Chapter 13

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My mother was trying to hold back her pain. I looked to notice she was bleeding too.
"Mom!" I yelled, running to her. She was clutching her stomache where blood came gushing out.
"Did you get shot?" I asked.
My mother didn't respond.
"We need medical help!" I screamed. But then I noticed I was the only one awake.
Except Kathleen.
She awoke back up to her senses and scrambled towards the medicine cabinet.
Suddenly the door opened.
"Mike?" I asked. "What are you doing here?"
"Hello, Marcy. Hello, Kathleen." Mike said.
"Jane!" He shouted, kneeling over my mother's body.
"I had to get her away from you." I heard my mother whisper. "You're a monster!"
"Lies!" Shouted Mike. I could see his face turn bright red. "You took her away from me! For Kevin!"
"Mr.Kellen hired me!" My mother shouted with all the force she could bear.
"To steal our daughter?!" Mike yelled. "To give her psychosis?!"
"To take her power!" My mother screamed. "I didn't know he was using me!"
I didn't know what to do. Everything was happening so fast.
Isaac was back up again.
"Marcy!" He yelled, motioning for me to come to him. I ran to him and Kathleen, and held onto them tightly.
The door was kicked down.
Laura's father came in.
"Hello, son." He laughed harshly, pointing his gun at Isaac. "To take Marcy's power, I regret I must kill the only happiness I have left. Isaac! Stand up!"
Isaac's expression was weak.
"No dad." He said confidently. "I don't listen to you anymore."
The man smiled. "Well then, what did you say, boy?"
"I said I don't listen to you anymore!" Isaac screamed.
Laura's father threw over the couch. The last thing I heard was a bullet being fired before everything went black.

I woke up. A dark, auburn light seemed to be flickering around me. I looked up to realize I was immersed in the middle of a fire. I tried to breathe but my lugs filled with smoke.
I coughed harshly, standing up and running towards what I thought was a door.
I saw a body.
"Isaac!" I screamed. He had blacked out like me.
I ran over to him and tried to shake the life into him.
"Isaac!" I screamed. "There's a fire!"
His eyes suddenly snapped open. Charcoal was smeared across his face and neck.
"Marcy." He whispered. I helped stand him up. We ran towards the door and out into the field.
"Isaac?" I asked as Isaac shot me a grim look. I saw the rest of my family. Mum, Mike, Isaac.....
But where was Kathleen.
"Kathleen!" I screamed.
"She's dead." Coughed Isaac.
I looked down to see her lifeless body curled up on the ground.
"Kathleen!" I screamed. I kneeled down next to her. She had a bullet embedded in her heart.
Tears streamed down my face as I took off my coat to put it over her.
I picked up and held her lifeless body.
"I'm sorry, Kathleen." I whispered. I looked down onto her expressionless face.
I saw Isaac kneel down bedside me.
"She took a bullet to save my life." Isaac said quietly.

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