Fighting Dreams, Fighting Life...

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(On the side of the first chapter is a picture of Ezra! Sorry, I just not posted it today.)


    Ezra woke up to the sound of bickering. Not just any bicker, but, a four way argument.

     "You could have found her sooner!" Said a familiar voice - a voice of a girl - Holly. 

     "Yeah? And how? You think I just have a attractive unconscious girl detector?" Simple, that one was Lee.

     "Come on now guys," one voice said - not as familiar as the other two -, then another chimed in, and it was like stereo "Why can't we be friends~? Why can't we be friends~?"

     "Because you two are idiots! She could have died and you're sitting here, joking about it!" Holly shouted.

     "Holly, dear-"

     "Fred, shut up! She's waking up!" Lee cut in. Obviously he had seen her eyes flutter open a bit.

     "Ezra?" Holly asked, sounding concerned "Are you okay?"

     "Depends, where am I?" she asked, struggling so that she could sit up.

      "Heaven, obviously," the twins chimed in simultaneously.

      "Ignore them, they're dimwits," Lee said "You're in the Hospital Wing."

      "What? Why? No- don't answer that. Get me out of here," She said very quickly. She thought back to earlier. No one can know, she had thought. No one can ever know.

     "Ezra," Holly said in a scolding voice.

     "I'm serious, I can't be in here," she said. The word 'Hospital' just made her think blood tests. Blood tests made her think someone finding out, finding out about her.. Not her blood status, if that's what you were thinking. She was Muggleborn, and she wasn't afraid of anyone finding that out. It was other things she was afraid of, other things she always had been afraid of.

     After hearing no one protest, she quickly got up and walked out of the Hospital Wing.  The footsteps she had heard earlier echoed through her mind, and she remembered the shadow, she had seen.  Her memories from earlier blocked out the sound of actual footsteps behind her, until she blinked them away, turning around and emitting a gasp of surprise and she saw someone standing there.

    "What was all that, anyways?" asked the red-haired boy, standing before her with a bit of a grin, and his hand on the back of his neck awkwardly.

    "I don't like hospitals," she said quietly, her gaze averting from him and focusing on the ground.

    She knew just by where his voice had sounded from, that he had taken a step closer "Why is that?"

   "They remind me of death," she said bluntly.  It wasn't necessarily a lie, just a creative way of getting out of telling him the full truth, "Why was I there anyways?" she changed the subject hastily.

    "Well, Lee found you unconscious in a hallway.  He thought you were dead at first, then you started coughing, so, he got George and I, and sent us to find a professor.  McGonagall came rushing up, and we had to take you to the Hospital Wing because your pulse kept speeding up and slowing down, she said. Then, at the hospital, we realized, you had been dead the whole time, and now you're a ghost," Fred finished.

   "So, that means I can stick my hand right through you?" she asked, playing along.

  "That's  what it means," he said simply.

  "Great," she said simply, then punched him in the stomach "Oops, I guess it didn't work."

  "I should have seen this coming," Fred groaned as he doubled over in pain "Most people would've acted more upset if I joked and told them they were dead."

  "Most," she smiled, seemingly pleased with herself "I'm not that easy to joke around with."

  "In what form of subject do you mean that in?" He asked with a smirk as he regained his composure.

  "You, are a idiot," she rolled her eyes in a playful way "If Madame Pomfrey asks, tell her I died, she won't remember me if she sees me again. I won't be a face that easy to remember," she said, before stalking away.


Fred's POV(Point of View)

    But she was, in fact, a face easy to remember.  Fred remembered everything about her.  Her hazel eyes that made her look so innocent, her pronounced cheek bones, and how they turned light pink every time she laughed or smiled.  The small perfect curl of her auburn hair that fell to her temple and past it  whenever she wore her hair up, the curl he wanted to desperately to push away, so he could see every inch on her beautiful face.

    "Fred, come on, have you forgotten?  We're giving this decoy wand to Malfoy," George said, snapping him out of one of the deepest depths of his mind.

    "Of course I haven't forgotten," Fred grinned.

   "You remembered to take his real wand, too?"

   "But of course."  The wand they were going to give to Draco looked exactly like his own, except, they had made it backwards, so the handle was actually the front, and, when he said a spell, pink dye would explode from the "handle" and turn his hair pink.  It was brilliant. Completely brilliant.  They would give it to Draco during breakfast tomorrow, with everyone around.  It was George's idea to do it at that particular time, to impress someone, their friend, Raine, to be exact.  The thought had made Fred laugh nearly out of his mind at first, but now he realized that it wasn't a foolish idea.  Maybe it would impress Ezra, too... Or, maybe she'd think he was rude for the rest of his life.  That punch in the stomach must've hit something in to him.  He was caring about her all too much now. After all, he had known her for nearly 4 years, and they had barely every spoken.


Ezra's POV

    Ezra heard the sharp sound of the dorm room door banging open, and she sat up quickly.  Obviously no one else had heard it, or noticed her worst nightmare standing in the door way - Rabastan Lestrange.  She tried to scream, tried to run away like she had in all her dreams, but as always, there was nothing she could do.  Rabastan picked her up as if she was a ragdoll, and slung her over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes.  She squirmed helplessly, trying to get away as he carried her down to the Ravenclaw Common Room.  She thought quickly, and bit the back of his shoulder-blade very hard, causing him to drop her.  She woke to the impact of the ground.

   When Ezra opened her eyes again, she was, surely enough, laying on the ground of the Common Room, another Ravenclaw girl - Flora Roa, she recognized - was standing over her with a concerned look on her face.  It surprised Ezra.  Flora had always been slightly shy, self conserved.  "Ezra, are you alright?" she asked, to which, Ezra nodded. "What are you doing in the Common Room? You were just up in the dorms.  I was reading, I didn't even hear you come in." 

   "I have no idea..." she said, but she did, she knew all too well.  The Deatheaters had found a way to make whatever happened in her dreams, happen in real life.


Well, here you have it, Chapter 3! So, we still don't entirely know what that was; a person, or, hallucination, but we'll find out soon! Don't forget to comment, vote, share, follow!

The Owner of the Character Holly- MissPotionsOwl

The Owner of the Character Raine- 20131d

The Owner of the Character Flora- Sttarshine

You should check out their accounts, they're all amazing writers!! I will be mentioning Raine more than that, yes. xD

Also, I've created another account, you should check it out! 3WritingGirls is the name!

Much love coming your way!!!


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