Plan of Diversion

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(Aragorn's POV)

The dead were waiting for me when the soldier and I got closer to the city.

"Release us!" the King said. "You gave us your word!"

"I hold your oath fulfilled. Go. Be at peace." They then vanished, finally at released from their living death. It's a shame, they were excellent fighters, but I wasn't going back on my word to them.

I continued to follow the soldier into the city, seeing the ruin the battle had laid.

The main gates into Minas Tirith were destroyed, the courtyard in no better shape. Bodies littered the ground, both orcs and men. Even the innocent laid on the ground. The sight made my anger grow, wishing that Saruon will be defeated once and for all.

Every level we went up was no better than the last. The enemy had made it up closer to the top than I originally thought.

On the top level, Gandalf stood there waiting for me. He had a grim look on his face, bad news only moments way.

"Aragorn," Gandalf said, "Two of your friends are in need of your help. The Black Breath has touched both Eowyn and Merry. Only you can bring them back." I nodded my head. It was true, Elrond had taught me how to since I already had it in me.

I followed Gandalf to the Houses of Healing. When we entered, it was a sad sight. Many laid injured, some severely wounded. Not many of those who laid here would make it. The was a room to the side where Eowyn and Merry laid. This was going to take a while.


After saving Eowyn and Merry, I became even more exhausted than before. Instead of resting though, I went to a meeting between the others and I.

Denethor had apparently tried to burn Faramir and himself, but ended up jumping of of the top floor of the city. He was dead now, but Faramir survived thanks to Pippin. I don't think I pity Denethor, from what I've heard he was a coward, obsessed with power.

Eomer, Gandalf, Gimli, Glorfindel, and myself were all gathered in the Great Hall. We were all silent, waiting for someone to speak.

We now had to discuss what our next move would be. Frodo and Sam now had to get to Mount Doom, and Sauron watches everything that happens, every slight movement.

"Frodo has passed beyond my sight." Gandalf at last spoke. "The darkness is deepening."

"If Sauron had the Ring we would know it." I said.

"It is only a matter of time. He has suffered a defeat, yes, but behind the walls of Mordor our enemy is regrouping."

"Let him stay there!" Gimli said. "Let him rot! Why should we care?"

"Because ten thousand orcs now stand between Frodo and Mount Doom." Gandalf took a moment before continuing on. "I've sent him to his death."

I turned to face the wizard. "No. There is still hope for Frodo. He needs time and safe passage across the plains of Gorgoroth. We can give him that."

"How?" Gimli asked.

"Draw out Sauron's armies. Empty his lands.Then we draw our full strength and march on the Black Gate." Gimli proceeded to choke on his pipe.

"We cannot achieve victory through strength of arms." Eomer at last said.

"Not for ourselves. But we can give Frodo his chance if we keep Sauron's eye fixed upon us. Keep him blind to all else that moves."

"A diversion." Glorfindel stated.

"Certainty of death, small chance of success, what are we waiting for?" Gimli said.

"Sauron will expect the trap. He will not take the bait." Gandalf said, uncertainty on his face.

I smiled at him. "Oh, I think he will."


I waited until everyone had gone to bed, not wanting anyone to see what I was about to do. I walked quietly into the Great hall, going to where the Palantir sat under its cloth. I uncovered it, closing my eyes as I picked it up.

I held it in front of my face, slowly opening my eyes. The Eye of Sauron was there, muttering in the black speech.

"Long have you hunted me." I began. "Long have I eluded you. No more!" I held up Anduril in front of the Palantir, letting Sauron see it.  "Behold, the Sword of Elendil!"

Sauron appeared in the pupil of the eye, showing me Arwen dying and Legolas leading the armies. I stepped back suddenly, the Palantir falling from my grasp. The movement caused the Evenstar around my neck to fall to the ground shattering.


The next morning, the soldiers were prepared to ride out. I led the group with Gandalf, Eomer, Gimli, Glorfindel, and the two hobbits out of the city. We walked through the barren fields that were once Pelennor, silence enveloping us all.

This was to be the last battle, the one that would decide our fate. This would give the other two hobbits a chance to get into Mount Doom without having to face any trouble hopefully.

The ride was long and hard, the silence giving everyone time to think. If we win this battle, Arwen will live, but if we lose she will die. I promised myself I wouldn't let that happen. I just couldn't.

When we reached the Black Gates, the sky was filled with grey clouds. We stopped a little away from the gate, not wanting to get to close.

I looked back to the others and turned to ride forward. They followed next to me as we approached the gates. We stopped in front of them, the silence almost to eerie.

"Let the Lord of the Black Land come forth!" I shouted at the gate. "Let justice be done upon him!"

It took a moment before the gates began to slowly open. When they were open just enough for a single rider to pass through, a horse and its rider approached. Their hood was drawn over their face, not letting us see who was beneath it.

Slowly, the bearer of the cloak drew back his hood. There sat Legolas, sitting prideful atop his steed. He smiled at us, though it was one more of guile than joy.

"Well, well. Isn't this a surprise."

Legolas is greeting them. Isn't he such a gentleman? I mean, he plans on killing them, very nice if you ask me... Anyways, tomorrow will be my last chapter for a few days until I can write again. And don't worry, I will try to make it not so mean. Maybe. We shall see... ;)

Hope this chapter wasn't to bad.


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