green t-shirt and her special S black cap. Siya watched me with her almond bold eyes. She seemed suprised and clutched. Before I decided her to explain this anything..

"What you doing?"She asked raising her eyebrows.

" You can see what I'm doing,So don't ask." I answered angrily while making a mess of my closet.

"Where are you going and why so angry today?" She asked while seemed to be a little tensed.

"Mumbai,I'm not angry at all" I answered.

"The main reason i came to your house in this time,i mean late at night is because you were not even replying to my messages. I came to see that what the f*** is wrong with you, girl " Siya yelled at the top of her lungs.

"There is nothing wrong with me , I guess. " I answered like nothing happened.

"But why are you suddenly going to mumbai?" Siya asked.

"To meet him." I answered. Because I couldn't be more straightforward.

"To meet him?i mean who is that " him"? "Siya asked eagerly wanting to know.

"I didn't tell you anything about this" Misha answered.

I explained her the whole matter. Everything that was going on till now.
Today I had no other option.

"Ohh my god!So much have happened in one month huh?" Siya said rolling her eyes.

"Please help me do something about it rather than telling me I should have told you." I acted helpless.

" To be honest,the best would be if you just cancel this plan,think with logic you are misha and he thinks you are Tripti and now if you directly tell the truth it will be hard and he may also feel wistful about it" Siya advised me.

"Also, you never really know who he is. His intentions might be worse than you think." She had a point.

I cancelled the plan but still wanted to tell the truth. I felt sick about hiding the plan every time. Prateek's reaction was normal but it seemed like the idea of not meeting made me distressed.

I explained her about the things that happened last night like someone trying to enter the house. My camera running in background without a reason. Siya didn't react much and told me to not worry about this matter.

"You should tell me everything!"

"Oh my god! I never thought about it. "

"Atleast you didn't do anything about it."

" If you want others to be truthful then you should stop lieing too. Otherwise, it's hypocrisy. "

"I will."

There were a few days left for New year. Christmas already passed. Everyone was busy planning their parties, decorating their homes and there was a smell of freshly baked cake in the air. Every New year, there was a trend where we had to make new year resolutions. That means making a new goal and completing in a year. Commonly these resolutions were like, Being more confident, taking chances and losing weight. I found this trend to be gross so I never made this.

Yeah, If someone came up and asked I repeated the cliche verses. But inside, My goals were'nt made to be finished within a year. This year 2016 was unlike. I made a new year resolution to tell Prateek about the truth. Ofcourse, there was no 'new year' needed for that, but it kept me motivated and since it was close.

My strategy was that after I would come back after 31st's  party I would confess to him through texting. Well, I didn't have his phone number so No. But I needed a minimum practice. I decided to try the text but delete it. Siya's chat was up so I decided to try on her.

"I'm Misha and " I was about to hit L but decided touched send. Sh*t.

My phone started rigning and Siya was calling me. I thought she slept earlier. I picked it up. "Come on Misha, I know who you are. " She yawned. "I was about to sleep and now got this type of text from you. Are you drunk or something. Well, whatever take care." Before I could let the words escape my month, he hung up.Awakward. I decided to not try anymore and sleep too.

The party was fun but just like any other year. It wasn't any thing new. Just tried some new drinks and catched up with some mutual friends.

I came back early. I liked to talk with him privately so nobody could see but now Siya also knew and she told Muskan too. However, I warned them to stash about it.

On the night after new year,


So how was your new year?Tell me about the party and just send some pictures?


It was great,I want to tell you something important and see please don't be mad at me as now what I'm gonna tell you is going to change everything and even it can be the last day we are chatting.


What? What's so important to tell me and how can it change everything?


I hate to tell lies but I've lied about everything,I'm not what you think I am.


Please,Please don't confuse me so much...Say clearly.


Im not Tripti actually and i don't live in mumbai and the picture of the girl than i send you is also not me.Im misha and i made the account on that dating website was just fun. I never knew that this will go so far.

I wrote the message very simply and tried to make it more simple and understandable. After sending the message I locked the phone screen, stood in front of the mirror and took a long,deep breath.I assumed the reply from him to be somewhat like this-

Prateek:You are such a lier! I never thought this would happen.What was the reason you did this to me.....why?

But maybe things were never really the way we assumed.

I finally saw his message.

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