Hamilton and Jefferson (Philip Hamilton x Reader)

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So after an hour of listening this guy drone on about himself he asks me about my family and I told him my dad was the Vice President. And do you know what he said? 'Oh. Of what company?' WHAT COMPANY!! Gee, I don't know did the fact my name is Y/N Jefferson and the secret service was following us around all night not clue you in?" You complained while your best friend Philip fell over laughing, "Needless to say, he's not getting a second date."
"I one time told a girl my dad was the Treasury Secretary and later that night she said, 'So, your dad is a secretary in the treasury building?' Technically yes." He smiled and now it was your turn to laugh.
You two were hanging out in your favorite coffee shop just outside of Columbia University after Philip's open mic poetry slam. You two had been friends since you were five, despite your dad's hating each other they didn't hold grudges against the others children. You two would often play during cabinet meeting and although your dad's would grumble about you being together, they never pulled you apart unless they had a bad meeting.
It wasn't until you were in high school that you crush on Philip began and now as freshmen in college it was always there in the back of your mind.
"So, are you going back to D.C. or staying in New York for the summer?" You asked as you took a sip of coffee.
"DC, you know Washington is holding that reunion party." He reminded you and you groaned. You loved the Washingtons and you loved Mount Vernon, but you hated dinner parties. The reunion was because it had been two years since Washingtons last term ended, since your dad was Secretary of State, and his dad was Secretary of Treasury.
"Isn't it a 'bring a date' party?" You asked.
"Yes and I wanted to ask if you would be my date?" He asked blushing and looking at his hands.
"What?" You asked breathlessly.
"My name is Philip
I am a poet
I wrote this poem just to show it
And if roses and red
And violets are blue
Then please say yes to my date with you." He rapped and you smiled so wide it hurt your cheeks.
"Yes! Of course!" You said leaning across the table and giving him a kiss on his lips.
A few months later everyone was shocked when you and Philip walked into the diner party at Mount Vernon, holding hands, and announced that you were dating.
To this day, Washington swears that he had never heard so much yelling from Jefferson and Hamilton.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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