4 {Four}

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*Asia's POV*

"Lisa I don't know what's happening to me but please just keep an eye on him. Make sure he doesn't do anything He would regret."

"Like what?" She responded.

"Like cheat on me..."

"You do know this is Chris we're talking about right?" She said with a chuckle.

"We're both not ourselves cause of the distance between us. I know he's not thinking." I said with a sigh.

"Okay fine. I'll watch out for him. I got to go to class though. Talk to you later?"

"Okay Lisa."

Lisa was a friend of me and Chris. She had got into UCLA about a month after Chris left. She would tell me how Chris would act and how he was stressed because of the distance.

"Asia!" a voice yelled from my front yard.

"Who the fuck is that?" I said to myself. To my shock it was James. "James, what do you want?"

"I need you Asia.."

"James, You just want me because you can't have me. I'm sorry."

"Asia please.."

"No James.... I'm sorry. Leave me alone."

"Fuck you then Asia!"

I can't believe James. Fuck me? Whatever. That's one guy I have feelings for gone. Sad thing was I still had three more to get rid of.

*Chris' POV*

I was tired of caring about what was going on with Asia. I was trying to stop giving a fuck but it was difficult but i was gonna do it. She didnt seem to care much anyways. If she did, we would talk more. It's like i was in this relationship on my own. But from now on, whatever happens happens. I just wanted to get this record deal so i could go home. I just want to see my baby.

I decided to call hit up Lisa for a talk. She probably missing me anyways." Hey LisLis. Wassup?"

"Chrissy! Nothing just coming out of class." She said upsetting me.

"You know I hate that name, girl." I said sucking my teeth.

"Yea and?"

"Why you keep calling me that then?"

"You know you love me." she said with a giggle

"You lucky I do. What you up to?"

"Nothing. Talked to Asia earlier."

"Hmm. About what?"

"Girl stuff Chris." She said sounding nervous.

"Talked about me didn't you?"

She didn't answer. I knew it. She can talk about me with Lisa but if I speak to her She pushes me away. I hated her logic.

"Lisa, I know you too good for you to hide shit From me. What you guys talk about me?" I asked sounding irritated.

"She wanted me to make sure you won't cheat on her."

"She wants to make sure I'm not cheating. Ha. The way she been acting, I should be the one doing that shit." I was angry and irritated at how much "trust" Asia had for me.

"Don't worry Chris. I know you would never do that shit." "Lisa, I ain't talk to her in days, if I talk to her She pushes me away. She on that bullshit."

"It will all be over soon. Just get your record deal and get back home. You know she love you and its only like that with her cause of the distance." Lisa reassured.

She was right. It wasn't Asia's fault and I shouldn't hold it against her. I was just not thinking right. That seemed to be the only thing me and Asia connected on these days. Not thinking right. "Lisa, I gotta go. And I'm mad at you. You my only friend from home but we don't hang out."

"I got school and stuff. Uhh well bye." She said awkwardly. She didn't even give me a chance to answer before hanging up. I don't know why she being weird lately.

Later on, I sat trying to write a song but I had writer's block. I think it was because I was thinking about some of messed up things I wanted to do to make sure I kept Asia in my life . I had seen all that was happening with Asia now before it happen. Sort of like a vision and I came up with a fucked up plan to make sure I kept her. I was gonna have sex with her and get her pregnant so she would be mines forever. I was crazy enough to think it up but not crazy enough to actually execute the plan.


I took off her top and exposed her bare breasts. She quickly covered them. For a beautiful and sexy girl she was insecure about her body.

"Baby, What's wrong?" I asked her curious as to why she was doing this.

"It's just that... I don't like them." She said sounding nervous.

"Well I love them." I moved her hands and softly kissed her left breast. I ran my tongue all over them and realized she began to loosen up. Her moans were my motivation.

I picked her up and put her on the bed and kissed on her neck. She reached down and pulled me out of my boxers. My plan was perfect but I couldn't do that to Asia. "Baby, I can't do this."

"What? Why?" She said in confusion. Oh shit. "I just can't. C'mon, let's just chill and watch a movie."

"I knew it. I'm not good enough for you to have sex with me." She seem pissed. I had to come up with something quickly to clam her down. "No, it's not that. *sigh* I don't know how to do it." I lied. I know exactly what to do but she believed me. "Oh baby.. Well we could always try again some other time. I love you". "I love you too".

~end of flashback~

I'm glad I didn't get Asia pregnant now. I would have felt guilty and probably wouldn't have been able to live with myself. But I had to figure out a plan to keep her. A plan I could live with.


A/N: What do you guys think? Am I doing good? Next chapter Will have Lisa's POV too. I hope you guys like it.

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