Stillborn to the rescue!

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Kans frowned at the mid-wife whose eyes shuttled between looking at him and at the still born on the floor. Glancing at the stoic eyes of Devki, Putana gathered the corpse in her arms. "The stupid woman did not even bother to send for me. And by the time I reached..."

"Your presence makes a lot of difference indeed!" Vasudev muttered snatching the still born child into his arms. "The child was born dead and that is better than being put to sword and tossed against the wall by this cowardly psychopath!" 

"Who did he resemble?" Devki asked, oblivious to the conversation that took place above her. 

"Death!" Vasudev responded, looking at Kans instead. He stood his ground when Kans pointed the scimitar at his neck. "Death would haunt you now Kans. My eighth born will soon be here!"

Kans kicked at his stomach and turned to Putana. "I don't pay you for skipping your duty, mid wife!"

"Forgive me Lord!" Putana backed away. "I examined her yesterday and the child did not seem due till two more days!"

Kans stared at the still born in Vasudev's arms for a long time. Something felt wrong. He wondered if it was just his frustration of not being able to strike the deathblow to what might grow up to be his 'death'. He looked for traces of grief in the faces of Vasudev and Devki. He saw rage and vengeance instead. 

"Fear would be your companion from now on, dear cousin." Devki's usually chirpy voice had become heavy but refused to break. Words took time to flow out of her lips, but an eerie emphasis had seated itself in her voice. "Your death would soon be on his way to the earth! And he shall avenge these seven!" 

Kans smirked at what he thought were empty threats! "Very well cousin, if he has the guts to be born alive and can escape my sword!"

"The prophecy says he would kill you, you monster! Not the other way round!" Devki laughed. Putana stepped forward to stop her from talking more but Vasudev put himself in the way. 

"You fool! Prophecy or no prophecy! You have now invited the wrath of an entire city Kans! Your death shall be a reason for a celebration! The feasts that would be held in the honour of your to be killer play in front of me. You have my pity now, friend." Vasudev smirked. 

The Magadhan guards that had accompanied Kans came forward but were ordered to stand back. "I shall look forward to that eighth born of yours Vasudev!" Kans traced his scimitar across Vasudev's chest. "The city shall be given time to change its mind when it sees who won over death!" A shaky snigger curved Kans' lips before he left, pulling Putana with him. 

Vasudev stared at the closed doors for long before rushing towards the window to see the river. A distant boat was seen sailing away towards the southern bend which would enter the woods. He silently blessed Nanda who had risked a lot, in bringing the still born baby to replace the seventh child. A number of attempts had failed in the past. This time, it was like an unseen force that had descended on to the earth and had decided to change his fate! The seventh born, the only child who managed to escape death in the hands of Kans! The child who would emerge stronger!  "Live long Sankarshana!" He sighed and turned to Devki who fondly looked at the still born. 

"Whose son was he? Bless him Vasudev, Bless the parents! I hope they beget children who would return joy to them!" 

Vasudev nodded stroking the tiny corpse. His audible sigh revealed his relief. "Months of planning! We could not have done it if not for Nanda!" 

"Good that you visited Gokul and stayed with Rohini at the right time! Hope the people of Gokul think he is a prematurely born son of Rohini. And hope Kans is busy worrying about my eighth born than about the obscure Rohini's first born" 

"Yashoda came disguised along with younger cowherd girls and distributed sweetened yoghurt to the guards yesterday night." Vasudev smiled. "With a generous mixture of sleeping potion!"

"So many hands to save a life!" Devki sighed. "Bury this child along with our other sons, Vasudev." Her lips withering, imagining the face of her seventh born who would be raised away from her. But he was safe and that is all that mattered! "I did not get to see him even once."

Vasudev helped her to sit up, "I could not afford it, Devki. He was thankfully silent. Could not risk him waking up and then awakening the entire Magadhan host around this 'prison'. Besides, Nanda risked his own life in sailing along the river and bringing this one. And our seventh born resembles me!" A momentary smile played on his lips. That was a relief too! Resembling the dark hued Devki and passing as the son of the pale skinned Rohini was bound to raise brows. Vasudev's shoulders slumped in a mixture of awe and gratitude at the 'small blessings'

Devki nodded and remained in thought for a long time. "The guard might be strengthened now!" She gasped. 

"As will our next plan and its execution." Vasudev's eyes flashed a determination that suppressed the initial joy of saving the child. 

"If he is born during the monsoons, the rains might come to our help in drowning unwanted noises?" Devki pondered aloud. 

"Too early to plan, dearest." Vasudev smiled sadly. "Don't forget. We have to continue the charade of mourning our 'dead' child. Cannot let our relief or joy show. But I assure you, this is just the beginning of defying Kans! That start of his downfall! "

The eternal tide of time had changed its direction! 

Like the power of Dharma had sprung to action!


Bhagavatam mentions that Sankarshana/Balarama was carried by Devaki but was transferred to the womb of Rohini just before he was born, making it appear like Devaki had undergone an abortion. Replacing Sankarshana with a still born was an idea I pursued inspired by KM Munshi's Krishnavatara who also hints at the same but leaves it open to our interpretation.

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