The Dream

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    Ezra walked along the aisles of the Hogwarts Express, checking compartments to see if they were empty, while hugging a book tightly to her chest. "Tanner, why must you always wonder off," she sighed, tucking a piece of her dark brown hair behind her ear, then wrapping her arm back around her book. She moved through some people, ducking and scooting past them, until she stopped in front of three boys. Two of them were identical, tall, red-headed, with tons of freckles. Both of their eyes were the colour of creamed coffee. The other was shorter, dark skinned, had dreadlocks, and darker brown eyes. 

     Erza cleared her throat silently.

    "Oh, did you think we were going to move?" One of the red-heads asked with a slight chuckle.

    "Yes, I assumed the Red Sea would uhm... You know, part," she replied simply.

    "Pun intended?" the other red-head asked, gesturing to his fiery hair.

    "Always," she smiled, a sarcastic smile. 

    "Is that so?" the boy with dreadlocks grinned.

    Rolled her eyes "Yes, now can you all move so I can look for my brother," she sighed.

    "Ooh, is that any way to respect your superiors?" one of the red-heads asked with a grin, "Think we should teach her a lesson, Freddie?"

    Ezra rolled her eyes again.

    "I would take them seriously when they threaten to teach you a lesson," the only one who wasn't identical whispered to her "They could dye your hair pink and have it be that way for months."

    She smiled a bit, thinking he was joking.

    "I'm not kidding," he said "I'm Lee, by the way," he added, soon afterwards.

    "I don't think so, Georgie, I think this one's brother is Tanner Dalton," the other one, called 'Freddie' finally responded.

    "Oh, it's not like that matters at all," Ezra said simply, "He won't do anything at all."

    "Well, thanks for the heads-up," the one called 'Georgie' said with a grin before he walked away with everyone else.

     Lee looked back and gave her a simple shrug of his shoulders before turning to follow the other two.


     Ezra shook her head simply and began walking again, looking in all the compartments, searching for her brother, Tanner.  When figuring she'd have no luck, she aborted from her mission and found the closest train compartment that was empty.  She walked in to it, and sat down, looking out the window.  She got bored of looking out the window, and opened up her book - a muggle book, called Girl of the Limberlost - and opened it.  She began reading from where she had stopped last, cut off when she heard a voice from the opening of her train compartment.

   "Anything from the trolley, dear?" a lady asked, gesturing to a cart of all sorts of magazines, candies, and cheap practical joke gags. 

   She smiled and shook her head "No, I'm fine, thank you," she replied.

   "Suit yourself," the women said with a polite smile, before continuing on.

   I wonder how much she get's paid, Ezra thought simply, before going back to her book, finishing another chapter before closing it and leaning her head against the window, looking out it and daydreaming about nothing, like always.  She closed her eyes sooner or later without noticing it, the anxiety and exhaustion of starting a new year at Hogwarts wearing her out.  Sleep wrapped it's arms around her and pulled her down, seeming to block out the sound of all the other people on the train talking about how excited they were for another year - or their first year, if it was theirs. -  She fell asleep day dreaming, or, more of wondering what would be the first thing to change if she could change things about her life.  She knew, somehow, in her mind of sleep, though, that she wouldn't dream about it.


  The night cast it's shadows of darkness over everything, but the stars that glittered the sky light up the rest of what was around, other than some distant street lights, and of course, the moon.  All was silent other than the sound of a neighborhood dog barking in the distance and the sound of cars whooshing by every now and again.    The air was heavy with the scent of wet leaves, and machinery.  Ezra knew she shouldn't have been walking down this path.  She had had this dream one too many times, and it always lead to something terrible, but it was always a new terrible ending.  She continued walking, though the only conscious part of her mind was screaming at her to stop, to turn around and go some place else.   It finally came to her sight.  "Dailey&Main's Young Girl's Orphanage".  She was still urging her sleeping self to turn around, to hurry away, but she walked nearer and nearer, until she was looking in one of the windows.  She saw a younger version of her self, other young girls chanting names around her, like, "Odd ball", "Weird girl", "Loser", Strange", and so on and so forth.  She noticed the younger her had had enough by the look on her face.  Soon, the girl who had started all the name calling, went flying backwards, hitting the wall behind her.  The others screamed and Ezra could only watch as the younger version of her self's eyes widened, and she ran from the orphanage, past Ezra, as if she wasn't there.  She then heard a hauntingly familiar voice behind her, causing her to turn.

   "Poor thing..." said Rabastan Lestrange, brother of Rodolphus Lestrange, brother-in-law of Bellatrix Lestrange in a sarcastic voice, a voice she knew all too well.  She stayed silent as the younger her turned around slowly, well, more in just slow motion to her, and Rabastan raised his wand.  She didn't even have to hear the curse.  She knew immediately when the green sparks flew from the tip of his wand.

   Ezra woke with a jolt, shaking in fear.  She looked around, as if to assure herself she wasn't dead, then went to go change into her robes, realizing they were close to Hogwarts.


Hi, everyone!  May not update very quickly! I get writers block easily so bare with me, loves!:DThanks for reading this chapter.  Don't forget to vote, comment, follow!(I take well to structured criticism, too, if you have any ideas on how to make my writing better! :)) Also, please excuse any mistakes, grammatically and spelling wise, I was writing this at 1:06 AM.  Haha.

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