Chapter 20

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I threw myself through the open door and into the crisp, autumn air. It smelt of crunchy leaves and tree sap.
"Hey." I heard a voice behind me say.
I turned around to see Isaac.
"Oh, hey..... heh heh." I scratched my head. "What- what's up?"
It had been about a week since we'd last met. I had an apartment, one I'd finally moved into. Since my house burnt down, if you know what I mean.
"I was..... I was wondering." Isaac paused. "I was wondering.... if you'd go out with me?"
I blushed.
"Oh my god, Isaac," I laughed. "we're already going to Harry Potter world next year."
Isaac stopped.
"So, no?" He asked.
I laughed again and threw my arms around him.
"I didn't say that!" I laughed, looking into his eyes.
"So yes?" He asked. I laughed a bit, grabbed his hair, and then ruffled it.
"Of course I mean yes!" I shouted.
"Well, then..... "Isaac said. "uh, I could pick you up around seven on Wednesday."
I blushed.
"Alright." I replied. "Do you want to come inside? For tea or something?"
"Sure." Isaac said. He followed me inside and waited as I went to get him a visitor pass. When I came back, I quickly tied it on him.
We walked towards the elevator and went to the pent house (roof). There was a little cafe there.
I bought us drinks and we sat down in the grass that the building planted. Little wildflowers were popping up everywhere, blooming in different colors.
We sat there, saying nothing for a while.
Isaac paused, picking one of the wildflowers and tucking it into my hair.
My face flushed a bright red.
I took the flower out and admired it. It was probably the most beautiful wildflower up here, it had many pedals, and the color was a bright red, almost pink.
I smile and stick the flower into my bag, quickly drinking down the rest of my drink.
I throw away my cup and begin to walk with Isaac back towards the elevator.
"So...." Isaac laughs a bit. "It's awkward for you?"
"No. Not really." I reply. "I think you're a good guy, Isaac."
I poke him.
"But I have to go." I say as we get out of the elevator. "In case you didn't notice, I work at a comic shop across town."
I start to walk up my usual pathway there.
"Hey wait!" Isaac shouts.
I turn back around.
"Can I give you a ride? You weren't going to walk to the other side of town, were you?" He asks.
I smirk.
"Sure." I say.
I get into the front passenger seat, and Isaac gets into the driver's seat. We drove in silence and he lets me out in the parking lot of the store.
"Thanks." I say smoothly.
"No problem. I wasn't going to let you walk across town by yourself."
"You're so sweet." I say, grabbing my bag out of the backseat.
"Not as sweet as you." Isaac replies.
I smile and blush.
"Thanks." I say.
"When should I pick you up?" Isaac asks.
"What?" I say.
"To take you home. What time?" He asks again.
"You are so nice, Isaac!" I laugh. "I can walk, but thanks."
Isaac ruffled my hair.
"I'm picking you up!" He snaps, jokingly. "Now, what time do they let you off work?"
I snicker a bit, throwing my bag around my shoulders.
"Five." I say quickly.
"Alright." He says. "And by the way, your sweeter than me. I'm bitter."
"Bitter and sweet go together well." I say quietly. I know he heard.
"They do." He replies.
Isaac comes closer towards me. He reaches a hand out and tucks my hair behind my ears.
I quickly pull away
"Isaac! Your going to make me late for work!" I whisper.
"It's ok. You should go." He replies.
I poke his hand.
"Ok." I say. I turn to walk away.
"Hey, do I get discount comics?" Isaac asks jokingly.
I close my eyes and laugh.
"Very funny, Isaac." I say.
I hear his car start again and drive out of the parking lot.
I walk through the automatic doors and into the comic shop.
"Marcy!" Screams my boss. "You're late!"
I turn around.
"Sorry boss, I had a delay." I reply.
"Oh, a guy finally get to you?" He asks, I know he's kidding. He always seemed like a fatherly kind of guy.
"Shut up!" I yell, jokingly. But I'm not sure I was kidding. I didn't want anyone to know about Isaac and I.
"I saw you almost kissed a boy in the parking lot." The guy laughs.
My heart sinks deep into my chest.
"That's..... that's Isaac..... we're.... sort of, not really together." I say quietly.
"Sure, then." My boss laughs.
"Please stop. That's not what happened." I say. I turn away so he can't see my face get red.
"Get to work, Marcy," says my boss, handing me a box of comics I need to stock. "I'm just looking out for you. Guys aren't always who they seem to be."
"You could say that again." I whisper under my breath.
I take the box and quickly begin restocking the comics. Somehow my hand comes to rest on my time turner necklace.
"Stop." I think to myself. "You need to focus on comic stocking."
But the words Wednesday escape from the locked door I was trying to keep everything I know about Isaac on the other side of.
I imagine slamming the door and putting a padlock on it, and despite my usual hallucinations, for some reason this one won't work.
A voice echoes in the back of my mind, threatening me to forget everything I am supposed to be doing.
I close everything out by putting in my earphones in to listen to my music.
But it doesn't help when it starts playing "It Had to be You" again.
"Damnit!" I curse, throwing down the comic in my hand.
I scramble to pick it up, and look around to make sure no customers heard me.
A twelve year old gives me a strange look, but forgets all about it when he sees superman comics on sale. I sigh with relief.
Finally my shift is over. I walk outside, expecting to see Isaac's car outside. But he's not there. In fact, the entire parking lot's empty.
I begin to walk my usual route up the road. I watch a van pull up behind me out of the corner of my eye.
The guy whistles.
"Hey beautiful." The guy says. "Why don't you come with me to my place?"
"Fuck off." I shout, giving him the middle finger. I turn around and start walking again.
Suddenly I hear the car door slam. I realize it's too late to run. I hear a gun cock back.
"Shit." I curse under my breath.
I feel a gun right under my chin.
"And to let you know, I have your little friend, too," the guy says, spitting in my face."and if you don't want him to die, than its best you keep quiet."
I gulp. The man leads me to the back of his van and shoves me inside. He slams the door.
"SHIT!" I scream, kicking the door. I slowly fall to the ground.
After driving for hours, the van stops and a blindfold comes over my head. We walk forward and I feel myself being pushed into a hole. I trip and fall flat on my face.
It's dark inside, and everything seems to be spinning.
"Marcy?" I hear a voice whisper.

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