Yule Ball (Part Two)

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           Holly and Raine both exchanged a look with each other after looking at Ezra, then they exchanged quiet, yet joyful squeals.  Well, it looks like they're getting along, Ezra thought simply while covering her ears.  Once she figured the squealing fiasco was over, she took her hands away from her ears and looked at everyone again "So, are going now that that has subsided?" she asked, raising a eyebrow.

           "Most definitely!" Holly said happily, linking arms with Ezra, pulling her away from where she was standing quickly, and they all then began walking to the Yule Ball.  When they arrived, majority of everyone went separate ways, except for Ezra, Raine and Holly.  Raine lead them to the last people Ezra would have wanted to hang out with at a ball.

          "See, they show up in packs," George told Fred and Lee simply, as if Raine, Holly, and Ezra weren't all standing there.

           "And does that mean that you three didn't walk here together?" Ezra asked smartly.

           "Well, that's not... Uh-" 

           "Ezra, stop patronizing him," Raine laughed.

           She smiled simply.

           "And you two," Raine said, looking at Lee and Fred "Stop staring at her."

           Ezra wouldn't have even noticed them looking at her if Raine hadn't said anything.  She quickly, yet  involuntarily  glanced in their general direction and gave a slightly amused smile.

            After a while, George had asked for Raine to dance with him, and, much to Ezra's fear, she decided she was all for leaving her friend with two boys to fight over her. 

           Ezra groaned with annoyance after 10 minutes or so "Someone go find Holly for me," she said, to prevent a fight.  Somewhere between the 5 minute to 10 minute mark, Holly had backed away awkwardly, claiming to the story she was going to get some punch. 

           "I'll find her!" Lee exclaimed, rushing off. 

           Ezra sighed and sat down at the nearest chair, "I guess I'm stuck with you then," she stated, looking up at Fred. 

           "No need to be so unenthusiastic.  I'm amazing," he boasted with a grin.

           "I guess so.  Kinda cute, too.  Almost as cute as your brother," she joked, just to annoy him.

           "Almost?" he asked jokingly, sounding hurt, "I'll have you know, I'm the sexy twin."

           "The irony in that statement is unbelievable, by I won't vow against it," she said with another amused smile.

           "Of course you won't," he grinned, sitting by her "Think Holly actually went to get some punch?"

           "I don't think there is any punch here, even," she laughed.

           "There is.  It's just spiked," he said, as if it was ordinary.

           "Interesting," Ezra said, looking over at the punch bowl.  She had never 'gone wild' and drank before, even if it was mixed with water or any other drink.  She had also never been to a large party before, let alone have fun at one.

           "I mean, I could get you some if you wanted," he said.

           She looked down at first, then back up at him "Could you?"

          The first couple of cups took some getting used to, the bitter taste of the Firewhiskey burning her throat a bit, but soon, the taste became familiarly pleasant.  Her vision seemed somewhat blurry, and she could tell she was getting weirder and weirder with everything she said.  She felt dizzier with every sip now, even though the Firewhiskey was mixed with punch, it had a lot of effect after having as many cups as Ezra did.  She knew after giving herself this reputation, she'd have to continue it around Fred, or she'd look like a fake.  She didn't care it was him in particular, really.  She just didn't want to look like a fake to anyone, ever. 

        She began to get tired, so she rested her head on Fred's chest and snuggled into his side, not really caring.  It was like a unreflective urge, considering how tired she suddenly felt.  She closed her eyes, letting the constant rising and falling of his chest, and his rhythmic breathing lull her to sleep.

        Ezra saw everything about the room again, like she usually did when dreaming.  There was music playing and people dancing, and she was passed out on an overly happy looking Fred.  Lee and Holly still hadn't came back to them, she realized.  The only odd thing about the room was Rabastan Lestrange, moving through people who couldn't see him, in search of her, like he was in all of her dreams.  She had been used to it by now, but fear still boiled through her, warming her blood, like the Firewhiskey had.  He had a knife, and it gleamed against the unusual lighting.  He must have spotted her, because he was making his way towards her very quickly.  Now her blood was beginning to chill.  She knew she couldn't fight against him in his dream-spawned self, because all she could see was herself sleeping and she couldn't do anything about it.  Only others could.  He was right in front of her now, the sleeping her, that is, not the her that could be possibly about to watch herself get brutally murdered in a way no one but her would know it was murder.  Rabastan raised the gleaming knife, smiling proudly.  Sometimes she could control her sleeping self, like last time, when she had bit him, but this time she was completely out of control.  She wanted to scream, but she couldn't.  She wanted to kick him away, but she couldn't.  She wanted to wake herself up, but that, was also uncontrollable.  And then there was the silver light from the knife, slashing down, and she felt a heavy, horrible, and hurtful forcing pain on her stomach that stretched all through her in only a matter of seconds.


Oooohhhh that cliffhanger though.

Sorry for a late chapter, and, I slacked on the amount of words of the words also.  *guilty face* I only have 988 instead of 1000 but I wanted a cliffhanger.  xD

I will update tomorrow!! I pwomise! I hope it makes up for all my late updates. 

Love you! Don't forget to comment, vote, share, follow!

P.S. Please excuse any mistakes, I had to write this fast *cough cough* Raine *cough cough*


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