Chapter seven

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Isaac was ignoring me. Every time I saw him, he tried his hardest not to make eye contact or ducked into a classroom. Was he mad at me? What the hell did I do?
"Isaac!" I shouted. I'd finally cornered him in the hallway.
He tried to go under my arm and get away, but I put my foot flat against his stomach.
"What's wrong with you?" Isaac snapped.
"I would ask the same thing!" I spat back. "You've been ignoring me!"
"You've been ignoring me!" He shouted, then looking around, wondering if someone heard him.
"Is it because of what happened to your nose?" I accused.
"No!" Isaac defended. I stopped holding him with my foot and let him fall to the ground.
"What is it then?" I asked, more seriously this time.
"I had a vision where you died! And it was my fault! I don't want that to be real!" Isaac shouted. He pushed me away. "I was staying away from you to try and save you!"
I punched him in the stomach.
"Ow!" He snapped.
"Why didn't you just tell me?" I shouted harshly. "I'm going to die in four years anyways!"
Isaac's expression melted.
"What are you saying?" He asked quietly.
My face turned red.
"They told me." I admitted.
Suddenly the fire alarm went off around us and the water sprayed throughout the building.
I saw someone hit Isaac in the head with something wooden. Most likely a baseball bat.
"Isaac!" I shouted. Suddenly a gloved hand came over my mouth. I tried to scream but my voice was completely muffled. I felt something hit me and then, everything went black.

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