Chapter 4 (Part 1)

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Rosabella and Winter arrived at Starshine, feeling refreshed. "The beds at Cerise's house were so comfy!" Winter exclaimed, stretching. "I'm glad I was forced to go...!" Rose added. Cerise skipped over to where they stood, for she had left earlier than them. "What did you think of the breakfast I left for you guys?" She asked.

"It was wonderful!" Rosabella and Winter said in unison.

"I'm glad you liked it! Did you sleep okay?"

"It was so warm! Better than our old sleeping bags...!" Winter responded.

"Well, remember that you two can stay as long as you like!"

"Cerise! Get over here! We gotta get going!" Nadia called from their table.

Cerise waved goodbye, and headed back to Team Starchaser. Winter was in a better mood, and actually wasn't nervous in front of someone else for the first time. He asked, "So which teams are we working with next?" Rosabella could sense a hint of worry in his voice, despite his mood. He clearly didn't want to work with Nadia, even if Cerise was there. 

"We're working with Team Neon Echo and Melody next," she replied. Winter nodded, and sighed in relief. His gaze drifted elsewhere, and his eyes widened. He darted behind Rosabella, and for a second she thought he was hiding from Nadia. She looked to where he was looking, which was not at Nadia, but at Team Rebellion.

Rosabella saw two new people sitting at the table. One reminded her of a hippo, and the other reminded her of a camel.They were joking around with the other members, so they must've been the 'other people with Celestial staves' they were talking about. Winter was always shy around new people, so Rose walked over to Hanako.

"Hey, Hanako," Rose spoke.

"Hm? What is it Rosabella?"

"Are they...New members of the guild?" She asked, pointing at them.

"Ah, yes. That's Hippie Skawa and Buck Sanoasis. They came in last night after everyone left."

"Woah, really?"

"Yeah! They said they were close friends with Misty, Molly, and Wolfy, and they each had one Celestial Staff!"

"Oh, I see. Gotcha."

They waved goodbye, and Rose walked over to Team Neon Echo with Winter still clinging to her back. Once she arrived, Hana looked up and smiled. "So, I heard you're gonna join us and Team Melody." Rosabella nodded, and Winter peeked out from over her shoulder. "Tch. I don't seen the point in doin' this," Shina commented.

"It's for Rosabella and Winter, so they can decide which team to join," Niji responded.

"Well Hippie and Buck made their decision pretty quickly," Shina said while pointing at Team Rebellion's table.

"Hanako told me it was because they already knew them, plus they're friends," Rose added.

Shina groaned, and Hana whispered to Rosabella, "This is normal. She's tough on the inside but way nicer on the inside." Winter poked out from behind Rose. "Really?" He questioned. Shina turned around and glared at him, causing Winter to return to his hiding place. "Now now, Shina." Melody and her team came over to Neon Echo, already aware that they'd go on an adventure together.

Shina blushed, and looked away. She knew she shouldn't mess with the most powerful wizard in the guild. Shina sighed, then finally spoke up. "Fine, I'll work with you and the newbies." Melody smiled, then looked at Rosabella. "Do you have any jobs in mind? I don't mind what it is, as long as you get to know us better and practice your magic," she asked kindly. 

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