Chapter 1 (Part 2)

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Hanako led Rose and Winter to the table right across where they stood on the left side. The next table was unusually quiet, there were only 2 people sitting there. "These are the people who work alone; they don't want to join a team. I forgot to mention, Akaro sometimes works alone too. But, he and Wakka never sit here." Hanako made clear.

"The one closest to us is Beatrix, and the one opposite of her is Chara-Zoe-Chan. ....Hey guys! Why don't you welcome Rosabella and Winter?" Hanako said.

"Welcome to the guild." Beatrix greeted, no sign of emotion on her face.

"Umm...hi." Rose replied.

"Psst! Chara-Zoe-Chan! Why don't you say hi?"

She didn't reply, her face was still as stone, and she stared at the wooden table. Winter instantly flew behind Rose saying, "She scares me...!" Hanako looked at Rose and Winter with a reassurring smile. "Oh, it's okay... she doesn't talk much. Let's go to the next table!" She grabbed Rose, and pulled her to the next table. "Maybe she is scared of Chara-Zoe-Chan too..." Winter whispered. Rose nodded her head.

The next table had 3 people sitting at it, their backs to Rose. She and Winter noticed some more cat ears and tails; were they...nekojins too? Hanako let go of Rose's hand, and leaped right in front of the team; her large pigtails bobbing after she landed.

"This is Team Rebellion! But they don't rebel against Starshine of course... The rebelled and quit a secret agency not too long ago. Anyway, this is Molly Crowncup, her brother Wolfy Crowncup, and Misty Winters!" Hanako said excitedly.

Everyone smiled, causing Rose and Winter to feel warm inside. Molly winked at them, while sticking her tongue out. Molly had funky-shaped pale green glasses, and behind them were shiny brown eyes. She had light purple shoulder length hair, and regular purple ears and tail. She wore a magenta dress with a butterfly on the front, and a dark purple skirt with another butterfly on it. She had tiny round blue earrings, and red shoes.

"Sup!" Wolfy greeted, and raised his hand. Wolfy didn't look like a nekojin, but more like a dog. He had spiky light brown hair, and pink heart sunglasses resting on top. He had dark blue eyes, and and fluffy pink poncho. He wore worn out and baggy jeans, and blue sneakers. He didn't really look like his sister Molly...

Misty nodded in Rose's direction and smiled. She had long, white and black hair, with some white cat ears and tail. She had kind brown eyes, and a gray and pink bow. She had pale peach skin, and a black and white striped dress. She wore large black boots... in other words she looked a lot like a zebra.

"The interesting thing about these three is that... well... have you two heard of Celestial Wizards right? Or the wizards with Celestial keys?" Hanako asked Rosabella and Winter. "Yeah, I have." Rose replied.

"Okay, then you should kind of understand. Well you see, there are 3 types of Celestial Wizards. The most common ones are the wizards who have Celestial keys. Not many people know about the second and third. The second is Celestial Staffs, and Celestial Charms. These three have Celestial Staffs," Hanako explained.

"Yup, she's right. Some people can have multiple staffs, but there are only one of each." Wolfy added.

"Yeah! And that's why Celestial Staffs and Charms are rare!" Molly commented.

"Like the keys, the staffs and charms have to do with the Celestial Spirit they represent. But, only the keys are able to summon the spirits. Staffs and charms let the user wield the power of the spirit." Misty mentioned.

"But some powers don't really relate to the spirit, actually... take one of my staffs for example. I have Capricorn, and the power is to create light. It's really only useful in a dark place, but I have a dragon staff that shoots fireballs!" Wolfy said.

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