A Typical Moment

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       Ezra's eyes shot open.  She would have screamed, if she didn't see that she was clearly alive, and that, what she thought was her getting stabbed in her dreams that oh so curiously effected her in real life as well, was just Raine punching her in the stomach to wake her up.    

       "Get up, Ez, you drunken child.  We're going to play-"

       "No way in hell am I playing Spin the Bottle," Ezra said, cutting her off.  She had clearly made a quick recovery from her fearful dream, like always.

       "Good thing we weren't planning on playing that," Raine smirked, pulling Ezra to her feet "We were going to play 7 Minutes in Heaven and now you can't object because you already said you weren't playing Spin the Bottle."

       "And, it'd put you at the top of the buzz kill board if you said no," Fred added, as if to make her feel guilty.

       She only smiled.  "Shut up," she said.

       "Not until you agree to join us~" Raine pipped up.

       "I wasn't even telling you to shut up."

       "The point still stands," Fred grinned.

       "Fine.  If it means you'll shut up, then fine," she laughed.

       "I knew she couldn't resist your charm," George, who had been mysteriously quiet the whole time said, giving his brother a high-five.  At this moment is the moment Ezra began laughing hysterically.

       "I can resist many things, but you're correct, his charm is not one of them," she then said sarcastically, making Raine laugh silently.

        "You clearly haven't seen the famous Weasley brow wiggle," Raine then said.

        "I guess I'm not worthy enough," Ezra said with mock sadness, as Raine drug her to the room Ezra supposed the whole 7 Minutes in Heaven fiasco would take place.

        "Maybe not yet, kid," Fred reached out to ruffle her hair which took nearly 50 minutes to perfect.

        "Touch my hair and I will bite off your hands and beat you with them till you died in a pool of your own blood," she said simply.

        "Then she would eat your hands because she has the rumblies that only hands can satisfy," Raine added.

        "That's very imaginative.  I'd give 5 points to Ravenclaw if I could," George joked.

        "2.5% of me is flattered," Ezra joked back.

        "That's why we're here," Fred and George said in unison.


       Only moments later, they arrived in a room with... Gross.  Other people, Ezra immediately thought, but she was already being pulled down next to Raine, who forced Ezra to sit by her.  Fred was on her other side, which, could be very hazardous.  A few moments later, she finally spotted Holly walk back in.  She must have been talking with Lee, because that's who she walked in with.  They weaseled their way in to sitting somewhere else. 

      "Who's going first?" Raine asked simply.

      "I guess all eyes avert to Ezra," she muttered.  Then she casually leaned in towards the center, and moved the bottle around so that it began to spin.  She refrained from closing her eyes while it was spinning.  She had to keep her reputation, and closing her eyes would just make her look... cowardly.  And scared.  She was so ironic because she was probably one of the bravest yet most fearful people there way.  She stopped thinking so deeply when the bottle stopped its insane spinning.  She looked at the person who it landed on: Oliver Wood.  Okay, she thought, he's not that bad, actually. She then stood up and drug him towards the small wardrobe like thing where they were supposed to go.  It was kind of the size of the one in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe - except, you know, minus the alternate world part - and she stepped inside as if it was the most casual thing she'd ever done.  Then, she stood approximately 6 inches away from Oliver. 

       "Mess my hair up," she said simply, "or something."

       "What?" he asked, sounding somewhere in between amused and confused.

       "Not like that," she said "I mean like-"

       "Like you want to be able to walk back out there and pretend we just had the most amazing make-out session, when we didn't?" he asked, now understanding.


       Then, he spent basically the next 7 minutes messing up her hair and using his thumb to smudge her lipstick.  She even messed up his hair a bit in return, then they looked at each other, did the typical "We're a mess" laugh, and then she opened the door of the wardrobe and stumbled out, going back to where she was sitting before, but Fred did this jealous "scoot closer to Raine so she can't have her spot back" thing, and Ezra squeezed in next to Holly instead.

      "Me next!" Raine exclaimed, spinning the bottle.  All caution signs in Ezra's mind began blinking when it landed on Marcus Flint.  She could see the look on Raine's face.  This is not what Raine wanted.  But she got up anyways, being a brave little scout, and she walked to the wardrobe along with Marcus.  Only moments later, Ezra heard a scream of objection, and she popped up from where she was sitting like a jack-in-the-box, ready to kick some butt and leave some bruises on anyone who even thought about doing anything to Raine.  She moved quickly over to the wardrobe and threw the door open, letting Raine stumble out onto the ground.  She nailed Marcus right in the jaw with a very tightly balled fist as soon as he tried to move towards her.  And she continued throwing punches.  And she continued, and continued.  She felt useless though.  He kept moving towards Raine, and a few times, he managed to stop Ezra's fists.  She was really regretting drinking now.  Eventually, the twins thought it would be a great idea to finally jump in.  And that's when Ezra started to forget everything due to her morbid thoughts of all the ways she could hurt Marcus for laying a hand on her friend.  All she knew was she was continuing to throw punches, and probably needed constrained, because Lee also came over.  Then, she began to calm down, and all she knew was Raine was gone, so was Marcus, and Lee, Fred, and George were all fighting, until she screamed at them that Raine was gone, and they realized they had been fighting each other and not Marcus.


So uhm.. a few days late.  I'm sorry!  I feel like you all think the only thing I do is make empty promises xD I blame Holly, Raine, and Ron for being so entertaining that I forgot about this chapter!! (Not really, I love you guys.)  I'm not promising another chapter for tomorrow because I'm not certain, but it is Friday, so I'll have extra time. 

If you like spoiling things for yourself and finding out what happens to Raine, then read her fanfiction on her profile @20131d!!

I bet you're all so mad at me because I let you hang on that cliff from last chapter just to realize the pain was only her getting playfully punched in the stomach xD Oopsie.

But, I promise I will never be that mean again (maybe.)

If you forgive me, then you should vote, comment, share, and follow! c: Until next time, dearies!


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