Chapter 2

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Rosabella sighed. She and Winter had been staring at the job board for a couple of minutes, and haven't found any jobs that seem interesting. "Maybe we should start with something easy first." Rose suggested. "Yeah, and not scary either!" Winter added. The ones that seemed the least scary were capturing thieves, finding a lost magic tool, and guarding a mansion for a day.

Rosabella sighed again. "I honestly have no idea what to choose." Something grabbed onto her shoulder, and Rose jumped. "Who is it?!" she exclamied. Turns out, it was Reynn from Team Grymoire.

"Having trouble finding a job?" she asked.

"Yes, Winter and I are trying to find something easy and not scary," Rose replied.

"I can relate. When the rest of my team first joined this guild, we tried searching for something easy. Thing is, we need lots of jewel to pay rent at out apartment. So, my tip is to find a job that rewards lots of jewel."

"Oh, I see."

"But take it easy. Don't try something too hard, and not too easy either. You never know, Avery could be watching you test your skills out."

"He does that?!"

"Yup! He scared Lann half to death once, actually."

"Haha! Thanks for the tip, Reynn."

"No problem. Oh- have you figured out which team to join yet?"


"Still need time?"

"Well...since it is kind of hard to find a job right now, I was planning on asking Mat if I could tag along on some jobs. You know, get to know everyone better."

"I think that's a great idea! To speed things up, why don't you tag along with two teams?"

"But what would you do about the jewel-splitting? What if they don't get along?"

"Don't worry about it! I'm sure it'll work out just fine. I'll ask Avery about it. Be right back!"

Reynn dashed away, heading towards the room Mat usually disappeared into. Rosabella felt like she knew Reynn a little better now. However, Winter was still flying and examining all of the requests on the board. Soon, Reynn came back and said, "Avery said we could! You can choose any two teams to work together, and he'll explain everything when we get together." Rose smiled with gratitude. Reynn waved goodbye, and headed back to her team.

"Winter. It's okay now; didn't you hear what Reynn just said?" "Yeah, but I want to choose a job for us!" he replied. Rosabella scanned the room, looking for a team she and Winter would work well with first. Soon, she noticed Nadia hovering in the air, having an argument with Ferris. "Poor guy," Rose thought in her head. Definitely not Team Starchaser first, even though everyone else seemed nice. The problem was Nadia; she'd have some issues with Winter.

"Reynn is nice, so maybe Team Grymoire?" Rose thought. Yes, she'd go with Team Grymoire and... It looked like Team Grymoire and Team Trance got along very well. Even though she didn't want to impose on their friendship, she didn't want to have any arguments between the guild mates. "Hey Winter. Is it okay if we work with Team Grymoire and Team Trance for our first job?" Rosabella questioned. "Sure, if they can keep us safe!" he replied.

Rosabella giggled, and decided to plan for which other teams she'd work with. "So, I'll work with Team Grymoire and Trance first to get to know them all better. Then...maybe Team Neon Echo and Melody! After that, Team Cookie and Rebellion, then finally....Starchaser..." Rose planned in her head. She sighed again. How would Winter and Nadia get along?

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