Chapter Five

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Lord Voldemort made headlines.
Seraphina Riddle didn't.
Tom Riddle didn't.
She didn't mind. She kept on everybody's good side. Her mother still thought her an angel, Dumbledore still considered her a star student, Vivian still loved her, and Tom still adored her.
She had lunch with Vivian every Tuesday and Thursday, plus all they did on the rest of the weekdays. She went to visit her grandmother every Wednesday, and stayed with her mother every weekend.
Sometimes her nephews were there, and she kept them amused with her Legilimency.
She went home to Tom Riddle, and he lavished his affection on her.
While she was eating lunch with Viv, or drinking tea with Grandmother Nott, or amusing the little Black boys, Tom Riddle was torturing and murdering.
Who would have suspected that Seraphina Nott was the one behind it all?
She had no reservations. She would kill anybody who got in her way, except, of course, her mother, or Vivian, or Regulus and Sirius.
Even Tom was expendable, but she never even thought that, or else he would find out, and she couldn't have that.
Then the eldest Black child went and got himself sorted into Gryffindor, and made friends with a blood traitor and a lycanthrope.
Seraphina could care less about blood status. Tom was the problem there.
"That's a disgrace." He'd say.
Leave him alone. At least he has friends, unlike you. She'd answer bitterly. Gryffindor's a better house anyways, if we're being honest. They always win Quidditch matches.
As if she cared about Quidditch.
The younger Black got sorted into Slytherin, though, and that appeased Tom.
Seraphina's ideas of 'the wrong sort' were far different than her father's had been.
And Regulus Black was making friends with 'the wrong sort.'
Small matter, though. At least he still enjoyed her company.
Sirius Black was onto her, and he was wary. He didn't like to be near her anymore.
I can offer you protection. She'd told him as he'd gotten older.
"I don't want your protection." He'd spat. "I'd rather die."
He came around a little bit when she threatened his parents.
His parents enjoyed her company, but she, of course, deemed them 'the wrong sort.'
I may kill people, but even I consider it pure evil to strike a child, solely because he disagrees with your beliefs! She'd told Tom.
She'd cried.
Walburga and Orion Black invited Seraphina and Tom over for dinner every Monday, and they accepted every Monday.
One Monday Sirius made a scene about something or the other that his father said, something about Muggleborns or Muggles, or blood-traitors, or 'unclean' creatures, like werewolves. Seraphina knew that Sirius had some Muggleborns friends and that werewolf, and the Potter boy, and she couldn't blame him for getting upset.
He hadn't said much, just calmly disagreed, and Orion had pitched a cup at him.
Seraphina had stood up quickly.
What the hell do you think you're doing? She'd demanded.
She didn't speak aloud, but her voice seemed to echo around the whole house, and every dinner guest heard clearly.
Tom stood up too, mainly to be a mediator if need be.
He spent a lot of time as a buffer.
You don't throw things at your children, you ungrateful bastard.
Sirius was looking at her like she was his hero. Even Regulus looked vaguely amused, under his fright.
If you lay a fucking finger on him, I'll have both your heads on a silver platter. She informed them, fuming.
Sit down, Sera. Tom gave her a warning look. "I'm sure Orion and Walburga will be more than happy to comply with your request, yes?" He said, looking at the two of them sternly.
"Yes." They both said submissively.
Seraphina turned sharply to Sirius. You'll tell me if they're out of line.
It should have been a question, but it was a command.
"Oh, yes. I'd be absolutely delighted. Look at that, Aunt Sera. You aren't all that bad, eh?" Sirius smirked.
"Watch your attitude, Sirius." Walburga said.
"Aunt Sera! Mum's being mean."
Sirius was enjoying this.
Sera gave a smile and retook her seat.
"Can we come home with you?" Sirius asked after dinner.
Sera looked at Tom. Please? She asked only him.
Tom nodded.
Sure. Come on. Do you wanna come, Reg?
"Yes please."
"See you later, Mum." Sirius held up his middle finger as he practically skipped out the door.
Tom turned around and flicked Orion off.
Seraphina slapped his arm.
Can't have him feeling left out, can we? He answered with a grin.
"I guess you aren't so bad either, Tommy boy." Sirius said.
Sirius came to Seraphina that night. Tom was asleep with his head on her lap, actually asleep this time.
"Hey, Aunt Sera." Sirius Black said. Regulus came behind him.
The two get along very well apart from their parents.
Yes, dear?
She can be very charming when she wants to be.
"How do you do that?"
"Why don't you talk, Aunt Sera?" Regulus asked.
She considered for a moment.
She wasn't about to tell these children about her childhood trauma.
I don't really know, Reg.
"Did you used to?"
Tom Riddle never fell asleep in what he coined 'vulnerable' places.
But this was his house, and he was safe there. Plus, Sera was there, if need be.
And he thought the children were asleep.
Besides, they didn't know that he was Lord Voldemort.
Seraphina said that "Lord Voldemort" was too dramatic, but he didn't care. He'd always had a flare for the dramatic.
And power.
Regulus fell asleep in a chair, and Sirius looked over at Seraphina. "Thank you. For what you did with Mum and Dad."
You're welcome, darling.
Sirius Black could be a valuable asset.
They could use him.
He wouldn't do it, though.
He was too... Pure.
Regulus, though...
Seraphina looked back and forth between the boys.
Regulus Black could be useful.
Regulus Black was eager to please. He would do it.
Sirius was eager to please too, but he didn't care to please his parents. He cared to please the Potters.
He wouldn't agree to any of what Sera had in mind. Not in a million years.
Regulus would do just fine.
He would, of course, have to be kept doing safe, reasonable things. She couldn't risk him getting injured.
"Thank you, Aunt Sera." Sirius said again, scooping his little brother up off the chair and carrying him out.
Sera sat on the couch, playing with Tom's curly hair. She wasn't foolish enough to fall asleep in the living room, and she didn't want to wake him.
At some point, Tom sat up with a sharp gasp. Sera!
Any normal person would have jumped.
But Sera wasn't a normal person. She didn't jump.
But then again, he did it often.
Tom. She said.
Tom turned to her, taking deep, purposeful breaths. You're here. Good. Thank you.
I've been here, darling.
Don't leave. He pleaded, grabbing her hands and gazing imploringly into her eyes.
I won't.

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