Chapter Six

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Tom? She said one night.
Yes, my queen?
He'd taken to speaking as she did. He still spoke aloud, just not to her.
My queen? He asked when she didn't say anything more. He looked at her.
She loved the way he looked at her.
She looked away.
She wouldn't admit it, but she was anxious.
Since Isaiah had died, she hadn't felt anxious, even for a second.
She did now, though.
She knew Tom wouldn't be pleased with what she said next.
So she kissed him instead.
He kissed back hungrily, as he always did.
Inwardly, he longed for affection.
He found it in Seraphina Nott.
He didn't say it--he didn't even know it--but that was the sole reason he loved her.
What mattered was that he loved her.
She had people that loved her. She didn't need him to love her.
But he did love her, and she, in turn, loved him.
What did you want to say? He asked, still kissing her.
She thought it weird to kiss and have a conversation, so she didn't do it.
He didn't have a problem with it.
She didn't answer, just kissed him.
He stopped kissing her to look at her. Sera?
I'm pregnant.
"You're what?" He said.
Pregnant, Tom. She looked at him anxiously.
Okay. Well, that's not something we can't handle.
It isn't?
No, of course not, love. Just get an abortion.
She slapped him before he'd even finished. She stood up indignantly. I'm not a monster!
Her volume hurt his ears.
Her palm hurt his face.
I never said you were. He answered calmly, standing too.
I've never killed a child before, I'm not going to start with my own!
Okay. Don't.
Are you in or are you out? If you want your child slain mercilessly, get the fuck out of my house or I swear to Merlin I'll kill you.
I'm in, love. I'm in.
Are you, Tom? She scowled.
I'm in, Seraphina. I'm sorry I made that suggestion. I just assumed you wouldn't want it. I apologize.
She crossed her arms and looked at him. Her eyes were wet, and she knew she was going to cry, and she hated it.
I apologize. It will be a beautiful child. How can it not be, with a mother like you?
He was accustomed to charming his way into things. He expected her to forgive him immediately, and pretend that that didn't happen.
I don't want you to do this if you don't want to, Tom.
I want to. You don't even know. I really want to.
She nodded.
He nodded.
She started crying. I love you, Tom.
And I you.
I'm frightened, Tom. I'm so very frightened.
Don't be, my queen. I'll be there for you.
Will you, Tom?
Yes. This is wonderful news, my queen. I've never been happier.

Seraphina had her usual lunch with Vivian.
I'm pregnant. She said without preamble.
"You're what?!"
"Merlin's beard! That's great! Oh, no. What did Tom say?"
He suggested I get an abortion. Sera said with a scowl.
"Oh, Merlin."
He took it back. He said he was delighted.
"That's good." Vivian smiled brightly. "That's great! I'm aunt, right?"
Yes. Sera smiled.
"Yes!" Vivian squealed.
Seraphina hated squealing.

She went to her mother's.
Mother, I'm pregnant.
"Oh, darling, that's wonderful!"

Tom, she said that evening, When our child is born, you can't go about killing every Muggle in sight.
Why not? I ought to set a good example, don't you think?
A good example! Teach our baby you can kill innocent people! You want your child to grow up to be a serial killer?!
No. I want him to be wise and prudent.
And a murderer. Good parenting, Tom. We're not raising my child a Purebloodist.
Raise your child how you want.
This is why I'm in charge and not you. What happened to you only killing who I told you to?
You got too picky.
She got too picky! Too picky!
She didn't want to kill innocent people!
Too picky!
I could kill you if I wanted to.
He smiled. No, darling. You couldn't. Living with someone like you... Well, one has to take precautions.
Her jaw dropped. You did not make a Horcrux, Tom.
I didn't... I made two.
You're not raising my child. She turned on her heel and marched out.
She apparated to Vivian's, bursting into tears as soon as she got in the door.
"Sera! What's wrong?" Vivian asked.
Seraphina would not, for the life of her, tell Vivian what was wrong. Not in a million years.
She may have hated Tom, and she definitely loved Vivian, but anything that was told to Vivian magically got released to the rest of the English-speaking world, and Seraphina would not have the whole world knowing her husband, the father of her child, was a monster.
As if they didn't know already.
Sane people don't kill everybody.
Monsters do.
Tom Riddle killed everybody.
Tom Riddle was a monster.
The world new it.
They didn't need to know that he was a soulless monster.
May I say here tonight, Vivian?
"Yeah. Of course. I'll have house elves make up a bed and some tea, okay?"
Sera nodded. Thank you.
"Would Madame Riddle take sugar with her tea?" A house elf asks a while later.
The house elf offered tea with a bow.
Seraphina took it without a second thought.
She stared into the fireplace.
She wasn't pleased.
Not in the least.
How could he?
She'd expressly told him no.
That bastard.
That bastard!
She's not raising her child with a soulless monster.
She didn't need Tom Riddle to do her dirty work. She could do it herself, for Merlin's sake.
She'd never been afraid to kill anyone, she wasn't going to start now.
"Would Madame Riddle like a glass of water?" A house elf asked as she was going to bed.
No--Wait, yes. Yes, I would.
The house elf disapparated with a crack, and returned with a glass and a pitcher.
Set it on the bedside table, please.
The house elf did so.
Thank you. She said, not even thinking about it.
Had she just said please to a house elf?
Had she just thanked a house elf?
She had.
And she wouldn't let it happen again, so help her.
Tom may have ripped his soul apart, but at least he hadn't done something so foolish and wrong as thank a house elf!
Merlin. What was wrong with her?
She'd blame the pregnancy hormones.
She left the next morning before Vivian arose.
She went back to her house.
Tom was awake.
From the looks of it, he hadn't slept.
He stood up when she walked through the front door. Sera, I'm sorry. I fucked up. I completely understand why you're angry. Can we have a do-over? We'll go back to you calling the shots. Please let me stay with my child--and you. Please, Seraphina.
She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him.
Do you love me, Tom Riddle?
I do. His hands slipped to her hips. I really, truly do.
Without a soul, how can you love anything?
I still have a soul, Sera. Just... part of it isn't inside of me.
Does that not sound like a problem to you, Tom?
I still love you. That's what matters.
And what about your baby?
Tom knelt before her and kissed her stomach and whispered something before rising and kissing her.
What did you just say?
It's a secret.
Tell me.
No. He smiled.
Tell me, Tom.
Nope. It's a secret, my queen.
But Tom--
It's between me and my baby. He smiled. Not for your ears. He kissed her cheek.

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