Makeovers (Lafayette x Reader)

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I'm currently working on a multipart Lafayette x OFC fic so be on the lookout for that in the next couple of weeks.


Lafayette was resting his head on your shoulder as you cuddled on the couch in the apartment you shared, having a Disney movie marathon. You were messing with his hair which was tied back in it's normal bun when you got a brilliant idea.

"Laf?" You asked sweetly.

"Oui, mon amour?" We asked not looking away from the movie currently playing, Beauty and the Beast.

You twirled a strand of his hair around your finger, "Would you let me fat iron your hair, s'il vous plait." You asked.

He shot up and looked at you like you were crazy, "Non!"

You pouted and gave him your best puppy dog eyes, "S'il vous plait Laf. Just once. For me."

"Non, Y/N." He said crossing his arms.

"It's not like anyone else but us would know and it would be fun." You promised, but he refused to budge on the subject. You smirked and crawled across the couch till you were sitting in his lap.

You started pressing kisses on his jaw and neck and you felt his hand grab your waist, "S'il vous plait bebe. Ca va etre amusant. (Please babe. It'll be fun.)" You begged and you felt him huff.

"Bien. (Fine.)" He groaned, "You know I can not say no to you when you speak French."

You smiled and jumped off his lap, grabbing his hand and dragging his the the bathroom while he pouted. You sat him down of the floor and plugged in you flat iron and waited for it to heat up. While you waited you pulled his hair from it's constrictive bun and let his mane go wild and kissed the top of his head.

"I love you." You said, trying to cheer him up and you saw him crack a smile before the flat iron beeped.

You slowly began running it through his hair, giggling at how ridiculous he looked, even with only one section straight and by the time you had finished ten minute later you were both in tears from laughing.

"W'at s'ould we do next?" He asked.

"Wait, you want to do more?" You asked.

"Oui, Y/N. This is fun." He answered.

"Hmmm, how about I paint your nails!" You squealed grabbing your nail polished from under the sink.

"Only the toes!" He said.

"Fine, then I get to pick the color." You bargained and he nodded. You looked through the colors before smiling and grabbing red, white, and blue.

"Vraiment? (Really?)" He chucked.

"Yes, really. It's French and American, two of your favorite things." You answered.

"Next to you." He said, leaning forward to kiss your cheek and tickle your side.

Once you finished his toenails he wanted to do your makeup. You pulled out all the makeup you owned and let him put ridiculous colors on your eyelids and a crazy amount of blush on your cheeks before smearing some bright red lipstick on your mouth, then messing it up with kisses that led to you two making out of the bathroom floor.

After your makeovers you took a few photos of each other before swearing on pain of death to never show them to Alexander, John, and Hercules before heading back to the couch to order some takeout and continued cuddling and watching movies with the makeup, nail polish, and hair still in place. When you and Lafayette went to answer the door twenty minutes later the delivery guy barely looked fazed.  

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