The Parting

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His hands supported the bejewelled right hand of the woman whose consent had been crushed under compulsions. A look at Shrutashrava's expressionless face told him he had failed. A bride decked up to leave his home forever! No, a pawn groomed to serve the interests of.... Vasudev seethed, placing her slender palm in the rough hands of the King of Chedi. 

The Wedding vows that were but for a show.

The Parting endearments that he knew were farce.

The tearless farewell for even the heart had numbed

It had happened time and again. When a monster of an emperor had assumed control of his household and that of his clan, Vasudev had settled for being the puppet that he was made of. 

"I know it is killing you inside, Jyesht." Shrutashrava pressed his arm, discretely. "Damaghosh, the Lord of Chedi is not what you fear he is."

He nodded, eyes downcast at the valour that his sister was capable of. 

"All of us got somewhat luckier than we feared. Shruti Kirti at Kekaya, Rajadhi at Avanti, and me, at Chedi, hopefully." She whispered training a coy smile at her groom. "But I fear for Pritha. Act before the monster lays his eyes on her."

That which he thought was dead long ago, Vasudev's heart missed a beat. He saw his youngest, hardly over fifteen summers, a child at heart, the coyness of a maiden yet to claim her mind. Pritha, his life. Would she be the victim of Jarasandha's political alliances too? Surely, he would think once before casting a child of that innocence into his web of alliances, coercing the kings of the land into unspoken submission! Vasudev stared in horror. He felt Shrutishrava pinch him back to consciousness and found another presence beside him.


"Congratulations!" The moustached Lord of Andhaka clan of the Yadavas beamed, handing over a bronze plate full of jewelry to the bride.

"Our Vasudev is too nice to say it out, so let me do the honours." He winked. "A tear from the lotus eyes of our Shruta, and this Kans will claim your blood, Damaghosh!" He passed a finger over the end of his carefully trimmed moustache and burst into laughter, intimidating the bride and the groom both for a moment. "Vasudev loves his sisters dearly!"

Farce, All a farce, these brotherly assurances and these meaningless threats, for when my sisters cry out in the loneliness of their mansions, there won't be a soul to wipe their tears. A great brother you are indeed, son of Shoorasena, Vasudev, the Lord of Shooras, what an irony to the name of Valour!

The commotion died down. Kans gave him a discrete nod and a wink. "The emperor has plans for us both too! Finally!" He whispered into his ear pointing at the doors.

He entered. The monster who had wreaked misery into his household, forcing him to giveaway his sisters to distant kings, out of Vasudev's reach. The jingles, the banter, the laughter, the music died down. Like the presence of Jarasandh stifled the sound out of every throat!

Save two voices. The sweetness of the giggles that would make Goddess Saraswati's Veena go mute in shame. 

"Girls!" Shrutishrava hissed at the maidens. "Pritha, Devki!"

The fifteen-year-olds were yet to comprehend the reason behind the chiding and the abrupt silencing of their laughter over a certain joke that they thought was really funny. Well, Devki's jokes about her cousin Kans' moustache always had Pritha in splits. 

"Stop laughing, will you both?" An elder snapped. 

Pritha gagged herself, her large eyes silently appealing to Vasudev, a brother who she knew, would always support her, even when she did things others considered inappropriate. 

For a moment, Vasudev forgot his misery, his guilt and his long standing compromises and smiled back. But he too brought a finger to his lips and then pointed at the compelling presence of the Emperor of Magadha.

"Blessings to you both." The deep voice sounded as the bride and groom touched his feet. An old trick that worked for him. Have every King touch his feet, as an elder who forged the alliance, as an emperor who would claim suzerainty later. A bride in exchange for a lifetime of sub ordination. Chedi was now under him, like the head of the Lord of Chedi touching his feet." The smile on Jarasandha's lips felt ominous to Vasudev.

"Keep the celebrations going my friends! One would mistake the quiet in this hall for a funeral!" He guffawed, his greying moustache fluttering.

Devki could not hold back. Pritha was the first to giggle again. The emperor frowned and craned his neck towards the girls. "Ohhh, the Yadava brides to be!"

Vasudev's eyes widened in horror. No! No! Pritha and Devki are children, hardly the age to submit to a man!

"The Lord of Andhakas here, adds to the festivity like his own sisters are getting wedded. Vasudev, Pritha, I know is dear to you and as Kans' bride she would not be far from your eyes!"

"Kans and Pritha!" Vasudev exclaimed, lacking the courage to face Pritha's horror. 

"The brute can make a fine groom, Lord of Shooras!" Jarasandh added, a momentary frown passing through his forehead at the slightest possibility of defiance.

"This...I apologise, My Lord. Pritha is hardly of age!"

"We can wait till the next spring or two!" Jarasandh stepped forward. Each step conveying an attempt to intimidate than convince. "And I knew you mistrust Kans. Hence, an amicable compromise. Take Devki for yourself, Son."

Shock after shock!  I Love Rohini! He wanted to say, but Vasudev's words stuck in his throat. He knew what Jarasandh was capable of. If he brings up his engagement to the sister of Nanda, the emperor would casually choose an alternative groom for Rohini as well. Vasudev's hands shook in suppressed rage. Kans embracing him in unabashed glee added fuel to the fire that burned him from inside. If he could, Vasudev wanted to strangle Jarasandh the very moment. My sisters aren't your chattel, you monster! Nor am I! But he had to swallow every word of rage, like poison that would gnaw at his soul for the rest of his life. Vasudev stood forcing himself to nod. 

His mind though was stronger than it was the previous time when Shrutashrava was promised to Damaghosh. The very same way, like his consent and hers nor the groom's mattered in the face of Jarasandh's ambitions! In a hopeless fury, a part of him started to revolt. 

Not Pritha and Kans! Not Pritha and Kans!

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