Mardi Gras (Thomas Jefferson x Reader)

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I am actually heading down to New Orleans for Mardi Gras in two days so the different events that the reader goes to are events I am going to and the two outfits she wears are based out my outfits for those event. 

You looked out the window of the cab you and your boyfriend were in, thinking about how incredibly nervous you were for what that next week held. You and your boyfriend, Thomas, had been dating for almost two years and he had invited you to come down to New Orleans to celebrate Mardi Gras with his family. You were originally from New York and that was where Thomas and you currently shared an apartment, you had no idea what to expect from this long weekend, but you were looking forward to it.

Thomas seemed to notice your nervousness and raised your joined hands to his lips, kissing them, "Y/N, relax. You've met my family before. We're here for a five day long party." He reminded you. You smiled as you noticed that some of his original Virginian accent had slipped into his voice.

"You're right." You sighed in agreement, "What should we do first?" You asked.

"Well, first we'll go to the hotel and drop off our luggage, then how about we get something to eat?" He suggested and you smiled at the thought of food.

Thomas took you to a famous cafe right on the mouth of the Mississippi River called Cafe du Monde and you two shared two orders of their famous beignets and a two mugs of hot chocolate before sharing some powdered sugar kisses. Then you two walked up and down the French Quarter, looking at the art, listening to the music, and getting a few drinks on Bourbon Street.


The next day was Saturday and it was the beginning of the real festivities, the first few parades were that day. Thomas had told you about the crazy tradition of dressing up which is how you found yourself in a purple, green, and gold tutu, with purple green, and gold false eyelashes and big black bow on your head, and bright red lipstick. Thomas came out of the bathroom with a big orange bowtie on and some purple, green, and gold suspenders and his hair, which was always out of control seemed to be even bigger.

"Hey, you don't nearly as crazy as I do!" You complained. He laughed and grabbed your hand, pulling you towards the hotel room door.

You raced down to the Quarter and Thomas surprised you by lifting you onto his shoulders.

"Thomas! Put me down!" You laughed.

"No way, Peaches, you gotta catch us some beads." He said.

"How?" You asked looking down at him.

"When the floats come by yell 'Throw me something mister' and they'll throw you beads." He explained before the first float came around the corner.

By the end of the night, you're neck was being weighed down by beads and Thomas gave you a piggy back ride to the hotel.


Sunday was the most important day of this whole trip. It was the day you were meeting up with Thomas's family, it was the day you were in the carriager parade in the morning, it was the Bacchus parade, and it was the Mardi Gras ball. You and Thomas woke up early and bundled up before going to join his parent to get into your carriage with a bag of "throws" as they called them, beads, and started driving around the Quarter. You leaned your head on Thomas' shoulder as you rode through the town, still tired from last night.

He kissed the top of your head, "I love you, Peaches."

"Love you, too." You muttered sleepily.

After the carriage parade you went to the brunch that was being held for everyone who participated and you and Thomas' mother sat together, drinking mimosas and talking.

"Darlin', I'm so glad you decided to join us this year. I know it's just meant the world to my Tommy." She smiled.

"I'm glad I did too! This has been so much fun!" You gushed.

"Are you ready for the ball tonight?" She asked.

"I'm so excited. And I know Thomas is too. I haven't let him see the dress." You explained.

"Did you follow the dress code guidelines I sent you?" She asked.

"Yes, floor length and appropriate." You assured her.

Later that night you and Thomas had gone back to the hotel room to get ready. When you had asked about seeing the parade he told you that you didn't need to worry because the parade ends inside the convention center where the ball was being held. You slipped into your skin tight, floor length red dress and put on your gold and ruby jewelry before moving to makeup where you did a dramatic smokey eye and deep red lipstick. Finally you pulled your hair half up, half down and curled it before slipping into to your closed toe, rhinestone heels.

"Y/N, are you ready yet?" Thomas whined from outside the bathroom.

"Yes. You ready to see it?" You asked nervously. This outfit was a completely different cut and color then you had worn before.

"Yes! I've been waiting all month!" he complained.

You chuckled to yourself before opening the door and stepping out. Thomas' jaw dropped to the floor when he saw you and you admired him in his tux while you waited for him to collect himself.

"You are absolutely stunning." He finally whispered, walking over to you and grabbing your hand for a kiss.

"You don't look so bad yourself." You flirted. He looped his arm through yours and lead you to the convention center which was right across the street from your hotel due to Thomas' perfect planning for this trip.

The ball had been in full swing when you arrived and had continued that way for the rest of the night as the parade rolled through the doors and the people on the floats threw beads into the crowd. You had long since kicked off your shoes and were slow dancing with Thomas as the party whined to a close.

"This has been the most amazing trip, Thomas. Thank you for planning this." You whispered as you rested you head on his chest.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, my love." He whispered back.

"What do you have planned for the next two days here?" You asked.

"Well, that depends on how you answer." He said. You looked up at him in confusion as a nervous look crossed his face. Your eyes widened as he released you and slowly lowered himself onto one knee and pulled a box out of his tux pocket, revealing the most beautiful ring.

"Y/N, I love you so much. I've loved you since that first day when you offered to let me share your umbrella when it was raining the first day of classes. I've loved since our first date at the coffee shop. I've loved you forever and I will continue to love you forever. You are the smartest, kindest, most amazing woman in the world and you put up with me when I won't stop working, and when James and I have a crazy scheme, or when I rant about Hamilton for hours and you ask for nothing in return. Please, let me love you for the rest of my life. Make me the happiest man in the world. Will you marry me, Peaches?" He asked with a few tears running down his face. You had started crying the moment he had dropped to his knee and you were so choked up now that you couldn't form words, you simply nodded and he stood up and kissed up, slipping the ring onto your finger.

This was by far the best Mardi Gras ever.  

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