As It Starts

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    Ezra had gotten in a tiny bit more of sleep before the train arrived at Hogwarts after she changed into her robes - about 30 minutes, actually - but she had no dreams.  This time, her sleep what a enveloping pit of darkness, with no picture, no words, no fear.  They were nearly there when she noticed that someone who wasn't familiar to her was shaking her awake, someone with dark red hair and dark obsidian eyes. 

    "We're almost there, you better hurry up," the girl said in the most polite way she could.  Ezra noticed that the girl's robes had no colour that pointed out her known-to house.  I bet she's new, Ezra thought.  She nodded to the girl and blinked her hazel eyes a few times after rubbing them, making things less blurry.  She looked out the window.  Sure enough, the castle was in sight, the tip of it just barely visible through some wisps of clouds that looked like cotton. "That is the castle, right...?" the girl then asked, looking out the window in awe. "I heard some people saying that we were close..."
    Ezra smiled a bit "Yes, it is.  Are you new, or something?" she asked.
    "Yes.. I'm Holly.  Or Prince, if you go by last names," she said.
    "Ezra," she said simply, smiling at her in greeting "Ezra Dalton."


   Ezra walked towards the Great Hall with Holly, arm in arm with her, laughing about what Ezra had said earlier "So, does this mean you're not going to the feast..?" Ezra asked after a while.
   "Probably not, I'll have to be sorted then," Holly replied with a frown.
   "Alright... well, good luck," Ezra said quietly, before letting go of Holly's arm and turning to go to the Great Hall, while Holly went to see the Headmaster, Dumbledore.  She kept thinking back to her dream, involuntarily, of course, as she walked.  She wished sometimes, that she could just turn her mind off.  She often thought of things she didn't want to.  Like her past, for one.  No one can ever know, she thought, no one...  As she was deep in thought, she bumped in to someone, for the second time that day.  "I'm sorry, I guess I'm just really clumsy today," she said quickly, before looking back up through the hair that had fallen in her face.  She let out a slow sigh, blowing the hair away from her face so she could see better, then she tipped her head to the side, as a interested bird would.  "Oh hey, you're that Lee guy," she said simply, before taking his hand in which he held out to her so he could help her up.
   "Yep, or, you know, Jordan, if you go by last names," he said, giving her yet another grin.
   "Why does everyone say that?" she asked "The whole 'if you go by last names', thing."
   "When people think they're better than someone, they sometimes go by last names," he explains with a shrug "It's a sign of disrespect, I guess."
   "Well, I would never think I'm better than someone without knowing them," she said, giving him a kind smile "Not ever."
   "You know, you're nice," Lee said, looking at her with half approval, but also half confusion, as if he was confused why she was being polite.
   "It's easy to be nice when the world hasn't tainted you," she says "I guess being alone has it's pluses..."
   "What do you mean?" he asked, his half confusion turning to full confusion in a matter of seconds.
   "I mean, that, sometimes, when people aren't tempted by the cruelty of the world, and the people in it, it's easier to be nice," she says quietly.
   "The world can be beautiful, too, though," he said to her "You wouldn't want to miss out on much of it because some preconceived misconceptions,"
   She looked at him and just smiled.  When did he get so smart? she wondered.
   "So... With that being said, would you allow me to walk you the rest of the way to the Great Hall?" he grinned.
   "I suppose," she laughed a bit, then took his arm, and walked to the Great Hall with him.


  After the feast, Ezra began heading towards the Ravenclaw Common Room to read a bit more before going into her dorm.  She always found the Common Room more comforting than the dorms.  The Common Room had almost as many books as the main library, even if the room was much smaller.  Light seemed to fall like a waterfall from the windows near the ceiling, putting a gleam on the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw which was in front of the multiple books.  There was a comfortable couch with a blanket thrown over the back of it, and a table with a lamp set on it beside the couch.  The dorms were just dusty and only had two small windows, and some bunk beds. As she was walking towards the Ravenclaw Tower, she began feelings a bit unsteady, but she ignored it.  She felt distant from everything, though, as if she was shrinking and growing all at once, and everything around but what she focused on was fuzzy, causing her own eyesight to give her a headache.  She could have sworn she saw the silhouette of a person, or a shadow move across the corridor just in front of her.  She wonder if she was hallucinating, and, if she was, why?  Suddenly a jolt of pain went through her, starting at her heart, almost as if it had beat once too hard in her chest, making all her blood pump through her at once, turning her pale and full of pain.  She fell, unable to do anything to prevent her self from doing so, and everything went dark at once, before she heard a fierce ringing in her ears and some footsteps, but she couldn't tell if they were coming towards her or going away from her, but they moved very fast.


So, here you go guys, here's chapter 2!! I thought it would've taken me more time, but it didn't...
Any guesses on what happened to Ezra? Think she was hallucinating, or think there was someone there? ;) If you think someone was there, who do you think? You can comment who you think below! You'll all find out soon enough, though :)  Thank you for reading! Don't forget to comment, share, vote, follow! Loveee yoouuu!
                  - Kayla. 

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