Yule Ball (Part One)

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         Ezra stepped out of a changing room, tugging at the bottom of a tight black and pink dress, looking at Raine "I don't know, Raine... Isn't it a bit... tight?"
        "I think it looks fine," Raine said with a smile.
        "Alright... I guess I'll take it off and get dressed again then we can go pay for it," she said hesitantly before stepping back into the dressing room.  She slipped the dress on and put on her own clothes, then walked back "Right, let's go pay," she said, already heading to the check out desk.
        Just as Ezra was paying, the lady finally looked up, her mouth forming the shape of a "o" and her eyes getting as wide as saucers. Soon she whispered something.  Something that sounded exactly like the words "Oh, you look just like her..."
        "I'm sorry, what?" Ezra asked, tipping her head in confusion.
        "Your mother.  You look just like your mother," the women exclaimed, taking one of Ezra's hands in both her dainty pale and cold ones.  Somehow, they were full of comfort.
         Raine looked at them both with a confused expression.
         "I'm sorry, but how do you know my mother...?" Ezra asked in the most polite way she could.
         "She," the women paused "Used to work here."
         "That's impossible," Ezra laughed "My mum is a Muggle.  She's a nurse."
         "No," the lady says "Your mom was Annaliese Beth Calen.  She was a outstanding witch.  I guess that's why... You Know Who wanted her as a Death Eater.  Your name is Ezra Avalyn Calen, and you are Annaliese's daughter."
         "I have NO IDEA what you're talking about..." Ezra said quietly, yanking her hand away from the woman.  But she did.  She believed the woman, though she didn't want to.  The woman had just said her middle name with no problem.  How else would she know it if this weren't true? 
        Ezra quickly looked over to Raine, who looked as shocked as she was.  
       "I'm sorry, dear," the women finally sighed "But it's merely the truth." 
       "I-" Ezra tried to say something, but she had nothing to say. 
      "Your mother would've wanted me to give you something," the women said, reaching for something inside the check-out table.  She took out a wide, flat looking box, and placed it on the table, slowly opening it up.
      Inside, there was a dress.  A green, chiffon dress, that had jewel embellishment detail.  It fell just above her knees in the front, and in the back, it was longer.  Ezra gawked at it.  It was extremely gorgeous. 
     "Take it," the women said.
     "No, I couldn't," Ezra began to protest.
     "It was your mother's.  She'd want you to have it.  Take it.  For free," the women said, waving her hand in a dismissive manner as she smiled kindly.
      "I-" Ezra began, before being cut off.
      "Ezra, we need to go..." Raine said quietly, her hand on the handle of the door.
     Ezra simply nodded at the kind women, not knowing how to feel, and she stepped towards Raine hesitantly, who opened the door and stepped out slowly.  Ezra followed after her with her head down.
    "Ezra, if you want to talk-"
    "I really don't, thank you," she sighed, and continued walking "I'll be fine," she added.


     Walking back to the castle was very awkward.  Ezra had taken too much time and Flora and Holly must not have waited long enough, so Raine walked by her.  They were both uncertain of what to say, which wasn't normal.  What do I tell Tanner? Do I tell him?  Is he even my actual brother?  Does he already know?  Are we even related at all?  Ezra wondered, the thoughts so loud in her mind she wanted to cover her ears, close her eyes, and scream.  And, it may have worked if all of it wasn't in her mind.  Once they reached the castle,  Raine's other friends, Ginny, and Hermione,  dashed up to her asking things like: "Where were you?" "Who is your friend?" "Did you get your dress?"
    "This, is Ezra," she stated, not answering any other questions, "And, I see you two got ready without me," she added, smiling at their dresses.
    "Yes, and you need to get ready, too!  We haven't got much time," Hermione said.
    "Oh, Hermione, we have a entire hour," Raine smiled with amusement but began walking inside anyways, towards the Gryffindor Common Room, "Will you do my hair?" she asked, looking at Ezra.
    "I suppose," Ezra smiled at bit.
    "Great," Raine said, "After I get ready, I'll meet you outside the Ravenclaw Common Room."
    Ezra smiled and nodded, then began walking that way.  Once she was out of people's sight, her smile faded, and she glanced at the ground with a distant look in her eyes, as if she was far away and unreachable, but she continued on.
    Once reaching the Common Room, she said the password and stepped inside, looking at the familiarity of the room.  She took it all in for a moment, then walked into the girl's dorm, looking at the box in her hands, that contained the dress that belonged to her mother-her real mother-she sighed and laid it on her bunk, then slid the top off the box, taking the dress out with all the tenderness in the world.  She held it up to herself and looked in a mirror.  The green of it made the tawny outlining of her eyes look more prominent, and the normal hazel of her eyes look more olive.  She had never thought her eyes could look pretty, and this was just holding the dress up to herself.  It wasn't even on.  She never thought she'd be girly, or, seem to be, at least.  I'm going to that ball, she told herself, then began getting ready.  She went back to the box in which the dress was once in, and there was a small necklace, that must have been under the dress.  It was a smile silver chain, that held a small square diamond at the end.  She smiled at it, then put it on herself, fixing her curled hair afterwards, and putting some light green circle earrings in.  Her nails were painted a color that somewhat matched her dress, and last-the heels-Ezra looked at them and shuddered, but slipped them on anyways.  She looked at herself one last time in the mirror, and smiled.  She thought, for once, that she actually looked good.  She was amazed by how well the dress fit, how it made her eyes look bright, and her hair look darker.  Maybe she did look exactly like her mother.  Maybe, it looked exactly like it did on her how it did on Ezra. 
     She walked out of the dorm room, and heard a squeal.  "Ezra, you look so pretty!" Flora said with excitement.
     "Thank you," Ezra said softly, smiling a bit.
     "So, does this mean you're ready?" she asked.  
     "Probably, as long as Holly and Raine are waiting outside," Ezra replied.
     "Raine?" Flora asked in confusion.
     "I met her earlier today.  It's, uh, complicated," she laughed a bit then started heading out of the Common Room, with Flora following her. 
     Outside stood Holly, Raine, Ginny, and Hermione, all smiling at Ezra.
     "Well," Ezra said to everyone "Let's knock em' dead."


Woo, another late chapter!  Oops, I'm sorry.  I LOVE YOU, FORGIVE MEEEE.

and, if I'm forgiven, don't forget to vote, comment, share, follow :3

Holly's outfit- http://www.polyvore.com/untitled_17/set?id=112071651 
Ezra's outfit- http://www.polyvore.com/untitled_18/set?id=112117026
Flora's outfit- http://www.polyvore.com/untitled_20/set?id=112528972
You can see Raine's outfit on her own story at 20131d <3

 Hope y'all enjoy!! Mwa~!
(P.S. I'll try and update sooner :P)

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