Chapter Eight

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Don't touch James Potter. Seraphina commanded.
I will do what I must. Tom countered.
You won't touch James Potter. Kill the baby. Do not touch James Potter or the woman.
I've already promised Severus Snape that I would spare Lily Evans. I will spare the girl. As for the boy, I'll do what I can.
You're putting Severus Snape before your nephew? She growled.
No, Seraphina, but I will do what I must.
Seraphina grabbed his collar and pushed him against the wall. Tom Riddle, you will not lay a finger on the boy, or I swear to Merlin I will end you.
He stared at her for a second, and then he kissed her, earning himself a hard shove against the wall.
Tom Riddle, swear to me. Swear it, Tom.
I won't touch Potter. He promised, kissing her again. Or the woman.
She didn't want to be kissed.
She wanted to ascertain that her nephew would not be put in anymore pain.
Regulus Black had died, and Sirius was not thrilled with it.
Seraphina knew how he died, but she wouldn't for the life of her tell Tom.
She agreed with what Regulus was doing.
Regulus was trying to destroy Horcruxes.
She had told him where it was.
When Kreacher had come back and said that he had left her nephew, she had gone to get him, and he was dead.
She could have killed that house elf.
She would have killed that house elf.
If you lay a finger on that boy, I will hurt you beyond comparison. She threatened her husband one last time.
"Mummy? Daddy?" Their four year old said.
Seraphina stepped away from her husband and smiled at her daughter. Hello, darling. Why aren't you in bed? She knelt down.
"I had a nightmare." Athena said, going up to her mummy and hugging her.
Sera picked her up and stood. What about?
"Daddy killed Aunt Vivvy."
Daddy won't kill Aunt Vivvy. She promised, shooting a glare at Tom over her baby's shoulder.
"But he did. And then she came back as a ghost and killed you and me."
"Daddy won't kill Aunt Vivvy." Tom said.
"I know, Daddy." Athena reached out for her father.
He took her and kissed her forehead. "I love you, baby. I won't let anyone hurt you."
"Or Mummy?"
"I won't let anyone hurt Mummy either."
"Not even Aunt Vivvy?"
Aunt Vivvy won't hurt Mummy.
"But what if she does?"
"She won't." Tom said.
"You won't let Daddy hurt Aunt Vivvy, right, Mummy?"
Right. But Daddy won't hurt Aunt Vivvy.
"Can I sleep with you?"
No, darling. Go back to your bed, be a big girl.
"Yes you can." Tom said.
He spoiled her.
Seraphina sighed, but said nothing.
"Come on, sweetie." Tom said, gave Seraphina a smile, and carried his baby to his bedroom.
Seraphina followed.
She wasn't pleased.
And the thing was, he knew it too. He just didn't care.
Athena curled up against her mother, who had consciously expend energy to not give her husband a smug look.
And to think, you wanted an abortion. Now you're wrapped around her little finger. Seraphina said.
I thought it was what you would want. I apologize for ever suggesting the idea. I don't know what I'd do without her.
Neither do I. Seraphina agreed, twirling her baby's hair gently around her fingers.
Seraphina, I adore you. I truly do. You've saved my life.
She looked up at him with a smile. I love you too.

Sirius no longer had Monday night dinners at his parents' house. Seraphina and Tom went still, sometimes bringing Athena. When they didn't bring her, they either left her with Sera's mother or with Sirius.
Tom didn't like to leave her with Sirius.
He thought that the boy would 'corrupt' her 'impressionable' mind with his 'misguided' beliefs.
Seraphina thought he was full of bullshit.
She told him as much.
But Athena adored Sirius, and Tom adored Athena, so it happened.
Oftentimes, the power couple returned to find the two of them curled up on the couch. Sirius would have an open book in his hands, if he was asleep, or, if he was awake, the book would be closed.
He read to her for her to fall asleep.
He spoiled her just as much as Tom.
This Monday, they were both asleep.
Seraphina walked up to her nephew and her daughter with a tender, maternal look reserved solely for the two them, and took the book from his grasp.
He jumped and held the arm that wasn't around Athena up defensively.
He relaxed when he saw his aunt. "Sorry." He said quietly.
She smiled, reaching out and brushing his hair from his face with almost unbelievable gentleness.
"Aunt Sera, how did you turn out so good when the whole rest of the family's so fucked up?" Sirius asked.
Go to bed, darling. She smiled instead of answering.
She was more fucked up than any of them.
He may not have agreed with what she believed, but she nevertheless adored the child.
Tom disapproved.
She didn't give a shit.
Sirius nodded.
Sera lifted her daughter gently off the couch. Sirius stood and kissed his aunt's cheek before stumbling sleepily off to his room.
Without a glance at her husband, Seraphina carried Athena to her room.
Athena didn't wake.
Sera came back out to find Tom standing in the same spot as he had been when she'd walked out.
Tom hadn't been himself lately.
He told himself and anyone who dared to ask that he was fine. He told Sera that he "hardly had a soul, much less feelings."
Seraphina, when she wanted to, could be gentle, kind, and even loving.
It was what made her so appealing.
She walked up to her husband and gently placed her hand on his cheek. Darling, let's go to bed.
"Hm?" Tom asked, looking at her. Yeah, okay. He agreed.
She took him by the hand and led him to their bedroom, across the hall from Athena's and Sirius' bedrooms.
He wrapped his arms around her and collapsed onto the bed, pulling her with him and kissing her once they'd landed.
She tried in vain to get into his mind, and she tried equally as hard to get Sirius' thoughts out of hers.

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