Chapter one:

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Beep! Beep!
"Marcy! Get up!" Yells a voice from the hallway
A groan sounds from the corner of the room.
"Oh my god mom, I'm getting up!"
"Sorry dear!"
I slowly sit up and slide out of bed. It takes effort just to put on socks.
I stumble down the hall into the bathroom where I quickly brush my teeth. I knot my tangled black hair into a messy bun.
"Marcy! If you're not down here in five minutes, you better hope for Mercy on your soul!" Shouts my mother.
I don't understand why she ways says that.
"Ok, ok!"
I strut downstairs in my new, all black dress.
"Kathleen was ready at least six minutes before you!" My mother groans, eyeing the clock.
I smile weakly at my younger sister.
"Are you ready for your first day of middle school?" I ask.
Kathleen nods excitedly and chugs down her glass of orange juice.
I smile again at Kathleen, I can't help admiring how innocent she looks with her pink outfit and her hair pulled back in pigtails.
She is a sweetheart girl, the way her smile brightens the whole world. Her strawberry blond hair falls to just below her shoulders. She is practically the opposite of me.
I, only wear black. My dark black hair has never before been seen down. Always in a braid or a bun.
I come back into reality as my thoughts are interrupted.
I don't fuss when my mother pulls me to the side.
"Do you have your supplies?" She asks.
"Your hairbrush? You'd iPad? Your phone?"
"Mom! Mom!" I say. I brush her hand off the tight grip she has on me.
"It's ok! I can take care of myself. And I can look out for Kathleen!"
"I'm not a baby! I can take care of myself!" Shouts my younger sister.
I roll my eyes.
"Dear, but your condition. You have-"
"Mom, it'll be fine. I have P.E with her." I point out. "Hey, she might even have art with me, you know how advanced she is."
My mother sighs.
"I'm just not ready for this." Mother confesses. "You're both so grown up."
I hear the school bus honk outside.
"Bye mom!" Shouts Kathleen, already at the door.
I glance back at my mother one last time.
"I love you!" She yells.
"Bye!" I shout.
Kathleen and I race to the bus as we jump on, just in time.

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