Skills (Benny x Reader)

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You were cleaning the counter of the bodega off when the bell above the door rang.

"You ain't got no skills." Benny sang as he burst into the store.

"Buenos diaz, Benny. You have the wrong de le Vega." You said.

His face turned beat red as he looked at you, "Hey, Y/N. Where's Usnavi?"

"BIg bro's at home with a fever today and Sonny's hanging out at Pete's so I'm running the store today.

"Oh, well, let me get..." Benny started.

"Milky Way, and a Daily news, and a post, and the most important, your boss's second coffee..." You listed.

"One cream five sugars." You finished together. You had harbored a crush on Benny for years, but he was your older brother's best friend and you were sure Benny saw you as nothing more than Usnavi's kid sister, even if you were nineteen.

"What are you up to today?" Benny asked as he handed you money.

"Um,,,same as always. Running the bodega, saving money for school." You had been trying to save enough to start working on your communications degree and you were almost there. You knew that Benny was saving for business school as well, "What about you?" You asked counting his change.

"Driving people around, saving money for school, same as you." He said giving you a dazzling smile as you handed him his change.

"Well, have a nice day." You said as he started walking towards the door. He opened it then turned back to you.

"Y/N, would you, I don't know, maybe go out for dinner tonight?" He asked sheepishly.

"Si! Yes! Absolutamente! (Absolutely!)" You exclaimed.

"Great! I'll pick you up at eight." He said before walking out of the bodega. You instantly pulled out your phone and calling Vanessa.

"Hola Y/N. What's up girl?" She asked when she anwered.

"Get over to the bodega as soon as you can!" You cried.

"Que? (What? What's wrong?" She panicked.

"Benny asked me out, we're going to dinner tonight at eight and I need help." You frantically explained.

"I'll be right there!" She promised before hanging up.

A minute later Vanessa burst through the front door of the store with Danielle and Carla on her heels.

"Tell me everything." They demanded and you smiled as you delayed that morning's events.

"No me diga!" Danielle said as you finished.

"Oh, Dani. Our little girl is all grown up." Carla teased.

"Si. And she is in desperate need of a makeover." Danielle said.

"Call Usnavi and have him cover or you." Vanessa said.

"Haven't you heard? He's sick." You explained.

"What? He didn't tell me." Vanessa exclaimed before blushing.

"I didn't know he needed to tell you." Danielle smirked and you all laughed as she turned a deeper shade of red.

You ended up calling your cousin, Sonny, in and he pouted about having to leave his boyfriend's house early. You promised him you would cover for him next time if he ran the bodega for the night ad went over to the salon to get your hair and nails done before Vanessa came to your house to help you pick out an outfit. The two of you decided on a black dress with a white belt that Vanessa promised would match Benny's classic white button up and black tie perfectly and told you it would look even better on the floor.


Before you knew it, it was eight o'clock and Benny showed up at your doorstep with a bouquet of Y/F/F, "Wow, Y/N, you look amazing!" He said and you blushed.

He took you to a nice dinner a little outside of the barrio where you two stayed until closing, talking and laughing.

"I've had a really great time tonight." He said as you finished dinner.

"Yo tambien. (Me too.)" You said, slipping into Spanish unconsciously taking a sip of your drink.

He smiled, "You're really sexy when you speak Spanish."

You raised your eyebrows, "Oh?"

"Mhm. Y/N will you teach me some Spanish." He asked.

"Of course. What do you want to know?" You asked laning your elbows on the table.

"How do you say 'kiss me'?" He asked softly.

"Besame." You answered softly.

"Besame. And how do you say 'hold me'?" He asked standing up and pulling your chair out.

"Abrazame." You said.

"Abrazame. Okay, one more. How do you say 'love me'?" He smiled leading you out of the restaurant.

"Quiereme." You said

"Quiereme." He replied before leaning in and kissing you.


As it turned out, Vanessa was right, your outfit did look better of the floor of Benny's room.  

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