That One Chapter About The Stuff

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"Oh... Well, that's sort of embarassing," George said, after picking himself up and brushing himself off casually.

        "You bawdy idle-headed lout! Did you not hear me say that Raine is GONE?" Ezra shouted at him, balling up her fist again though majority of her knuckles were most likely broken.

        "Hush child," Holly said calmly as she walked up, "Wood took her out of that mess and back to the Common Room."

        "Of course.  Who do you think I am, the devil?" George questioned as jokingly as always.

        "To be fair, you are a ginger," Lee pointed out.

        Holly rolled her eyes, "Come on Ezra, I'm pretty sure you broke your own nose in that jumble," she then said.

        "You promise Oliver took Raine back?" Ezra asked.  For only knowing Raine for a day, she was already very protective.  After all, Raine was the only one who knew that her whole life was basically a lie, after witnessing what had happened at the store where they had gotten her dress. 

         "Promise," Holly sighed.

         Ezra nodded soon after that promise, and began walking out and into a corridor, not really waiting much for anyone else, though mostly everyone but Holly needed to go to the Hospital Wing.  She would only walk there, just to make Holly feel like a better friend.  But never would she ever get help from a hospital or even a medical setting after earlier.  That was all too close.  She snapped back into the real world as she heard Holly's tapping heels coming up behind her, along with the boys comparing their "battle scars" and laughing. 

         "You alright?" Holly asked, concern in her voice.

         "Why wouldn't I be?" Ezra countered, weaseling her way out of the question.

         "You just seemed a bit out of it.  I only wanted to make sure," Holly explained.

         "Did you get anything at Hogsmeade?" Ezra asked, despite her hatred for small talk.

         "No...  But Flora got a few books.  Of course," she replied.

         Ezra looked back down in silence, unsure how to reply.  She continued to walk, as though she was perfectly fine with the fact she was advancing towards the Hospital Wing, but it's not like she could turn back now.  After a while, she happily realized her nose was no longer bleeding, and used her wand to clean herself up.  Then she stopped outside the Hospital Wing once they got there.  And she surprised herself by waiting for the boys as they got checked to make sure nothing was broken or anything. 

         She stood across from Holly outside the doors, staring at the ground boredly, wondering what the big deal was, I mean, clearly nothing could've been broken.  But she waited anyways.  Because of course when the boys requested to walk them back to their dorms, Holly had to be nice and say okay.  Though that was not to Ezra's liking, she also didn't mind as much as she expected herself to.  When the boys finally came out, with nothing wrong, of course, they began to go to the Ravenclaw Common Room, it being their first stop.  Ezra was very thankful when they reached the Common Room, so thankful that she practically threw herself inside without even saying "Goodbye" or "Thank you".   She sighed and stumbled up to her dorm room, flopping down belly-first on her bed and kicking off her heels simply.  She couldn't tell whether she was asleep or awake, but she was definitely out of it, so she just kind of layed their in slight confusion as she thought about what had been on her mind all day: Her mother.


      Ezra didn't remember anything up until she had been called to Dumbledore's office.  And all she knew now was that Hermione, Holly, and herself all stood in the dark office full of anticipation, and something awful had happened to Raine.  Something she could have prevented, and didn't.  She could've stayed away from all of this if only she had refused to play that stupid game.  Because then maybe Raine wouldn't have played either.  And she wouldn't be in the situation she was. 

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