Chapter Thirteen

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Eleven Years Later

"Mum?" Athena, fifteen now, asked as she and her mother were baking a cake.
Yes, darling?
"Do you know where Brother is?"
She had stopped calling him "Bubby" when she was thirteen. She'd called him "Sirius" once but quickly adjusted to "Brother." He'd taken to calling her "Sister", and so had Sera.
I don't. Why?
"Just curious. He said he'd take me to see a Muggle movie today."
Oh, that's nice.
"Yeah. Mum, what happened to my father?"
What? Seraphina jerked her head to stare at her.
"What happened to my father?"
He died.
Could you heat the oven?
Sister turned the oven on and didn't ask any more questions.
"I'm here!" A voice yells as Sera puts the cake in the oven.
"Aunt Viv!" Sister said excitedly.
"I brought someone." Vivian called.
"I'm here!" Sirius called.
Sister pulled her mother out to greet them.
"Brother, we should stay here and watch movies with Aunt Viv and Mum?" Sister said.
"Whatever you want, kiddo." Brother agreed.
You could still go to your movie. We'll be here when you return.
"Okay. When do we leave, Brother?"
"About half an hour."
"Okay." Sister grinned. "Oh, Aunt Viv! Come look at this dress I just got!" She took her aunt by the arm and lead her out. "Theo Powers and I are going out Friday."
"She has a date?" Brother asked.
Yes. He seems like a nice boy.
"Those are the worst kind!"
She'll be all right.
"I disapprove. Is he picking her up here? Are they going to his house? I want to meet him."
He's picking her up here and they're going to dinner. As for meeting him, you'll have to talk to her about that.
"Are you baking?"
Sister and I were baking a cake.
"Aunt Sera, you didn't even cry when Tom died."
I did.
"You didn't."
I did. You were upset, you probably don't remember.
She hadn't cried.
"Hey, Sister? Who's this Theo bloke?" Brother called, following his cousin.
Seraphina smiled and returned to the kitchen to make icing.
A short while later, the other three joined her in the kitchen.
After Brother and Sister left, Vivian revealed the purpose of her visit.
"Seraphina, I really think we ought to keep an eye on Harry Potter."
"He's going to school this year, like Narcissa's son. He'll be powerful, you know he will."
"So we need to look out."
Brother would kill me.
"Sirius doesn't have to know."
No, Viv. I don't think Harry Potter poses a threat.
"If you say so."
Could you get the cake out of the oven?
Shortly after Vivian left, the doorbell rang.
Sera could barely suppress an elated smile as she went to open it.
On her doorstep was a man with a turban wrapped around his head.
Quirinus Quirrell?
"Yes, my lady." He bowed low to the ground.
Enter. She stepped back.
The man entered and waited for her to close the door and lead him in.
She brought the stranger to her living room. Can I get you anything, Professor?
"No thank you, my lady."
You needn't call me that. It was Lord Voldemort on the high horse, not me.
"The Dark Lord can hear you, ma'am." He warned.
I know. Sera smiled. May I speak with him?
The man began to unwrap his turban.
Sera watched with raised eyebrows.
The man turned around to reveal a hideous face on the back of his head.
Seraphina cast a muffling charm so the Hogwarts professor wouldn't hear the conversation. Just in case they were to speak aloud.
As aforementioned, the revealed face was hideous.
But Sera found it to be beautiful.
She laughed out loud, and it was a terrifying, hideous sound. It was nothing at all like the beautiful, melodious laugh she had used to have. Now it sounded like an old man, with lung cancer and a whiskey-worn throat.
Tom Riddle.
Seraphina Riddle.
I'm sorry to admit it, but I've missed you.
Voldemort smiled, but it looked creepy. I've missed you too, my Queen.
Once you get a corporeal body, I can fix your... appearance.
What, you don't like it? He laughed aloud.
I don't not like it, she lied, I just know you were sort of a narcissist.
You're correct. How's Athena, Sera?
Ah, so she received your looks.
Seraphina smiled. Maybe both.
I don't get a kiss, love?
You're on another man's body, Tom. I don't think so.
He laughed, like it was a joke.
Quirrell walked over to the pictures on the wall.
Sirius Black is still around?
Yes, Tom. He's my nephew. Sister adores him.
You were right: she is beautiful. And I was also right: she did take after you.
Seraphina offered a smile.
Is the boy still a part of Dumbledore's little posse?
I don't know. He's a skilled Occlumens, apparently.
Of course he is. He isn't stupid. You're more powerful than he, why don't you force your way?
Because I don't want to disrespect him. Tom, I... I miss you. Let's get this year over with and get things sorted out and back to normal.
I can't wait, my Queen. I want nothing more than to be with you. Athena...
I'll speak to her. She knows nothing.
She doesn't know you're taking over the world? Tom smiled.
No. I'm not crazy.
I see.
Sera saw her guest out the door, and, shortly after, Brother and Sister returned.
"Oh, Mum, it was so good! Merlin, there was this actor in it, his name's Harrison Ford, and he's beautiful. Merlin. But it was good besides that, too. Brother wants a lightsaber--it's like a sword, kind of, but far more cool." Sister began speaking as soon as the door was closed behind them.
That sounds like a good film.
"It was. Where's Aunt Viv?"
Go write her and she'll be here soon.
Sister nodded and practically skipped from the room.
Brother, thank you for taking such good care of her.
"You're welcome. Thank you for taking such good care of me."

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