6 {Six}

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*Chris' POV*

I woke the next morning and saw some messages from Asia. I cringed and clenched my jaw before I opened the text message. I assumed she might break up with me again. I opened and all it said was Hi. I sighed in relieved.

Asia <3: Hi.

Me: Hi.

Asia <3: You needed something?

Me: I wanted to apologize.

Asia <3: Ok.

Me: Can I ask you something?

Asia <3: What?

Me: You want to break up with me don't you?

Asia <3: On many different occasions yea but not right now.

Me: I knew it. I could tell.

Asia <3: Chris I have to go. Bye.

Me: Bye....

No I love you or anything? I know she's still pissed. Whatever For now. I really couldn't stress. I just got my record deal. Oh shit. I had to meet Lisa to hang out today. I completely forgot. I guess I had to get ready now. After I finished getting ready, I texted Lisa to figure out what was going on today.

Me: Lisa! you ready?

LisLis: Not even close. gimme a half hour. 

Me: You always take forever to get ready.

LisLis: Shut up.

Me: Just hurry.

While I waited for Lisa to call saying she was ready, I decided to watch some cartoons and eat some cereal. My phone rang and the caller ID said it was Asia. I answered and heard talking like she butt dialed me.

"Why can't you just dump him so we could be together?" a unknown male voice said. She was silent for a bit and then responded "You know what this was and it's not going to be any more. I'm sorry Sean. I don't want speak to you again. I love Chris too much to continue doing this to him."

Continue doing what? Is she cheating on me? After all this she cheats on me? Days away from going back home and I find out she cheated. Today is the worst day of my life but I didn't want to break up with her. I was just going to get even.

*Asia's POV*

It felt good getting rid of Shawn. Now Chris is the only guy in my life. I had never really mad any sacrifices for Chris. It was always him making the sacrifices but it felt good doing something for the person you love.

I still felt disappointed in myself for what I've been doing for the past few months with Shawn and.how it affected Chris. I treated Shawn like my boyfriend and neglected Chris. But that's going to change. I'm going to be one hundred percent committed to Chris and I'm going to show it too. He treats me like a queen, it's only fair that I treat him like a king. I had to call him and apologize for how I've been acting since he left.

"Hello?" He answered. "Hey Baby. I miss you." "You sure?" he asked. "Yea, why wouldn't I be?"

"Oh ok that's nice to know." So he doesn't miss me back? "Chris, are you ok?" I asked sounding concerned. "Yea I'm Fine but I have to go bye." He hung up without saying I love you or allowing me to respond. What was up with him today?

*Lisa's POV*

I deliberately took my time getting ready so there was less time with Chris. It's tough being in love and friends with a taken man. Seeing him with her and him talking about her is really hard for me but I couldn't just stop talking to him.

When I finally met up with him I saw he was looking depressed and down. "Hey Chris what's wrong?" I asked. He looked like he wanted to cry but we were in public so he couldn't. He was holding back from telling me. "Chrisss, talk to me, it's what I'm here for". "Lisa, she cheated on me with some guy".

I thought Asia told me everything about Shawn. I thought he was just a friend she treated like a boyfriend who really wanted to be with her. I didn't know she was fucking him. "Ar-Are you sure?" "Yea, Lisa. She butt-dialed me as she was ending it with him." I could see he was on the verge of tears. My poor baby.

"Chris, She told me about him but I thought he was just like a boyfriend substitute you know? Like a guy she's close to like a boyfriend but they don't do any "couple stuff" together." I explained. "Yea, I know you told me the other day but this was a shocker. I don't know what to do." I reached out and took it. "Your best friend is here for you. I flashed him a smile and he returned.

His face then lit up like if he had a wonderful idea. "Lisa, you're my best friend right?" "Uhh right?" I responded. "And you would do anything for me right?" "Sure but why?" Iasked. "Have sex with me." He blurted out. "What?! Chris no!" "Listen hear me out. I don't want to leave Asia and I know she only cheated because I wasn't there. I just want to do this so I can be comfortable with her." he explained.

I sighed and thought about it. "Ok. I'll do it."I replied. I didn't want to do it but I want him to be happy. If the person you loved asked you to do something for them, wouldn't you?


A/N: Whatttt? The? Fuck? Chris just made a random assumption and didn't find out anything else but he's just going to cheat on Asia. Woowww. I feel bad for Asia.

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