Paint me a Picture (Graffiti Pete x Reader)

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Y/F/F stands for your favorite flower


You groaned as your alarm started beeping at you, pulling you from your sleep, and smacked you phone to silence the noise before sitting up in bed. You need to be at the bodega in half an hour, 9 am, so you quickly got dressed and started getting ready for the day. You grabbed your shoes and went down the hallway to the room that your twin brother and cousin shared.

"Sonny! Wake up!" You called as you walked into the room, but he didn't move.

You grabbed a pillow out your cousin, Usnavi's bed and hurled it at his head, "Sonny!"
When he still didn't move you threw one of your ratty sneakers at him, "Sonny! Levantate! (Get up!)" Finally you gave up, rolling your eyes as you retrieved your shoe and slipped them on before heading to the bodega.

"Buenos días, Señorita Y/N." The piragua man greeted as you walked down the street.

"Buenos dias." You said back before opening the door, "Morning 'Snavi."

"Good morning mija. Where's Sonny?" Usnavi asked as you joined him behind the counter.

"Sleeping. I tried to wake him up, but you know him." You explained.

Usnavi sighed, "He just earned himself the closing shift for the next two night. If he's not here in a hour I'm going to drag him out of bed by the ear."


Usnavi ended up being a pushover for your puppy dog eyes and gave Sonny two hours to get to the store, then went on his lunch break at 11, so your brother had until 11:30 to make to the store.

The bell above the door jingled as someone came in and you looked up from the candy bars you were restocking.

"Yo, if it isn't my favorite de la Vega cousin." Pete said as he swaggered into the bodega. You blushed and looked down at the counter. Pete, or Graffiti Pete as he was known around the barrio was your longtime crush and also Sonny's best friend and Usnavi's frienemy. They had never gotten along, but right before Usnavi was about to leave for the Dominican Republic Pete had done a gorgeous mural of Abuela Claudia, keeping Usnavi's feet firmly planted on the ground.

"Shut up." You muttered, "Sonny is your favorite. He's your best friend."

"Yeah, but you're prettier than your twin." Sonny wiggled his eyebrows.

You smiled and felt your cheeks heat up even more, "Thank you. But you're not getting your slushie for free from me, plus I don't make them as good as Sonny." As you went back to stocking candy.

"I'm actually here to ask what time you get off tonight." He said.

Your head shot up and you dropped the Milky Way bars in your hand. "What?"

", I have a new piece I'm working on and I want your opinion on it." He explained rubbing the back of his neck.

"You want my opinion on you art?" You asked breathlessly, you felt like your heart might beat out of your chest as he nodded, "I should be off at five tonight, I was suppose to close, but Sonny slept through part of his shift so Usnavi's making him close for the next couple of days." You rambled.

Pete laughed, "Awesome, meet me out back at the end of your shift." He said before walking out of the bodega.


You waited at the back entrance of the store, bouncing on your toes as you waited for Pete to show up. He walked up exactly at five o'clock.

"Let's go." He smiled grabbing your hand.

He led you to an abandoned building near the apartment you shared with your brother and guardian. Before you rounded the corner he stopped walking.

"Close your eyes." He whispered, you shot him a confused look before shutting your eyes. Pete grabbed your shoulders and gently guided you to stand in front of a wall, "Okay. Open."

You slowly opened your eyes and gasped at what you saw. Before you was a beautiful mural of Y/F/F set in front of a gorgeous sunset.

"'s beautiful." You smiled.

"Really?" He asked nervously.

""Perfecto." You answered.

"'s not done yet. I need help with one part." He said looking at the ground, "i'm not sure what to write at the bottom. What sounds better, 'Will you go out with me, Y/N?' or 'Y/N, I love you.'?"

Your jaw dropped and you both stood frozen in place, staring at each other before you lunged towards each other and pressed your mouths together. Pete put one hand on your hip and the other one cupped your chest before finding it's way to your hair as you wrapped your arms around his neck. When you finally broke apart to breath you leaned your forehead against his.

"Yes, I will go out with you. And I love you two." You wrapped your arms tighter around each other and simply enjoyed each other's embrace.

"What are the odds of your brother or cousin killing me when they find out about us?" Pete laughed into your hair. You pulled your head away from his chest and looked around up at him.

"I don't care what Sonny or Navi or anyone thinks." You declared.

Pete smiled, "Eres hermosa. (you're beautiful)."

"Shut up." You blushed as he buried his face in your neck and started kissing you.


Once you made it back to your apartment you turned to look at Pete and smiled. He leaned in and gave you a sweet kiss.

"Te amo, Y/N."

"Te amo, Pete." You smiled before reluctantly releasing his hand and walking inside.

"Hey Y/N. Where have you been? Your shift ended over an hour ago." Usnavi asked.

You couldn't wipe the smile off your face as you said, "Nothing."

"Is that paint in you hair?" He asked as you walked to your room, giggling. 

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