Chapter five

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It was that day when the letter came in the mail. I had been accepted to a special school for people with psychosis.
It seemed stupid, it looked happy but had a murder rehab feel to it.
"You should go." Kathleen said.
"I'm going to make you go." My mother ordered. "It starts in two weeks. And it's gonna cost 3,000 bucks."
"I want to go." I admitted.
"Then you will."
My mother paid the check online.
Two weeks later I got on the plane. I was flying up to Maine. I watched down below as the world began to become smaller and smaller.
Unfortunately, I had to ride with Ms. Clarence in case I freaked out.
The ride was about two hours long. When we got to Maine airport, we rode in a taxi for thirty minutes. The place looked like a mansion, really old and beautiful looking.
"Good luck." Ms.Clarence told me. "And uh, this is a little present for you."
She handed me a paper bag with a ribbon tied on top. I opened it quickly. Inside was a Pink Floyd tee shirt.
"Thank you." I said. "And I'm sorry my mom punched you."
She laughed and pulled me into a tight embrace.
"See you in the summer!" She yelled as the taxi drove her away.
I looked up, admiring my new school and how beautiful it was. I wasn't paying attention as I started to walk. Then I bumped into someone. We both fell to the ground.
"Sorry!" I yelled, dusting off my pants as I helped them up.
"No problem." Said the boy I'd knocked down. I pulled him up.
He had short, dark brown hair and green eyes.
"I like your shirt by the way." He said.
I looked down at my Hogwarts tee-shirt.
"Oh thanks." I said. "I cried when Dumbledore died, what about you?"
The boy laughed.
"My name's Isaac." He smiled. "And you are?"
"Marcy." I reply.
"That's a nice name." He admired.
I blushed. "Oh, thanks. I hate it." I said.
He smiled again.
"Want to be friends?" He asked. I laughed, blushing again.
"Sure." I replied. I took his outstretched hand and shook it firmly. We walked up towards the school. In the next week, I'd begun to learn a lot about Isaac. He was new to this too, like me.
I learned about how he saw his mother killed in front of him, and about how his dad went crazy and commited suicide. His past was more fucked up then mine, which I didn't think was possible. I told him about what happened in preschool too. He seemed to feel deeply sorry. I'd finally met someone I could relate to. Way more then my mother or sister ever did.
I lay on my back in the dorm room, staring at the ceiling. Then suddenly I heard a scream. I was back on the bus again, only this time it was different. I got up slowly from the floor, seeing bodies sprawled across the ground.
I was invisible to the gunmen. And then I looked up and immediately saw the man take off his mask.
Then I recognized him. It was Laura's dad.

What I Call LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora