3 {Three}

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*Chris' POV*

I smiled at the memories I've been having of the times but shit changed when I got on that plane. I was born and raised in Tappahannock, Virginia. My whole life was the definition of shitty. Girls I was with before Asia would say they love me yesterday then diss me in front of their friends today. They was fucked up like that.

I never had anything I wanted really. I was and am a dude who will do no matter what to see you happy even if it meant I had to be unhappy. Things changed when I met Asia. I remember it like it was yesterday.


"Bruh" Mijo said.

"What?" I responsed

"You know I love you like a brother right ?"

"We like brothers bruh but why you saying that?" I said raising my eyebrows 

"Well I'm tired of seeing my brother unhappy and these chicks you pick are bitches so I'll pick the next chick and I know you so I know you would love her. "

"And if I don't?" I inquired

"Trust me. You help me with my shit with Denise. It's the least i can do. I just want my bro happy."

"Ok. Do what you gotta do." I said. I wasn't convinced this would be different but why not take a chance.

That's how I met Asia and she was everything. She was perfect and so cute and innocent. We were together in a month's time. We loved each within a week of being together which was rushing but I didn't give a fuck. She was the one girl who chose me or defended me with her friends.

~end of flashback~

I was far away from all my friends in Virginia. I didn't want any friends here in LA. I wanted to be home. I already had to be away from her and my friends and Asia and she wasn't making anything easier for me.

I was sent out here because being a singer was my dream and it would be easier out here but I wanted to wait for Asia. My parents wouldn't have it though. They wanted me to start my dream ASAP. Something about the chance of having my dream won't wait for Asia.

*Asia's POV*


I was on the phone with Chris when an argument with Chris and his father broke out. I could hear everything being said.

Mr. Brown: Christopher you're going now and that's final. You wanted this and this dream isn't going to wait for you and this girl.

Chris: But pops, its just a year. What's the big deal? I can't win with you people. C'mon you finally let me have my dream and I have to give up the love of my life. Can't I just have a couple things go right?

Mr. Brown: You wanted this Christopher. You have to go now. I'm sorry son.

Chris: You'll never understand pops. You want me gone cause you tried of me and moms just want me in LA with her but nobody cares about what I want.

I hung up the phone. This was all too much for me. This is not the first argument and it was all because Chris wouldn't leave without me. He should just go on. Maybe it's for the best.

~end of flashback~

I had to go to school soon. I had to go see James. He was no Chris but he was closer and honestly I have feelings for him and we had more similar interests. I can't believe I was actually considering leaving Chris for this guy before but I came to my senses.

Nobody could treat me the way Chris does. He makes me feel like the only girl in the world. But I'm selfish and Chris is too far away.

"Hey Asia" James came up and said.

"Oh hi James" I responded sounding bothered.

"You thought about what i said? about us?"

"I have a boyfriend..."

"But I thought you couldn't do it anymore" James said with a cracked up voice.

"I'm sorry James but I want Chris here and I was just confused. Sorry if I lead you on but I just want to be close to my Chris."

"Fine whatever."

I really should go to a different school away from James for My and Chris' relationship but I was being selfish. I know Chris would want that if he knew how I felt about James so I didn't tell him. I was gonna try to stay committed to Chris no matter what.

I normally don't go for long distance relationships but Chris was just everything. The perfect boyfriend. Treated me right and have any other hoes. Too bad he was too far for me to see it anymore. I know I couldn't handle it but I did it to keep Chris.

Now I didn't know who he was flirting with, who he spoke to during the day, who had the privilege of being close to him. Chris is beyond attractive so I know girls would throw themselves at him. What if he gives in to temptation? What if I gave into temptation?

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