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She was sitting alone in a compartment on the Hogwarts Express her first year when he walked in. He was tall, with dark, curly hair, and angry brown eyes. "Is this seat taken?" He asked, pointing to the seat across from her.
Her father had told her not to make friends with 'the wrong sort,' and this boy looked exactly like 'the wrong sort.' He looked just like a Muggle. Muggles were 'the wrong sort.'
But then again, who cared what her father said? Not her.
"No." She said flatly.
He sat down without another word.
"What's your name?" She asked after a while.
"Tom." He said.
"What's your last name?" She specified. Last names are the only ones that matter. If he was anyone of any importance, he would have led out with that.
"Riddle." He said.
She'd never heard of it. "Who are your parents?" She asked.
"I don't know."
"How do you not know your parents?"
"I've never met them. Who are you?"
"Nott. Seraphina Nott."
He nodded and looked away.
Her best friend, Vivian Lestrange came in the compartment, already babbling and taking no notice of Tom Riddle. "Oh, Sara! You'll never guess who I just saw! Gregory Mulciber!" She laughed, sitting beside Seraphina. "I thought he was going to Durmstrang. His father wanted him to, but I think his mum wanted him not to go too far away. He's kind of cute, though, don't you think? Well, I know you don't think so. But really, if you think about it--"
Seraphina nodded imperceptibly at Tom Riddle, and Vivian cut off, her whole expression changing at the sight of him. "Oh, I'm sorry. Hello." She told him.
"Hello." He said, watching her like she was an exhibit at the zoo.
"Lestrange." She held out her hand. "Vivian Lestrange. And you are?"
"Tom." He said, not taking her hand.
"Tom who?" She asked, giving me a "Who is this kid?" look. She withdrew her hand.
"Tom Riddle."
She looked at her friend, and she shook her head.
"Pleasure." She said, not looking pleased at all.

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