Chapter Seven

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Athena Estelle Riddle.
Tom smiled down at the baby girl in his arms.
He loved nothing, and he loved nobody.
Not even Seraphina.
He told himself he loved her, and he even believed it himself. But he didn't, not really.
It was hard to feel any emotion, especially one so powerful, when one only had one-fourth of a soul.
But he adored this baby girl.
Athena Estelle Riddle.
He loved this baby girl more than anything.
Merlin, did he adore her.
He looked over at her sleeping mother, feeling a wave of affection. It was an unfamiliar feeling.
He kissed the baby on the head and put her in her crib. "I won't fail you too." He whispered, then blew out the candle and joined his wife in bed.
He wrapped his arms around her, something he rarely did.
She woke up with a start.
It's okay. It's just me, my queen.
What are you doing? She asked. Where's Athena?
She's fine, my love. She's asleep in her crib. As for me, I'm endeavoring to hold you.
Because I love you.
And I you. Goodnight, Tom.
She didn't love him.
But it was okay.
He didn't love her either.

It turned out that babies were exhausting.
"You're telling me." Her mother laughed. She was holding Athena. "You and Tom go out to dinner. I'll watch her."
We go to Walburga and Orion's for dinner on Monday's. Sera said from a curled up position on the couch.
"Then go there. I'll watch Athena."
Thank you, Mother. Seraphina stood up, kissed her mother's cheek and her baby's forehead, and disapparated.
Next to Tom and Dumbledore, her mother had been the calmest about her choice form of communication. She had simply said, "Oh, Merlin! I'm sorry, can you repeat that, please?"
Seraphina went home to Tom.
He wasn't home, though.
He was out 'getting information.'
She dropped onto the couch and fell asleep promptly.
She was awoken to somebody shaking her and yelling her name.
She sat up. What, Tom? What's wrong?
You frightened me. Are you all right? He asked, staring at her from his kneeling position beside the couch.
I'm fine. How about next time you check to make sure I'm breathing before you scare the hell out of me?
Sounds good.
She sat up and stretched.
She cocked her head at Tom.
What? He asked.
I love you. She said, and she meant it.
He smiled, much more widely than any normal person would have. And I you.
What time is it? Time to go yet?
Ten minutes.
Let me do my makeup.
Don't do that, my queen.
Why not?
Because you're perfect the way you are.
Tom. She smiled.
He watched her put on makeup.
Yes, Tom?
I miss your laugh.

They went to the Black's house.
Kreacher had made vegetable soup.
"Would Madame Riddle like coffee or tea?" Kreacher asked.
Coffee, please.
She'd said please to a house elf!
She comforted herself with the idea that nobody could hear her besides Kreacher.
"Would Madame Riddle like cream or sugar?"
She'd almost said thank you.
She wouldn't tell Tom about that.
She could fix it herself.
Kreacher brought her coffee.
She stared across the table at her nephew.
He had a bruise on his face.
He angled his head so that she wouldn't see it.
At first she thought it was just the lighting. It took her a little bit to figure it out.
Don't say anything, Sera. Tom said, confirming her suspicions.
Well, Sera said. She sounded angry to everybody listening. Who wants to tell me who struck Sirius?
Nobody said anything.
I believe I asked a question.
Sera. Tom sighed.
Who's going to answer?
"It's okay, Aunt Sera." Sirius said quickly. "Really. I'm used to--I mean it doesn't hurt. It's okay."
It is not okay, Sirius. Muggles consider child abuse a major crime.
"We aren't Muggles." Tom reminded her.
No, but we aren't monsters either! Which of you struck Sirius Black? Her voice was loud.
Except she was a monster. So was Tom.
So were Walburga and Orion.
She looked at Regulus. Imperio.
"Me." Regulus said.
"Bullshit! You couldn't bruise a fly!" Sirius said. "It was Dad."
He would do anything to protect his baby brother.
Seraphina took the spell off of her nephew, wiped his memory, and looked calmly to Orion.
"I..." He began, but didn't go any farther.
He had no excuse.
"Aunt Sera, it's fine." Sirius said.
Sera returned to her soup. You're graduating this year, correct, Sirius? She asked casually.
"Yes ma'am."
What do you plan on doing?
"I don't know yet. Getting the fuck out of this hellhole, that's for sure."
"Language, Sirius." His mother said.
Don't tell him what to do, you bitch. Sera said, but only to Walburga.
Walburga looked back down to her plate.
Sirius and Regulus came home with them.
They spent their evening with Athena.
Sirius made faces down at her, and she laughed. Regulus tugged on Sirius' hair and let Athena hold his finger.
Their aunt and uncle sat across the room, staring at each other and not speaking aloud.
You can't keep threatening people every time they slightly maltreat a child. Tom insisted.
Oh, do you want to bet?
Um... No.
Is that how you would raise Athena? Like Walburga's raised Sirius? Look at him!
What's wrong with him?
Everything's wrong with him! Listen.
Tom listened.
Oh. He said.
Yes. Do you want to raise your child that fucked up?
No. But I never even considered striking Athena, for the record. I apologize if I gave you that impression.
No. I was just covering my bases.
Regardless, my love, you should take it easy on his parents. They are loyal followers, after all.
I will not take it easy on his parents. I am taking it easy on his parents! I haven't killed them yet, have I?
You can't kill them for hitting their child.
I can kill them for hitting my nephew. Have you seen the difference of how they treat Sirius verses how they treat Regulus? All because he's in Gryffindor! God forbid he not revolve his life around blood status!
When she turned back to her nephews, Regulus had gone.
Where's your brother, sweetheart?
"He went to bed." Sirius didn't look up from his cousin.
Athena reached up and grabbed his hair.
"Ow!" He said, starting out normally and changing it to baby-talk about halfway through.
Do you want me to take her?
"Nope." Sirius grinned down at the baby. "I know, my hair's fabulous, isn't it? Yes." He said to her.
Sera looked at Tom.
Fine. Just don't kill them, okay? Tom sighed.

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