Chapter Two

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Seraphina stopped speaking, but that didn't make her any less powerful.
She mastered nonverbal spells instantly.
Within a week, there were two deaths at the school: Moaning Myrtle Warren and Isaiah Thornpike.
Some might call them murders, if they'd known anything at all.
But who would suspect Tom Riddle? He'd never so much as spoken to the Ravenclaw. Besides, he was such a nice boy, wasn't he?
And who would suspect Seraphina Nott? She couldn't talk, much less murder somebody. Besides, he was her boyfriend. She couldn't do that.
She mastered Legilimency quite easily.
"I know what you did." Tom said to her quietly one day.
She stared at him as she would to anything else he said.
"I know you killed him."
She searched his mind, and he meant it.
Besides, he'd killed Myrtle Warren, if his thoughts were not deceiving. He couldn't turn her in.
And what are you going to do about it?
She hadn't spoken, but her thoughts were clearly heard in his head.
It was a disconcerting feeling. But if there were anybody he wouldn't mind in his mind, it was her.
What came next almost sent her running for the door. But she stayed still, perfectly composed.
Absolutely nothing, if you do the same. His words echoed inside her skull.
She smiled, and, in a severe lapse of judgment, she kissed him.
I'll do all in my power to protect you. He said in her head.

Sera sat in the common room that evening, Tom laying across the couch, his head in her lap.
Anybody who didn't know him would have thought he was sleeping. "Anybody who didn't know him," of course, encompasses pretty much everybody.
Anybody who knew him would have known that he would never fall asleep in such a vulnerable place.
He was listening to everybody's thoughts.
After all, he had to figure out who was worth gathering, and who wasn't.
Vivian thought Tom was asleep.
She came up to them. "Sera?" She asked.
Sera looked up.
"I heard that you kissed Tom."
Sera knew Tom wasn't asleep.
So what if I did?
"What the hell was that?" Vivian practically shrieked, jumping away. "What the fuck, Sera?!"
"Relax." Tom said, sitting up.
Vivian jumped back again, pressing a hand to her heart. "Tom! Merlin! Don't do that!"
"My apologies."
"What the hell is going on with her?" Vivian demanded.
Don't be afraid, Viv.
"Yeah, well, I am. Stop that. Stop it now."
"It's okay, Vivian." Tom said.
He didn't know what Seraphina would say. He didn't know if she would think him a monster, or a freak, or if she would hate him. So he took a leap of faith.
"Join us, Viv." He said.
"Join you? Join you with what?"
"Ruling the world." Tom said, as casually as if he had simply said that it was raining.
You'll be held in high esteem. The world will know your name.
She had gone along with it. Tom gave her an ecstatic smile.
"What?" Vivian demanded.
Viv, the world will know your beauty. You'll be a trend-setter. All will look to you.
"This is too much." Vivian backed up.
"Just think about it, Viv." Tom said. "No pressure, you have time."
"I'm gonna go study with Antonin."
Dolohov? Merlin, no.
"Yes, Dolohov. I know you don't like him, but I don't care."
I like Avery better.
"Yeah, well. I'll get around to him." Vivian laughed, still a little timidly. "See you guys later." She backed away.
I scared her.
"She'll be all right. Why have you stopped talking, Sera?"
Sera shrugged and picked up a book.
"Put that down and talk to me." He said.
She ignored him.
She didn't answer.
What? She looked up angrily.
"Talk to me."
No. Leave me alone, Tom.
Get out of my head, you jerk. She glared.
If looks could kill, Tom Riddle would be long dead.
No, you stop blocking me. He countered.
She choked him a little bit to send her message. He grabbed at his throat, making strangled noises.
She stopped.
To her surprise, he smiled.
What? She demanded.
Would it be strange to say that I love you?
It was her turn to smile.
Oh, Tom. You don't love anything.

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