What the Future Holds

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(Aragorn's POV)

When I woke in the morning, we packed up and began our way through the forest once more. Glorfindel led the way, him knowing these woods better than any of us. 

After a few hours of walking, I heard Gimli talking about not being caught easily, when some unknown voice shouted "Daro!" at us. Arrows were pointed into our faces, elves surrounding us completely.

Everyone except Glorfindel and I tensed at the sudden approach. An elf without an armed bow in hand walked forward.

"The dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him in the dark." Glorfindel walked up to him, smiling widely.

"Haldir, it is good to see you my dear friend." He greeted him. Haldir led us up into a nearby talon, where he greeted those he knew personally.

But when he laid eyes on the Ring-Bearer, he immediately told us we may go no further. It took a while for Glorfindel to convince him to let us through, but finally he gave in and led us further into Lorien.

While all of this was happening, I was barely listening to those around me, instead lost deep in thought. I was still thinking of my conversation with Frodo only the night before.

As I began to drift again, I was elbowed in the side. I looked over to see Glorfindel making a slight movement with his head. I followed the movement in time to see Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel descend steps, coming towards us.

They stopped about two steps from the ground and Celeborn began to speak.

"The Enemy knows you have entered here. What hope you had in secrecy is now gone. Eight there are here, yet nine there were, that set out from Rivendell. Tell me, where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him... I can no longer see him from afar."

Glorfindel looked up and spoke softly, "He was taken by both Shadow and Flame: a Balrog of Morgoth." those last words spoken with much venom.

Glorfindel said more and Galadriel responded, but I was lost in thought again, which was becoming a rather bad habit of mine.

I realized that Haldir had begun to lead us to a place where we could rest. When everyone had settled down I leaned back and closed my eyes, listening to the lament for Gandalf sung by the elves. Glorfindel said he wouldn't tell the hobbits what they were saying, but I didn't blame him. He knew Gandalf longer than I had.

I fell asleep soon afterwards, feeling completely at ease in Lothlorien.


I woke a little later to the sound of someone walking by. I got up and stretched, then slowly walked to see who it was.

Galadriel had walked by and was heading down to somewhere below. I hurried my pace to follow her, feeling as though she wanted me to.

After descending steps leading downwards I recognized the place to be where her mirror was located. Galadriel had walked over to a little mini waterfall and filled a jug with it.

I stood farther back, watching as she poured the jug's contents into the bowl and stepped back.

"Walk up and look into the mirror. Do not be afraid of what may be seen inside." Her voice echoed in my mind. Silently I walked up to the mirror and bent over, looking into the water.

Slowly it began to ripple and then a battle could be seen in a field littered with dead soldiers. It shifted to black gates and a figure who stood between them, cloaked as it sat on a horse. A sudden wind picked up, revealing the figure to be Legolas. It shifted again, showing him and I fighting each other. Before I could see what the outcome may be, it ended. I noticed that tears were rolling down my cheeks and I looked up at Galadriel.

I knew she saw what I had seen by the solemn look in her eyes.

"I know you wish for the outcome of the fight but that has yet to be decided. That event may take place or it may not, but worry not Estel. That was very far into your future, it will not happen anytime soon." She said. I nodded and turned, not willing to say anything for fear of losing my self control.

I headed back to where the Fellowship lay and curled up in my bed. I do not wish to fight my brother! Why. why did it have to be him?

I fell back asleep crying, but this time My once pleasant dreams were filled with nightmares.

OK so I know I said I wasn't sure when Iwould next update BUT I couldn't help myself to post this! I have to honestly say that I know my ending, but am trying to think of ways to fill in the gaps...

AND also, what Aragorn saw in the mirror may or may not occur, just to let you all know.You never know, I could totally turn the tables on you! ;D


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