Chapter 11

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"I wish this was the Hogwarts express!" I laughed as we pulled into the metro station near our house.
"So do I." Isaac admitted. "I'm really craving some jelly slugs."
"Hey! Isn't Universal studios here?" I laughed.
"It is!" Isaac said.
We pulled up on the driveway of our house.
"Whoa." Isaac admired, turning around in circles."
I giggle and opened the door.
"Mother? Kathleen?" I shouted.
My mother ran downstairs.
"Marcy?!" She shouted. She hugged me.
Then she saw my necklace. Her eyes widened.
"Who gave that to you?" She asked. "It's beautiful!"
I looked towards Isaac and smirked at him. He blushed and quickly looked away.
I bit my lip.
"Mom...... this is Isaac...." I gestured towards him.
"So are you......." my mother gestured her hands around. "You know....."
"No! We're not dating!" I snapped.
I saw Isaac smirk out of the corner of my eye.
I ran over and playfully punched him in the shoulder.
"That's a shame." My mother said. "You'd be so cute together."
Suddenly my mother met eyes with Isaac's mother.
"Jane?" Isaac's mother asked.
"Hannah?" Asked Isaac's Mom.
"Oh my god!" Exclaimed my mom. "I haven't seen you since......"
"High school!" Finished Isaac's mother. They ran over to each other and hugged.
"What just happened?" I asked.
Isaac and I exchanged glances. Then he shrugged.
"Are you guys....... friends?" I asked.
"We've been friends since the sixth grade!" Exclaimed my mother.
"Ok?" Isaac said.
"I'll show you to one of the guest bedrooms I guess." I quickly said to Isaac, hoping for a good excuse to get away.
"Yeah." Isaac said, eyeing our mothers.
Suddenly as we were walking, a picture frame fell off the wall.
I looked at it. It was the wedding picture of my mother and Father. I realized how much my dad looked like Mike from the train. And then I realized it.
His voice flashed through my head "You remind me so much of her."
"Isaac!" I shouted. He looked over my shoulder.
"Yeah?" He asked.
I quickly pointed at the picture.
"Do you think he looks like Mike?" I asked quickly.
Isaac took the picture and closely looked at it.
"I would say yes, but wouldn't that be weird.... I mean.... a crazy guy on the train happening to be your dad?" He laughed, hanging the picture back up.
I rolled my eyes.
I walked back upstairs to the guest bedroom.
"I can hang up some Harry Potter memes on the closet, make it feel more like your own bedroom." I offered.
Isaac laughed. "Ok, Marcy. I'll be here."
I ran downstairs and quickly printed Harry Potter memes to the printer. I grabbed scotch tape and hurried back upstairs.
After Isaac and I taped them all up, we got carried away with other Harry Potter crafts. First we made a "Free house elves" banner and hung all of my old socks on it. We put it up in the room. But soon we'd written "the chamber of secrets is open" on the mirror. His guest room turned into Hogwarts.
"My god, you're so perfect." Isaac whispered, staring at me.
"Oh!" Isaac seemed to shake himself back out of a daze. "I mean.... I mean the room- the room is perfect!"
I smirked at him.
He began blushing.
"No! No!" Isaac pleaded. "That's not what I meant! I meant the room! I swear I meant the room!"
I suddenly decided it would be a good idea to change the subject.
"Hey Kathleen thinks we're dating. She's being super annoying." I said.
"That's not really annoying!" Isaac replied.
"How would you know anything, Isaac! You don't even have a sister!" I snapped.
Isaac's face fell.
"What?" I asked.
"I did had a sister. A twin. She apparently died in childbirth. Or that's what my dad said." Isaac sighed. "But I don't think that's true. There's always been someone missing in my family tree. She had a different last name than the rest of my immediate family. Keller? Keeler? I don't remember."
"Oh my god. Kellen?"I whispered.
"Yeah!" He replied. "I think so!
"What was her first name?"
Isaac laughed. He pulled his family bible out of his backpack.
"You know, I hate this thing. I don't even believe in god." He laughed. "But it's the only thing I got left from my real mum."
He opened the front cover to the fist page, where there was a family tree. He slid his finger down the page until he found his own name.
"Isaac Thompson." He read aloud. Then slid his finger next to it.
"Yup." He said. "Her name was....."
Suddenly the lights went out.
"Mom!" I yelled. "Kathleen?"
"It's ok, hun!" Shouted Isaac's mother from downstairs. "Just a lousy power outage!"
I scrambled for Isaac.
"Marcy?" He whispered. I felt him reach out his arms so he didn't bump into me.
"Wait!" I said. Something weird my mom did was keep flashlights in the guest bedrooms in case of emergencies.
I quickly fumbled with the drawer knob until I finally got it open. I reached inside and found the flashlight.
I turned it on and pointed it at Isaac.
"Ahh!" He yelped, covering his eyes.
"What?" I asked, pointing the flashlight towards my face.
"Ahh!" I screeched. I quickly turned the flashlight brightness down.
"Sorry!" I apologized.
Isaac fell over laughing. So did I. Suddenly a knock sounded on the door. One quick, swift, knock.

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