2 {Two}

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*Chris' POV*

She changed. All those plans we made together of a future. Kids, house, jobs. She wanted to be a business woman and I wanted to be a musician. We were gonna have three children. Preferably two girls and a boy. We had names for them. Although I was only 19 and she was 18, our lifes were planned out but that didn't matter.

She didn't seem to care and I was beginning to think we weren't gonna make it. Now seeing the type of person I am, when I start losing faith in anything it's most likely not gonna turn out good. I still had faith in us but very little to be honest.

I was only still in the relationship because i had never loved like this before and i wanted to be with her alone. Any other girl and I would've left because this was too much. But She was Asia. She's my everything. Short, had long hair flowing down her back. Body to die for plus she was intelligent.

But now because I left I was holding onto a dying relationship because I'm madly in love. How long can I hold on if the person that's killing it is the person I love.

*Asia's POV*

He moved away. Forced by his parents And me to move away. He tried to stay but I was tired of the arguing between them so I pushed him to go. I knew I was the only reason he was staying.

That was four months ago. I'm growing lonely now. This long distance relationship was killing me. I needed to feel love. Chris was too far away. I love him but he's too far. I wish he would come home. He tried many times but something always came up. Just my luck. The One person I needed was far and neither of us could have done anything.

I began pushing him away. Responding to his texts like I was bothered. Cutting conversations short. Not talking to him unless he spoke to me. I didn't want to be like this but I was tired of talking to him like this. Facebook, Text Messages, No physical contact. I wanted to feel his touch, feel him hug me, hear his voice, feel his lips on mines.

I was being a total bitch but I couldn't control myself. I wanted something from Chris that he couldn't give to me right now.

I put myself in this situation with Chris. I should have never pushed him on that plane. I thought I was doing him a favour. I knew he loved LA. He would be happy but far. Turns out he wasn't happy at all. Said it wasn't shit without me.

I wouldn't want to leave Chris. I would be abandoning him and he needs me and I need him but I have a funny way of showing it. I know how I am and I want to be better but I'm too selfish to be honest. We no longer talk about our future. I don't tell him I love him as much as before. I wanted him to be close and I think part of me hates him for leaving.

**A/N: I know it's short but tell me what you think. The other chapters would be longer.

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